All Reports
An Alphabetical Listing of ALL reports.
This listing now contains all reports previously listed in the discontinued Topical Library.
Don't neglect to also use the search tool found at the top of every page.
Don't neglect to also use the search tool found at the top of every page.
- 1 Timothy 3:15 - The New Testament Church
- 15 Bible Reasons a Christian Should Join a Bible-Believing Church
- 20/20s Hit Piece Against Bible-Believing Baptists
- 2024 Republican National Convention as Seen Through God’s Word, The
- 21st Century King James Bible
- AA, Christian or Occult Roots?
- Abortion
- Abrahamic Covenant, The
- Access Through the Son
- Adulation of Man
- Adulterous Liberal Heroes
- Affliction
- Age of Apostosy, The
- Age of the Celebrity, The
- Agnes Sanford
- Ahithophel’s Role in Absalom’s Rebellion
- Alice Bailey and the United Nations
- Alexander Conquers Tyre
- Alfred Wallace: The Forgotten Co-Inventor of Evolution
- All Things Are of God, Through God, and to God
- All Things to All Men
- Alpha Course Building One-World Church
- America a Christian Nation?
- America and Slavery
- America My Grandchildren Will Never Know, The
- America, Politics, and Spiritual Light
- America's Blessings
- America's Founders and the Yankee Work Ethic
- America's Founding Fathers and the Bible
- American Alligator, The
- American Whites Who Were Friends of Blacks
- Amos's Prayer for the Nation
- Amy Grant No Preachy Church Lady
- An Open Letter to Clarence Sexton about the Friendship Conference
- Analysis of a "Town Hall" Interview Meeting with Dr. Stephen Pettit, The New BJU President
- Analyzing Lancaster Baptist Church's Music
- Ancient Spice Trade, The
- Angels
- Angry Birds - The Real Issue
- Anhinga
- Another Church Enters the Post-Tribulational Wilderness
- Another Warning About Unquestioning Loyalty to Church Leaders
- Answered Prayer Project
- Antichrist and Israel, The
- Antichrist and the Third Temple, The
- Antichrist as a Muslim?, The
- Antichrist as Temple Builder, The
- Anti-Trinitarianism of Early Adventism
- Apostasy and Textual Criticism
- Apostasy in Baptist Churches in the Early 20th Century
- Apostasy of Robert Lewis Stevenson, The
- Archaeological Dating Methods
- Are Mormons Christians?
- Are Parents Responsible When Children Go Wrong?
- Are the Modern Versions Based on Westcott-Hort?
- Are You a Baptist Brider or Local Church Only?
- Aren't Multitudes of Young People Being Saved Through CCM?
- Asbury Revival vs. Biblical Revival
- AT Robertson
- Attack on Biblical Inspiration, The
- Azusa Street and the Birth of Pentecostalism
- Bald Eagle, The
- Baptist Bible Fellowship International's Road to Emerging
- Baptist Fellowhips Warn of Promise Keepers Movement
- Baptist Rosary, The
- Bart Ehrman's Problem is God
- Basic Bible Version Library
- Basil Pennington and Thomas Keating
- Baskin-Robbins Christianity
- Bat, The
- Battle Against Evolution in Public Schools, The
- Battle Over Singing in Baptist Churches 17th Century, The
- Baylor University
- BBF Pastor Speaks at Promise Keepers Meeting
- BBFI Worldliness
- Be Careful About Video Games
- Be Ye Angry and Sin Not
- Bearing Precious Seed and Similar Bible Publishing Ministries
- Beat of Rock Music, The
- Beatles and Contemporary Christian Music
- Beatles, The
- Beautiful Little Messianic Prophecy
- Bede Griffiths, Rome's Expanding Tent
- Being a Friend of Sinners
- Believer and Drinking, The
- Believer’s Baptism and Divine Healing
- Believer’s Bible Commentary
- Beth Moore on the Contemplative Bandwagon
- Beth Moore's Ecumenical Philosophy
- Beware of Visualization Prayer
- Beware of "Spirit Slaying"
- Beware of Abusive Pastors
- Beware of Alleged Trips to Heaven
- Beware of Alleged Visions of Jesus
- Beware of an Unwholesome Addiction to Sports
- Beware of Andy Stanley
- Beware of Bethel Church and Bethel Music
- Beware of Blue Like Jazz-
- Beware of Brennan Manning
- Beware of Brian McLaren
- Beware of Covetousness
- Beware of Henri Nouwen
- Beware of Homeopathy
- Beware of Hypnosis
- Beware of J. B. Phillips
- Beware of Jack Hayford
- Beware of John Eldredge
- Beware of Leonard Sweet: Master of Doublespeak
- Beware of Michael Pearl and No Greater Joy Ministries
- Beware of Promise Keepers
- Beware of Science Fiction
- Beware of Soft Separatism
- Beware of Spiritual Drunkenness
- Beware of The Doctrine that Miracles Produce Faith
- Beware of the Mighty Man Covenant and Blind Obedience to Pastors
- Beware of the Movie Rating System
- Beware of the Pride of Uninspired Science
- Beware of the Ragamuffin Gospel
- Beware of the Teenager Concept
- Beware of Tony Campolo
- Beware of Twilight Saga
- Beware of Velvet Elvis
- Beware of Video Games
- Beware of William Barclay
- Bible and the Symphony Orchestra, The
- Baptist Bible Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Convention
- Bible Commentaries and Study Books
- Bible Critics Were Wrong, The
- Bible in America's Memorials, The
- Bible Knowledge Test, The
- Bible Lesson for Black Lives Matter Times
- Bible Lesson for New Leftists
- Bible Prophecy Pertaining to the Muslim Nations
- Bible Reading and Study Resources
- Bible Separation a Fundamental of the Biblical Faith
- Bible Study and Concentration
- Bible Support for a Regenerate Church Membership
- Bible's Amazing Scientific Accuracy, The
- Bible's Proof, The
- Bible’s Profound Description of the Human Condition, The
- Bible’s Strong Emphasis on Prayer, The
- Biblical Application, A Case for Standards
- Biblical Church Discipline
- Biblical Fasting
- Biblical Inspiration
- Biblical Presuppositions on the Bible Version Issue
- Biblical Principles of Music
- Biblical Repentance is Important
- Biblical Repentance
- Biblical Separation According to 2 Corinthians 6
- Biblical Shallowness
- Biblical Submission to Authority
- Biblical Test of the Spiritual Reality of a Church
- Biblical Testing Mindset, A
- Biblical Worldview and Good Mental Health
- Bibliography on the Bible -- Canonicity, Inspiration, History, Texts and Versions
- Bill Cooper’s Books Available in the States
- Bill Gaither's Disobedience to God's Word
- Bill Gates and “Bodies in the Corner”
- Bill Gothard’s Mysticism and Umbrella of Authority Heresy
- Bill Nye The Comic Guy
- Billy Graham and Modern Bible Versions
- Billy Graham and Rome
- Billy vs. Paul
- Biomimetics
- Bird's Flight Feather, The
- Birdsong
- BJU, Contemporary Music, and Rome
- Black American Conservatives
- Black Communist Leader Exposes Background of Racial Anarchy
- Black Kite, The
- Black Man Lists “Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the Blacklivesmatter Movement”
- Blazing Fast Cheetah, The
- Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear, The
- Blind Followers of Men
- Blood Clotting
- Blood Moon Speculation, The
- Blues Were Born of the Seedy Side of Black Culture, The
- Bob Dylan
- Bob Jones University Past and Present
- Bodily Exercise and Its Profit
- Born Again Church Membership, A
- Brass and Percussion in Church Worship
- Breaking Down Denominational Barriers
- Bridgers
- Brilliant Quacks
- British & Foreign Bible Society’s Strange History, The
- Bro. Cloud, Stop Defending Yourself
- Brother Cloud's Messages on Sermonaudio
- Brother Joe, Name Dropping and Man Praising
- Bruce Lackey: Baptist Pastor, Educator, and Bible Conference Preacher
- Bruce Lackey
- Bruce Metzger, Beloved by Modernists, Evangelicals, and Fundamentalists
- Bruised Reed And The Smoking Flax, The
- Burlington Revival Defenders
- Burlington Revival Leaders and Sincere Men of God
- Burlington Tent Revival Correction and Update - Way of Life
- Burlington Tent Revival Ends
- Burlington Tent Revival Followup
- Burrowing Owl
- C.S. Lewis and “Mere Christianity”
- C.S. Lewis’s Denial of the Blood Atonement
- C.T. and Scilla Studd
- Cain, The First Emergent Worshipper
- Calvary Chapel and Maranatha Music
- Calvin's Camels
- Calvinism on the March
- Calvinism's Proof Texts Examined
- Calvinist Standard Version (CSV)
- Can Any Man be Saved?
- Can Genesis 1-11 Be Interpreted Poetically?
- Can Someone Be Saved After One Sermon?
- Can We Keep the Kids?
- Canada Supreme Court's Murky Ruling
- Canadian Pastor Jailed Until He Promises to Stop Preaching Amid Lockdown
- Carbon Trading, The Hypocrisy and the Foolishness
- Careful Child Evangelism
- Carl Jung and Churches Today
- Carl Mcintire’s Save America Campaign
- Carolyn Arends and the Dangerous Waters of Contemporary Music
- Cary Schmidt, More Contemporary Fruit of Lancaster
- Casting Crowns
- Catholic Inquisition in Brief, The
- Catholic Mass, A Mystical Powerhouse
- CCM - Who is Converting Whom?
- CCM and Homosexuality
- CCM Groups Love Secular Rock
- CCM Permeated with False Christs and False Gods
- CCM Philosophy Spreading Among Independent Baptists
- CCM Pioneer Bridge Builder Thomas Dorsey
- CCM Weakens the Biblicist Stance
- Centering Prayer
- Challenge For Bible-Believing Churches About Music Today
- Challenge to Australian Pastors About the Compromise of the Hour
- Challenges to Lancaster Supporters
- Changes To The KJV Since 1611
- Changes Within the Independent Baptist Movement
- Chappell Says Treat Critics Like Bubblegum
- Chappell Warns About Hillsong While His Church Performs Hillsong
- Character and Philosophy of Rock Music, The
- Characteristics and Philosophy of Rock Music
- Characteristics of Apostasy, The
- Characteristics of the Apostolic Churches
- Chariot of God, The
- Charismatic Catholics Love Error
- Charismatic Confusion in Evangelism
- Charismatic Southern Baptists
- Charismatic Style Worship: Getting High on Music
- Charity - 1 Corinthians 13
- Charity Ministries and the Remnant Movement
- Charles Darwin's Deception
- Charles Spurgeon and a Regenerate Church Membership
- Charles Spurgeon and the Battle for Truth
- Charles Wesley’s Unwise Child Training
- Checklist for Keeping the Kids
- Chicago Magazine and First Baptist Hammond
- Chick-Fil-A Day Changes Nothing
- Chiropractic
- Chosen - 10 Critical Concerns, The
- Chris Tomlin: King of Worship Music
- Christ as Reprover
- Christ is Unique, Way of Life Literature
- Christ of Lightworkers Media, The
- Christ Will Rule With a Rod of Iron
- Christ-Owned Church, A
- Christ's Atoning Sacrifice
- Christ's Bodily Resurrection
- Christ's Devotion to the Father
- Christ's Glorious Kingdom
- Christ's Great Commission
- Christ's Intercession
- Christ's Model Prayer
- Christ's Sword and Bride
- Christ’s Return Emphasized in the Epistles
- Christ’s Rule With a Rod of Iron
- Christian Burnout
- Christian Dress and 1 Timothy 2
- Christian Drinking Is a Bellwether Issue
- Christian Drum Circles
- Christian Inventor R.G. LeTourneau
- Christian Parents are Losing Their Children
- Christian Research Institute and Rome
- Christian Rock and Atheism
- Christian Rock Evangelism?
- Christian Rock's False Christ
- Christian Rockers and Secular Rockers United
- Christian Soldier, The
- Christmas and Charles Wesley
- Church Fathers Smell Catholic, The
- Church Fathers: A Door to Rome
- Church Growth Movement: An Analysis of Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Growth Strategy
- Church Member’s Relationship With the Leaders, The
- Church Members Trying to Warn Sleeping Pastors
- Church Membership
- Church of Serious Bible Students, A
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The
- Church Smartphone Accountability Program, A
- Church Smartphone Accountability Program
- Church’s Atmosphere of Charity, The
- Churches Continue Down the Slippery Slope
- Churches Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention
- Churches Must Address Fundamentals, Not Symptoms
- Churches of Revelation, Then and Now, The
- Churches on the Road to Contemporary/Emerging
- Cicada, The
- Citizens of Heaven
- Clip-Promise
- Clothing Is a Language
- Commentary on the 2020 Presidential Election
- Comments About the Maranatha Ad
- Comments on the Trinity
- Communist Dictators Mass Murderers
- Confessions of a Former Worship Leader
- Congregational Singing According to Ephesians and Colossians
- Confusion About Spirit Slaying
- Consequences of Sin in a Believer’s Life
- Conservative Evangelicals
- Conspiracies, Conspiracies, Conspiracies
- Contacting Bro. Cloud
- Contemplative Practices are a Bridge to Paganism
- Contemplative Spirituality: Dancing with Demons
- Contemporary Christian Music and Rome
- Contemporary Music Brings Great Changes to Churches
- Contemporary Music Brings Great Changes
- Contemporary Praise Building the One-World Church
- Contemporary Praise Music & the Internt
- Contemporary Worship Music Permeating Independent Baptists
- Contemporary Worship vs Biblical Worship
- Conversion of Charles Weigle, The
- Conviction vs. Preference in Church Matters
- Corban
- Cord App: A New App to Help Protect Christian Men From Moral Dangers
- Coronavirus Crisis: A Test of Christian Character, The
- Coronavirus Good and Odd News
- Correspondence With a Missionary About Quick Prayerism
- Country Music, a Safe Alternative?
- Country Music
- Covenant Eyes for Internet Users
- Covid-19 and Prayer
- Covid-19 Science and Reality
- Cowboy Church
- Creation Museum: Many Infallible Proofs
- Creation Science Ministries: Why The New Evangelical Principal is Dangerous
- Creaton Science Videos
- Creeping Kudzu of Compromise, The
- Cremation, What Does God Think?
- Critical Eye, A
- Croco-Bird Theory, The
- Cuckoo, The
- Cultural Factors in the Weakening of Churches
- Cup of the Lord, The
- Dallas Theological Seminary
- Dallas Willard
- Dangerous Mixture, A
- Dangerous Parachurch Organizations
- Dangers of Social Networking, The
- Dangers of Social NetworkingDangers of Social Networking
- Dangers on Christian Radio
- Daniel Nash, Prevailing Prince of Prayer
- Daniel's 70 Weeks
- Daniel's Decision
- Daniel Details Confound the Critics
- Daniel’s Great Intercessory Prayer
- Darby on the Judgment Seat of Christ
- Darwin's Errors
- Darwinian Gods
- Darwinian Inquisition, The
- Darwinian Racism
- Date Palm, The
- Date Setting and Sign Looking
- Dave Hunt's Powerful Refutation of Calvinism
- David and Goliath
- David Cloud Has Coffee With John Wilkerson
- David Cloud the Pope of Fundamentalism
- David in Old Age
- David in the Millennial Kingdom
- David Singing in Resurrection Glory
- David's Census as a Paradigm for Applying Scripture
- David’s Last Years
- Dawkins’ Typing Monkeys
- Dead Sea Scrolls, The
- Dealing With Heretics
- Dealing With Those Who Are Resistant to the Truth
- Dealing With Worldly Church Members
- Dear Chicago Magazine
- Debate of the Century
- Deborah's Song
- Declaration of Independence Denounced as “Systemically Racist”
- Defense of 1 John 5:7, A
- Delusions of Madame Guyon
- Demas vs. Timothy
- Demise of Uniformitarianism, The
- Democratic Party Is the Party of Slavery and Segregation
- Democrats Are Trying to Destroy the Nation Again, The
- Denominational Divisions are Doctrinal
- Denominations Today
- Depression and the Child of God
- Destruction of the Inquisition in Madrid, The
- Dialogue or Separation?
- Did Jesus Go to India to Learn Wisdom?
- Did Jesus Make Alcoholic Wine?
- Did Jude Quote From “The Book of Enoch”?
- Did Luther Use Tavern Music?
- Did Rome Forbid Vernacular Versions?
- Did Scientists Create Life?
- Did the Wesleys Use Tavern Music?
- Difference Between Soul and Spirit, The
- Differences Between the Received Text and the Westcott-Hort Greek Text
- Discipling Church Disciples Youth, A
- Discipling Church Is a Reproving Church, A
- Discipling Church Is Careful About Membership, A
- Discipling Church Is Strong in Prayer, A
- Discipling Church Trains Preachers, A
- Disclamer of ratherexposethem
- Discouraged Pastors
- Disney Gospel, The
- Dividing Truth Into Essentials and Non-Essentials
- Divine Design of Corn, The
- Divine Design of Wheat, The
- Divine Healing
- Divine Inspiration of Isaiah, The
- Divorced Pastor, the
- DNA and Racism
- Do Animals Have Rights
- Do We Have the "Right to Die?"
- Do We Need "Thee" and "Thou"?
- Doctrine of Vigilance and Testing, The
- Does 2 Chronicles 7:14 Apply to This Age?
- Does Grace Only Liberate?
- Does Jesus Groove to Rock Music
- Does John 17 Teach Ecumenical Unity?
- Dolly Parton
- Don't All Religions Lead to God?
- Donald Whitney
- Downfall of James Robison, The
- Downfall of Wheaton College, The
- Downgrade of Moody Bible Institute, The
- Dr. Garlock Misses an Important Point
- Dr. John Grebe's Challenge to Evolution
- Dragonfly, The
- Dread of Controversy
- Dressing Down to go to Church: An Audience with the King of Kings
- Ducklings and Chicks, Wheat and Tares
- Dying "Sound" Churches
- Dynamic Equivalency: Its Influence and ErrorDynamic Equivalency: Its Influence and Error
- E-Mail Etiquette
- E. Stanley Jones
- Eagle, The Bald
- Early Baptists Required Faithful Church Attendance
- Early Revelaton Among Men Before Before the Scriptures
- Earnestly Contend for the Faith
- Earth Is Flat and We Didn’t Land on the Moon, The
- Earthquakes in Divers Places
- Eat the Meat, Spit Out the Bones
- Eat the Meat, Spit Out the Bones
- Ed Stetzer- Evangelical Bridge Builder
- Edgar Goodspeed
- Edward Hammond Pioneer of Child Evangelism
- Effective Use of the Rod
- Effectual Prayer
- Effectual Preacher Is a Reader, The
- Election and Salvation
- Elephant Room, The
- Elisabeth Elliot and Rome
- Elvis Presley, King of Rock & Roll 1 of 2
- Elvis Presley, King of Rock & Roll 2 of 2
- Emergents Rejecting the God of Their Grandparents
- Emerging Church and Homosexuality, The
- Emerging Church is Coming, The
- Emerging Church and the Judgment of Matthew 25
- Emerging Church Hypocrisy
- Emerging Church Loves to Drink
- Emerging Church Magnet for Rebels
- Emerging Church- 21st Century Face of New Evangelism
- Emerging Independent Baptists
- Eminem and the Hip Hop Culture
- Empty Tomb Is Still Empty, The
- End Times Confusion in St. Louis
- English High Court Rules That Children Cannot Give Informed Consent to Puberty Blockers
- Erasmus Darwin: The Father of Darwinian Eolution
- Eric Wyse and Contemporary Praise Music
- Ernst Haeckel: Darwin's German Apostle
- Errors in Popular Commentaries
- Escaping Reality: The Danger of Role-Playing Games
- Eternal Security and Problem Passages
- Eugene Peterson and the Message
- Eugene Peterson, the Message, and the New Age
- Eugenics and Darwin
- European Union, Rome, And Mary
- Evangelical Leaders Say God of Islam and God of Bible is One God
- Evangelicalism and the Charismatic Movement
- Evangelicalism’s Picket Fence Separation
- Evangelicals and Catholics Confusing the Gift of Salvation
- Evangelicals and Modernist Robert Schuller
- Evangelicals and Mormons Together
- Evangelicals Praise Heretic Karl Barth
- Evangelicals Promoting Universalism
- Evangelicals Questioning Hell
- Evangelicals Turning to Catholic Spirituality
- Every Non-Muslim Is a Kafir
- Evidence at the Shrine of the Book
- Evidence For The Creator Is Irrefutable
- Evidence of Salvation, The
- Evidence of Systemic Racism in America
- Evidences of Salvation
- Evolution and Genesis
- Evolution and Sexual Reproduction
- Evolution is "Humanism Dressed Up in a Lab Coat"
- Evolution Necessary for Scientific Progress?
- Evolutionary Dating Game
- Evolutionary Just-So Stories
- Evolutionary Myth-Making: The Huxley-Wilberforce Debate
- Evolutionary Myth-Making: The Scopes Trial
- Evolutionists Against Darwinism
- Evolutionists in Love With Lucy
- Examples of CCM Used at Lancaster Baptist Church
- Exercising Discernment in Church Matters
- Exhortation to Honest Labor (1 Th. 4:11-12)
- Ezekiel’s Vision of God’s Glory and the Cherubims
- F.F. Bruce
- Faithfulness To The Church
- False Argument in Support of Quick Prayerism, A
- False Jewish Messiahs
- Families That Neglect the Church and The Great Commission
- Family Altar, The
- Fantasy Dangers
- Father and Son in the Psalms, The
- Feedback From “A Plea to the Clark Family” and “A Plea to Southern Gospel Fans”
- Feedback to “A Word About the Covid Vaccines”
- Feedback to the Coronavirus Reports
- Feminization of Christian Music, The
- Fifty Years of Anglican Liberalism
- Figurative Language in Bible Prophecy
- Final Earthly Chapter of a Godly Music Man
- Finding a Mate in God's Will
- Finely-Tuned Universe, The
- First Catholic English Bible, The
- First Evangelists of the Gospel Age, The
- First Marriage, The
- First Televised Rock Worship Service
- Flagellum Motor, The
- Flat Earth, Nuttiness, and the Lunar Eclipse, A
- Floor of the Tabernacle, The
- Focus on the Family and Contemplative Prayer
- Focus on the Family Says Anti-Catholic Speech is Uncharitable and Harmful
- Follow Up to "Calvinism on the March"
- Follow-Up About the Girl and the Pants and the Church Discipline
- For Those Frustrated by Coronavirus and Rioting
- Forbid Them Not
- Former Things Are Passed Away, The
- Four Men of God Warn About "Adapting" CCM
- Francis of Assisi
- Frank Garlock's Warning Against Vocal Sliding
- Frank Viola and the Organic Church
- Franklin Graham, Minister of Christ of Priest of Baal?
- Franklin Graham's Unscriptural Ecumenism
- Franks Stop the Muslim Advance Into Western Europe
- Free Video About the Inventor of the MRI
- Friday Church News
- Friends Can't Criticize Friends
- From Atheism To Christ: A Doctor's Testimony
- From Brother Cloud’s Heart - This Battle About West Coast in Perspective
- From Evolution to Creation: The Testimony of Dr. Richard Lumsden
- From Fundamentalism to Ecumenism, A Warning From the Life of Robert Webber
- From Golgotha to Megiddo
- From “Singing to Yourselves” to “Sing Along”?
- From Southern Baptist to Goddess Worship, Sue Monk Kidd
- From The Synagogue to The Saviour
- From Unisex Fashion to Drag Queens
- Fruit of Hylesism, The
- Fuller Seminary and Intervarsity Press, 1996
- Fundamental Baptist Schizophrenia
- Fundamental Baptists and Big Daddy Weave
- Fundamental Baptists and Quick Prayerism
- Fundamental Baptists and th Backstreet Boys
- Fundamental Doctrine of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, The
- Fundamental Laws of Science vs. Evolution, The
- Fundamental Things Most Right Wing Conservatives Do Not Know
- Fundamentalism Introduction
- Fundamentalism is Not Enough
- Fundamentalism's Warrior Spirit
- Fundamentalist is a Negative Person
- Fundamentalists Adapting Contemporary Praise Music
- Fundamentalists Drifting Toward New Evangelicalism
- Further Conversation About Quick Prayerism, A
- Further Warning About Grace Baptist
- Gail Riplinger's Fertile Imagination
- Gail Riplinger's Lies to Dr. and Mrs. D.A. Waite
- Gail Riplinger's Slanders
- Gaither Artfully Distances Himself From Lesbian Marsha Stevens
- Garden of Eden, The
- Gashmu Saith It
- Gedaliah Pastors
- Gedaliah the Soft Leader
- General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
- Genesis is Literal History
- George Washington and the Washington Monument
- Getting High on Worship Music
- Getty/Townend and Contemporary Hymns
- Gettys - The Pied Pipers of Contemporary Worship Music, The
- Gettys Music Featured at Baptist Friends Conference
- Gilgamesh Epic vs. The Bible's Flood Account, The
- Girls' Fashions and Dolls
- Give Thyself to Reading
- Giving My Life to Jesus and Asking Jesus Into My Heart
- Global Mask Craziness
- Glories of Bible Geography, The
- Glorifying Doubt
- Glorious Baggage of the Love of God, The
- Glorious Promise of Romans 8:28, The
- God Has Given Light to Men
- God Hasn't Done It Yet
- God Is King Over All
- God Is Praised by the Trees
- God Pours Grace Into the Hydrochloride of Our Lives
- God Rebukes the Women of Israel
- God's Blessing on Missionary Giving
- God's Blood Bank
- God's Commendation of a Father
- God's Law and Evangelism
- God's Mercy and the Psalms
- God's Omnipotence
- God’s Light and Salvation Through History
- God’s Promises to the Redeemed
- God’s Sovereignty
- God's Watch Care
- Godly Love for Reading and Learning
- Going Through the Motions, Temptations Young People Face Growing Up in the Church
- Good Churches Ruined by Bad Associations
- Gospel of the Kingdom
- Gothard's Confusion About Blessing and Health
- Graham Cracker Quack Diet
- Graham Kendrick
- Graham Was Warned Many Times
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Darwin Myth, The
- Great River of Apostasy, The
- Grizzly, The
- Hadrian: The Enemy of God
- Hannah Hurnard’s Hinds’ Feet in Low Places
- Hannah Whitall Smith, The Popular Heretic
- Hannah’s Prayers
- Hard Nuts for Catholic Apologists
- Harmful Impact of Promise Keepers, The
- Harold Ockenga and the New Evangelical Movement he Founded
- Harry Truman's Recognition of the State of Israel
- Hasn't the KJV Been Updated in Thousands of Places?
- Hating the Rapture
- Hatred of God, The
- Have I Done My Best for Jesus?
- Have I Exaggerated the Music Problem at Lancaster?
- Having a Form of Godliness but Denying the Power Thereof
- He Who Was Rich Became Poor
- Heart of New Evangelicalism, The
- Heaven is for Real, A Dangerous Book for an Apostate Age
- Heavens Declare the Glory of God, The
- Hebrew Roots, Nephilim, and Shroud of Turin
- Hegelian Dialectics, The Devil's Winning Tool
- Help for Families Who Are Facing a Spiritual Crisis with a Child
- Helping the Deceived
- Henri Nouwen
- Heresies Pertaining to John's First Epistle
- Heresy That 1 John 1:9 Is for Unbelievers
- High on Praise Music
- Hildegard of Bingen
- Hindu Trinity, The
- Hip-Hop Deathstyle, The
- Historical Evidence for Jesus
- History of Contemporary Christian Music, The
- History of Darwinian Evolution, The
- History of How Evangelism Was Corrupted Among Baptists, The
- History of Slavery, The
- History of the English Bible - Between Tyndale & KJV
- History of the English Bible - The
- History of the English Bible - William Tyndale
- History of the English Bible - Wycliffe
- History of the Temple Mount, The
- Holiness - Position and Practice
- Holiness: The False and the True
- Holy Trinity, The
- Holy Wedding, A
- Home Schooling and the Local Church
- Homosexuality and CCM
- Horse, The
- House Church?, A
- House of God in the Heavens, A
- How Christian Homes Produce Rock & Roll Rebels
- How Contemporary Priase Transforms Churches
- How Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners
- How God Took Care of My Grandparents in the Depression
- How Many Scientists Reject Darwinian Evolution?
- How Revelation 17 Pictures the Roman Catholic Church
- How Rock and Roll Took Over Western Society
- How Rome Denies Salvation by Grace Alone
- How the First KKK Grand Wizard Came to Love Blacks
- How to Avoid False Professions
- How to Conduct Yourself During Preaching - Way of Life Literature
- How to Keep Our Kids Out of the "Trench Coat Mafia"
- How to Kill a Church
- How to Lose Your Child Before He is Five Years Old
- How to Make Wise Decisions in God's Will
- How to Save a Dying Church
- How We Should React to the Signs of the Times
- Human Eye, The
- Human Hand, The
- Huxley: Darwin’s Bulldog
- Hyles Effect,The
- Hyles' Daughter Exposes the Cult
- Hylescost - Two Eyewitness Testimonies
- Hymn of an Ancient Baptist Martyr
- Hymnals
- Hymns - Adalbert P. Cecil
- Hymns - “Before the Throne of God Above” Charitie Bancroft
- Hymns - Called From Above
- Hymns - Days, Hours, Moments
- Hymns - Elisha Hoffman
- Hymns - “He Lives”
- Hymns - “How Firm a Foundation” - God Singing to Man
- Hymns - James Deck
- Hymns - Jewels From Anne Steele
- Hymns - Jewels From Augustus Toplady
- Hymns - Jewels From Charles Weigle
- Hymns - Jewels From Charles Wesley
- Hymns - Jewels From Frances Bevan
- Hymns - Jewels From Frances Havergal
- Hymns - Jewels From Horatius Bonar
- Hymns - Jewels From Isaac Watts
- Hymns - Jewels From Martin Luther
- Hymns - Jewels From John Wilbur Chapman
- Hymns - Jewels From Samuel Medley
- Hymns - Jewels From Samuel Stennett
- Hymns - Jewels From William Cowper
- Hymns - John Newton and His Study
- Hymns - John Newton’s Little Known Hymns
- Hymns - “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
- Hymns - Old Hundredth
- Hymns - Philip Bliss
- Hymns of Surrender
- Hymns - Wesley’s Magnificent Hymns on Christ’s Incarnation
- Hypnosis and Health Care
- I Am Not Your Pastor
- I Believe in Miracles
- I Hold to the Doctrines of Grace
- I Love Israel
- I Will Never Leave Thee, Nor Forsake Thee
- I'm With Fido
- I’m Not Joining the Fretters
- If Music is Neutral
- IFB Pastor Advises No Separation From Independent Baptists, Says Mild Syncopation is OK
- IFB Pastors Obsessed With Your Bedroom
- Ignatius of Loyola and his Spiritual Disciplines
- Ignatius of Loyola
- Ignorance About Important Issues
- Ignorant Churches
- Ignorant Preachers
- Ignoring the Sin of First Baptist of Hammond
- Illiad vs New Testament,The
- Immersion in the Scriptures
- Importance of Bible Doctrine,The
- In Essentials Unity
- Inactive Church Membership
- Incarnational Doctrine
- Independent Baptist Mutual Admiration Society of Compromise,The
- Independent Baptist Pragmatism
- Independent Baptists Playing With Fire
- Independent Baptists Who are Driving Toward Disaster
- Infallible, Profitable Scripture
- Infant Baptism
- Influence of Charles Finney, The
- Iniquity of the Holy Things
- Inner Healing, Illumination or Illusion?
- Innocent Blood
- Inspiration and Canonization of the New Testament, The
- Instagram and Snapchat
- Instruction for Wealthy Believers
- Insufficiency and Error of Fundamentalist Movement,The
- Insufficiency Error of the Fundamentalist Movement
- Integrated Church and Vision Forum,The
- Integrity Music's Foreign Spirit
- International House of Prayer,The
- Interpretation of Prophecy
- Interview With the Apostle Paul About the Trump Election Loss
- Inventor of the MRI Says Evolution is Science Fiction
- Ipads, Kindles, eBooks and Way of Life Materials
- Iron Sharpening Iron: A Review of Dr. Strouse's Critique
- Is 17th-Century British English Holy?- Report by David Cloud at Way of Life Literature
- Is Evangelism About "Going to Heaven"?
- Is Fundamentalism Merely a Belief in the Five Fundamentals?
- Is God Finished With Israel?
- Is God Giving Dreams and Visions Today?
- Is Healing In The Atonement?
- Is It Gog/Magog Time?
- Is It Persecution or Correction?
- Is it Possible to be Saved Through Christ Without Believing in Christ?
- Is It Right to Judge?
- Is it Slanderous to Warn Publicly About Error?
- Is It Time to Bear Arms?
- Is It Wrong for an IB Preacher to Preach in a Southern Baptist Church?
- Is It Wrong to Argue Over Christian Music Styles?
- Is Love Contrary to Judging
- Is Proverbs 22:6 a Promise
- Is Repentance the Same as Faith?
- Is Revelation 2-3 an Overview of Church History?
- Is the Bible the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice?
- Is the Bible Version Issue Worth Fighting Over?
- Is the God of the Old Testament Cruel?
- Is the Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin Combo Dangerous?
- Is the KJV in Error in Romans 8:16?
- Is the Received Text Based on a Few Late Manuscripts?
- Is the Roman Catholic Church Changing
- Is There Life in Outer Space?
- Isaiah 55: The Gospel Invitation
- Isaiah’s Great Prophecy of Tyre
- Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Suffering Messiah
- Isis, Horus and the Madonna
- Islam From Yarmuk To Isis
- Islam's Doctrine of Abrogation
- Islam's Law of Dhimmi
- Islamic Arabia and Multiple Wives
- Islamic Honor Killings in America
- Islamic Mahdi,The
- Isn't the King James Bible too Difficult to Understand?
- Isn't the Sincerity of the Musicians the Important Thing?
- ISP Pulls Plug on Apologetics Ministry After Complaint by Anti_Fundamentalist
- Israel in Bible Prophecy
- Israel Is Evidence
- Israel is Still Gods Chosen Nation
- Israel Proves That the Bible Is Gods Word
- Israel, Egypt, and Archaeology
- Israel's Current Spiritual Blindness
- Israel’s Unthankfulness
- It’s Time to Double Down on Evangelism
- Jack Hyles' Philosophy, The
- James 3 and Church Splits
- James Lister, An Early Defender of the KJB
- James Moffatt
- James Ussher vs the Modern Critics
- Jehovah and Yahweh?
- Jeremiah’s Teaching on Man’s Heart
- Jerusalem a Cup of Trembling and a Burdensome Stone
- Jerusalem: a Burdensome Stone
- Jesus and "Same-Sex Marriage"
- Jesus Christ is God
- Jesus Prayer, The
- Jesus Seminar, The
- Jesus Will Preach in the Kingdom
- Jewish Messiah, The
- Jews Are Gone, The
- Jim Crow And The Revived KKK
- Joel Hemphill's Denial of Jesus' Deity
- John Calvin and Process Salvation
- John Dewey: Founder of America’s Public Education System
- John MacArthur and Cultural Liberalism
- John Paul II: Mary's in Life and in Death
- John Piper's Contradictory Position on Contemplative Prayer
- John Rice, Lester Roloff, Repentance, and Sloppy Soul Winning
- John Rogers: The Martyrdom of a Bible Translator and Father of Ten
- John Straton and the Fundamentalist Warrior Spirit
- John Templeton
- John Wimber and the Vineyard
- Joint-Heir With Christ
- Joyce Meyer
- Judgment of the Nations, the
- Junior Church Membership
- Justification: James vs. Paul
- Kabbalah
- Karl Marx’s Violent, Blasphemous Delusions
- Karl Marx
- Keep Your Word
- Keepers at Home
- Keeping the Child's Heart
- Keith Green
- Keswick Holiness
- Kevin Prosch and Prophetic Music
- Key Bible Passages on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
- Keys to Fruitful Church Membership
- King James Only
- King James Translators - John Bois
- King James Translators - John Rainolds
- King James Translators - Lancelot Andrewes
- King James Translators - Lawrence Chaderton
- King Who Became Poor to Make Others Rich, The
- Kingdom of God: The Emerging Church vs. The Bible
- Kingdom of God
- Kirk Franklin Summarizes the CCM Philosophy
- Kiss-a-Phone and Pegasus of the Air, The
- Knowing God's Will
- Knowing God’s Will Requires Surrender
- Knowing Sound Doctrine
- Lack of Prayer
- Lancaster - Scooping and Sliding Video
- Lancaster Baptist Church and Contemporary Worship
- Lancaster Baptist Church’s Contemporary Fruit
- Lancaster Promoting Donald Whitney
- Lancaster's Pathetic Attempt at Contemporary Worship
- Lancaster’s Role in the Downgrade
- Land of Israel in 1867, The
- Latter Rain and Manifest Sons of God
- Law and Liberty in the Church
- Law and the New Testament Christian, The
- Law of the Leper, The
- Lawyer Says My Position on Music Is "Opinion"
- Learning From Creation in Christ’s Kingdom
- Lectio Divina
- Leopard, The
- Lessons for Church Music From David’s Temple Worship
- Lessons From a Hurricane
- Lessons From Hebrews 13: Obeying Church Rulers
- Lessons on Romans 8:28
- Lessons on Congregational Singing From the Old Testament
- Lessons on the Use of the Name "Jesus" in the New Testament
- Let the Dead Bury the Dead
- Lewis Sperry Chafer’s True Evangelism
- Liberal Baptist Denominations
- Liberal Lutherans and Roman Catholics Agree to Deny the Gospel
- Liberty and Fun
- Liberty University and Mormons Together
- Life of the Flesh Is in the Blood, The
- Life-Changing Conversion Experience, A
- Life-Changing Environment of a True New Testament Church, The
- Light Rock: The Devil's Chum
- Limited Message or a Limited Fellowship
- Linus Pauling: Father of the Megavitamin Craze
- Listen to the Church’s Silence
- Living Cell, The
- Living Technology
- Lonnie Frisbee and the Jesus People Movemen
- Looking for Biblical Evidence of Salvation
- Lord's Jewels, The
- Lords Doulos, The
- Lost Sons, The
- Lottery Fever
- Loving What Jesus?
- Loving What Jesus?
- Lucy: Evolutionary Myth Making
- Luis Palau and Rome
- Lukewarm Churches
- Lutherans Finding Consensus With Rome
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Archaeopteryx
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Haeckel's Dumb Apeman
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Haeckel's Embryo Chart
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Lucy, The Cute Little Ape-Woman
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Neantherthal
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Nebraska Man
- Lying Evolutionary Art, Piltdown Man
- Lying Evolutionary Art, The Horse
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- Lying Evolutionary Art, The Peppered Moth
- Lying Evolutionary Art, The Wolf-Whale
- MacArthur’s Church Wins $800,000 Settlement Against County
- Magnetized by God's Word
- Magnitude Depends on Servitude!
- Mailbox 2008 April
- Mailbox 2008 November
- Mailbox 2008 September
- Mailbox 2009 February
- Mailbox 2009 September
- Mailbox 2010 April
- Mailbox 2010 September
- Mailbox 2011 August
- Mailbox 2012 January
- Mailbox 2012 July
- Mailbox 2013 January
- Mailbox 2013 September
- Mailbox 2014 January
- Mailbox 2014 June
- Mailbox 2014 November
- Mailbox 2015 July
- Mailbox 2016 January
- Mailbox 2016 September
- Mailbox 2017 March
- Mailbox 2017 Sept
- Mailbox 2018 October
- Mailbox 2019 October
- Mailbox 2020 August
- Majesty Music Cites Spurgeon to Defend use of Contemporary Praise Music
- Major Lessons of the Levitical Offerings
- Making the Bible the Book of Life
- Making Your Own Timeline of Bible History
- Malcolm Muggeridge
- Maligning Warning and Reproof
- Man Wants Me to Kick Large Pastors Off Our Church Directory
- Man Who Saw Canals on Mars, The
- Man, The Ass, and The Critic, The
- Man's Soul
- Man’s Fall and Redemption
- Man’s Wisdom vs. The Bible
- Margaret Sanger: Founder of Planned Parenthood
- Mark Levin’s Way or God’s Way
- Martyrdom of Cyril Lucaris, The
- Martyrdom of Waldensian Jean Louis Pascal
- Marvel Comics Occult Garbage Devoured by Church Kids
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary's Master
- Mary's Song
- Mariolatry
- Mariolatry Increasing in Popularity
- Mass - Powerful Mysticism, The
- Materials that Expose the Danger of Adapting Music
- Matt Maher: Building the One-World Church Through Music
- Max Lucado's Heresies and Ecumenical Confusion
- Medical Practices in the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
- Memory Verse Journal
- Men of God Who Foresaw the Fruit of Modern Texts and Versions
- Men vs. Women's Physiological Differences
- Men Who Were Converted Trying to Disprove the Bible, Part 1 of 3
- Men Who Were Converted Trying to Disprove the Bible, Part 2 of 3
- Men Who Were Converted Trying to Disprove the Bible, Part 3 of 3
- MercyMe
- Michael Pearl's Duplicity
- Millennial Glory and the Final Rebellion
- Millennial Temple, The
- Ministering While Mammon Melts Down
- Miracles
- Misguided Patriots Sentenced to Prison
- Mispat and Sedaqah
- Missionary Spirit That Needs To Be Revived, A
- Mixed Multitude Church, A
- Mobile Phones and Tablets in Church Services
- Modern Comedy: Laughing Our Way to Hell
- Modern Heresies About Homosexuality
- Modern Scoffers Prove the Bible is True
- Modern Texts and Versions Have Produced the Fruit of Theological Modernism
- Modern Textual Criticism's Role in the Breakdown of Morality
- Modern Worship: Combining the Sacred with the Profane
- Modernistic Attack on the Bible In These Last Days, The
- Modest Attire Disappearing From the Churches
- Modus Operandi of Islam
- Monarch Butterfly
- Moody and the Chicago World’s Fair
- Moody’s Warning About Shallow Evangelism
- More About Protection From Internet Evils
- More Comments on the Maranatha Ad
- More Evangelism
- More Facts About the Burlington Revival
- Most Amazing Artifact in Israel Today, The
- Most Baptist Churches Do Not Exercise Church Discipline
- Mother Teresa's False Hope
- Multiverse
- Musical Associations and CCM Adaption
- My Challenge to Fundamentalists Who Have Adopted Textual Criticism
- My Infidelity and What Became of It
- My Journey From Contemplative to the KJV
- My Position on the King James Bible
- My Prayer for America
- My Testimony About Billy Graham
- My Visit to a Convent
- Mystery of Iniquity, The
- Mystery Parables
- Myth of Scholarly Neutrality, The
- Myth That The Bible Has Been Discredited, The
- Napoleon's Attempt to Destroy the Jews
- Naturalistic Prognostication About Coronavirus
- Nebuchaznezzar’s Insanity, Babylonian Records, and Lying Critics
- Needing a Starving
- Neglect of Bible Prophecy, The
- Neglect of Hell, The
- Neglected Church Discipline
- Nehemiah's Toolbox
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- New Age in Health Care
- New Age Techniques
- New Age's Vain Dream, The
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- New Calvinism, The
- New Evangelical Fundamentalists
- New Evangelicalism
- New Testament Church Has a Vision for Evangelism and World Missions
- New Testament Church Is a Ministering Body Church
- New Testament Church Is a Purifying Church
- New Testament Church Is a Regenerate, Faithful, Growing Church
- New Testament Church is an Antioch Church
- New Testament Church Is Careful About Music
- New Testament Fragments of the Dead Sea Caves
- Next Generation Rocking at Lancaster Baptist Church
- No Happy Pill: A Study of Antidepressant Drugs
- No Scientifically Proven Evidence for Evolution
- Noah Webster: A Great American
- Noah's Ark
- Noma: Reconciling Science and Religion
- Non-Judgmentalism
- Normal Literal Method of Interpreting Bible Prophecy
- Normal-Literal Method of Interpretation vs. Allegoricalism, The
- Norman Vincent Peale, Apostle of Self-Esteem
- Norman Vincent Peale
- Northland: Another Compromise in Fundamentalism
- Not Forsaking the Assembly
- Observations on Infidelity
- Occupation of the Saints in Christ's Kingdom
- Of Him, Through Him, and to Him Are All Things
- Old Baptist Churches Were Discipling Churches
- Old Deluder Act and America's Literacy, The
- Old Evangelicalism, The
- Old Preachers Tales
- Old Protestant Hymns vs Contemporary Worship Songs
- Old Time Fundamentalists Who Defended the King James Bible
- On Being On Time For Church
- On Doubting Salvation
- One-on-One Discipling Program
- Oprah Winfrey, The New Age High Priestess
- Orthodoxy
- Osprey, The
- Ostrich, The: The Fastest Thing on Two Legs
- Oullette's Take on Buzzard Chasing
- Our Greatest Failing
- P.O.D. - A Popular "Christian" Rock Band
- Pagan Flood Myths: Cube Arks, Round Arks, and Cowering Gods
- Pandemic Could Be Solved Quickly if Politics Thrown Out
- Pants on Women and Deuteronomy 22
- Papal Curses Against Bible Distribution in the 16th Century
- Parable of the Fire Alarm, The
- Parable of the Ten Pounds: A Life Well Spent
- Pastor Demands That I Remove His People from My Mailing List
- Pastor's Response to Promise Keepers "Wake Up Call"
- Pastor's Stance on the Independent Baptist Friends International, A
- Pastors Authority
- Pastors Share Their Problems and Concerns
- Pastors Who Preach Right But Don't Follow Through
- Patch the Pirate Warnings Hold True
- Path From Independent Baptist to the Shack, Rome and Beyond, The
- Paul Chappell Misses the Fundamental Point in the Music Issue
- Paul Chappell Misses the Fundamental Point
- Paul Chappell's Angry Birds
- Paul Chappell's Pragmatism
- Paul Chappell's Son's Contemporary Church Plant
- Pelican, The
- Pensacola Christian College Today
- Pensacola's A Beka Promoting Catholic Contemplative Mystics
- Pensacola's A Beka Promoting Catholic Mystics
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- Pentecostal-Charismatic Tongues Vs. the Bible
- Pentecostalism, Experience and Scripture
- PETA Promotes Vegetarianism
- Peter vs The Popes
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- Ph.D. Turns from Atheism to Christ
- Pharmacy Music
- Phebe (Ro. 16:1-2)
- Philip Yancey and Dangers in Christian Bookstores
- Pictorial Studies on Bible Culture
- Pied-Billed Grebe, The
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- Pileated Woodpeckern
- Pilgrim Christianity and the Pants Issue
- Plain Clothing
- Plant Intelligence
- Plea to Southern Gospel Fans, A
- Plea to the Clark Family, A
- Pleasure of Christ's Kingdom, The
- Plowing the Ground Through Preaching God’s Law
- Polio Before and After Vaccine
- Politics Won't Save the Nation
- Popes Condemned the Bible Societies
- Pope’s Strange Prayer Meeting, The
- Poison of America’s Great Poets, The
- Position and Practice
- Poverty, What the Bible Says
- Power Belongeth Unto God
- Power of Good Christian Books, The
- Power of the Ancient Sling, The
- Powerless Churches and a Wicked Nation
- Practical Steps of Protection in the Facebook Age
- Praise for the King James Bible
- Praise God in Dance
- Praise the Name of the Lord
- Pray for Cornerstone Baptist Church
- Prayer Before Special Meetings
- Prayer for America, A
- Prayer for Wicked America, A
- Prayer of Jabez, The
- Prayer That Changed History, The
- Praying For the Nations
- Praying for the Sick
- Praying More Specifically
- Praying With Fervency
- Pre-Tribulation Rapture, The
- Preach With Regard to Time
- Preach the Word With Reproof and Rebuke
- Preacher as a Student, The
- Preacher and the Gypsy Fortune Teller, The
- Preacher on the Fence, A
- Preacher Says "The Brethren" are Galled with Brother Cloud
- Preacher Who Prayed for a Horse and a Wife, The
- Preachers and Books
- Preachers Following the Crowd
- Predictions of Biblical Creationism
- Preparation for Rebuilding the Jewish Temple
- President of the United States Has Been Banned by Major Social Media Moguls
- Priesthood: Yesterday and Today, The
- Private Prayer Language?, A
- Private Reproof vs. Public
- Pro-Homosexual Movement Within Evangelicals, The
- Problem With New Age Bible Versions, The
- Problem with Pokemon, The
- Prominent BJU-Associated Pastor Defends Use of CCM
- Promise Keepers and False Repentance
- Promise Keepers and False Revival
- Promise Keepers and Racial Unity
- Promise Keepers and Rome
- Promise Keepers Influencing Key Evangelicals
- Promise Keepers Radical Charismatic Connection
- Promise Keepers Says Room for Many Opinions in God's Kingdom
- Promise Keepers Seeks Financial Bailout From Every Church in America
- Promise Keepers Speaker Accepts Non-Trinitarians and Says He Draws No Lines
- Promise Keepers Supports Women Pastors
- Promise Keepers Washington Rally
- Promise Keepers Welcomes Female Pastors
- Promise of Suffering in the Christian Life, The
- Proof Texts of Replacement Theology
- Proper Confession of Sin
- Proper Discipline of the Child
- Prophet in the Watchtower, The
- Prophetic Speculation
- Protestant Persections
- Proverbs 31 Woman, The
- Psalm 1
- Psalm 12:7 and Bible Preservation
- Psychology and End-Times Mysticism
- Psychology is Manufacturing Victims
- Pushing the Edge on Dress Standards, Borderline Modesty vs. True Modesty
- Q
- R.A. Torrey’s Homelife
- Rabies Before and After Vaccine
- Rachel Carson, the Mother of the Environmental Movement
- Ransom Money, The
- Rapper Hip-Hop Deathstyle, The
- Rapture and the Jewish Feasts, The
- Read the Bible With Good Comprehension
- Reader Says Most Pastors Don't Care About the Music Issue
- Rebellion of Korah, The
- Recent Pentecostal Scandals
- Red Blood Cells
- Red Letter Christians
- Red Sea and Mt. Sinai, The
- Red-Headed Woodpecker
- Redeem the Time
- Redeeming the Time
- Reference Bibles
- Reformed Theology and Baptismal Regeneration
- Refutation of Replacement Theology, A
- Refuting Theistic Evolution
- Regenerate Church Membership, A
- Reiki
- Rejecting “Quick Prayerism” but Still Practicing It
- Religion in the Aged
- Religious Harlot "Church" of Revelation 17, The
- Renouncing Jumboism
- Repent or Perish
- Repentance: A Summary
- Repentance and Lordship Revisited
- Repentance and Lordship Salvation
- Repentance in Evangelism
- Repenting of What?
- Replacing Hymns with Contemporary Praise Music
- Reply to a Lancaster Supporter
- Reply to a Man Who Doesn’t Agree With Article “Does Regeneration Precede Faith?”
- Reply to a Pastor about a Family That Left His Church
- Reply to a Pastor about My Warning of Lancaster's Music
- Reply to a Pastor about Recent Lancaster Bible Conference
- Reply to a Pastor About West Coast
- Reply to a Pastor Inquiring About My Research Practices
- Reply to a Preacher Who Says I'm Arrogant and Vindictive
- Reply to a Reader Who Dislikes Our Report About The Beatles
- Reply to a Schaap Supporter
- Reply to a Southern Baptist Preacher
- Reply to a West Coast Graduate About the Music Issue and My Warning
- Reply to Bryan Samms’ Position on the King James Bible Being Too Hard to Understand
- Reply to Feedback From Jan. 29 Friday News
- Resolution on Promise Keepers
- Respect and Love Toward Godly Pastors
- Responses to "What's Wrong With Most Soul-Winning Courses"
- Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 1
- Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 2
- Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 3
- Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 4
- Restoring the Discipling Church
- Restoring the Literal Interpretation of Prophecy
- Resurrection Body, The
- Resurrection’s Mystery - The Rapture
- Review of Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life", A
- Revivalist Hymn Singing
- Reviving a Church That is Evangelistically Lukewarm
- Reviving a Church That is Lukewarm Toward Evangelism
- Richard Foster Evangelical Sparkplug
- Rick Warren Affirms Commitment to SBC
- Rick Warren And Bill Hybels Join the World's AIDS Bandwagon
- Rick Warren Asks "Why Be Divisive?"
- Rick Warren Doesn't Mention Jesus Once While Preaching to Jews
- Rick Warren Gives Unscriptural Rules for Church Music
- Rick Warren Joins Hands with World Baptist Alliance
- Rick Warren Likens Biblical Fundamentalists to Muslim Extremists and Atheistic Secularists
- Rick Warren Preached No Gospel
- Rick Warren Predicts a "New Reformation"
- Rick Warren Says Fundamentalism Will be Great Enemy
- Rick Warren Teams Up with Alpha International
- Rick Warren Tells Pastors to Get Rid of Troublemakers
- Rick Warren's Duplicity in Regard to Fundamentalism
- Rick Warren's Evil Associations
- Rick Warren's Global Vision, Purple Haze, and New Age Association
- Rick Warren's Ignorance About Fundamentalism
- Rick Warren's Interfaith Cooperation
- Rick Warren's Judge Not Ecumenism
- Rick Warren's Message in the Ladies Home Journal
- Rick Warren's PEACE Plan
- Rick Warren's Youth Pastor Associated with Eastern Meditative Practices
- Right Bible, The
- Right Relationship Between Pastors and People a Mark of a New Testament Church
- Riplinger's Prophetic Claims
- Rob Bell's New God
- Robert Dick Wilson: Defender of the Faith
- Robert Louis Stevenson's Apostasy
- Rock & Roll and End-Times Mysticism
- Rock & Roll Party Christ, The
- Rock Group U2
- Rock Music and Insanity
- Rock Music and Suicide
- Rock Music as Religion
- Rock Musicians as Mediums
- Rock - The Music of False Christs
- Roger Williams and His Glorious Experiment of Religious Liberty
- Role of the Rejection of Pre-Tribulation Theology in the Downfall of the Conservative Baptists, The
- Roman Catholic Asceticism
- Roman Catholic Heresies Documented
- Roman Catholic Mass: A Mystical Powerhouse
- Roman Catholics In Love With Eastern Religions
- Romance Novels
- Romantic Worship
- Rome and the Council of Trent
- Rome and the Harlot of Revelation 17
- Rome's Forgeries
- Rome's Mary on the Cross
- Rome's Persecution of the Bible
- Ronnie Floyd, the SBC, and Contemporary Wolves
- Rosebuds and Church Worker Standards
- Rousseau: A Chief Father of Modern Society
- Ruins of Jericho Confirm the Biblical Account
- Rush Limbaugh & Christian Dittoheads
- Sabbath Yesterday and Today
- Saddleback Church Rocking and Rolling
- Saddleback Church Statement of Faith: Shallow and Heretical
- Saltwater Crocodile, The
- Salute to Frank Garlock, A
- Salvation and End-Times Apostasy
- Sargon’s Empire
- Schaap Case - Troubling to This Preacher, The
- Schaap Says Independent Baptists Need to Expand the Base and Stop Criticizing
- Scholarly Climate of the King James Bible, The
- Scholarolatry and Ignorantolatry
- Scientists Who Believe the Bible
- Scientists Who Do Not Believe in Darwinian Evolution
- Scopes Trial, The
- Scoping Out False Teachers
- Scriptural Evidence of Salvation
- Scriptural Warnings That Apply to Television Viewing
- Scripture Demands Strict Biblicism
- Searching for the Right Bible Version
- Second Pagan Invasion
- Secular Warnings About Social Media
- Seeker’s Evangelistic Bible Study
- Self-Esteem and Unconditional Love
- Sensual Singing Techniques
- Separating from Compromising Preachers
- Sermon on the Mount, The
- Seven Keys to Fruitful Church Membership
- Seven Principles in Training Godly Children
- Seventh Day Adventism
- Seventh-Day Adventists, Ecumenism and Hell
- Sexton's "Irreducible Body of Truth" Friendship Program
- Sexuality of Contemporary Worship Music, The
- Sexualized Age, The
- Sexy Churches
- Shack's Cool God, The
- Shekinah
- Shooting Their Own Wounded
- Should Bible Believing Churches Require Abstinence From Alcoholic Beverages?
- Should Homosexuals Be Put to Death?
- Should We Use Fleeces Today?
- Shroud of Turin Mystery Solved From the Bible
- Silence vs. The Silence
- Sin Unto Death, The
- Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing!
- Singing the Psalms
- Slingers of Ancient Warfare, The
- Slippery Slope of Spiritual Decline, The
- Sluggard, The
- Smallpox Before and After Vaccine
- Smart Mother vs a Smartphone, A
- Soft and Effeminate Christianity
- Soft Rock: The Gray Area of Ignorance in Independent Baptists Churches
- Soft Separatism and the Downfall of Many Independent Baptist Churches
- Soft Separatism
- Soft, Non-Offensive Contemporary Christian Music
- Solomon Malan, An Early Defender of the KJV
- Some Independent Baptists Rocking in Australia Links
- Some Independent Baptists Rocking in Australia
- Some Issues With Commentaries
- Some Lessons on God’s Foreknowledge and Eternal Plans
- Some Reasons for Bible Difficulties
- Some Warnings About Facebook
- Songs of Degrees, The
- Sorrow in the Midst of Rejoicing
- Southern Baptist Convention and Homosexuality, The
- Southern Baptist Convention and Promise Keepers, The
- Southern Baptist Convention and the Baptist World Alliance, The
- Southern Baptist Convention and the Charismatic Movement, The
- Southern Gospel Music Video Presentation
- Southern Gospel Music
- Southwide Baptist Fellowship
- Spartans, The
- Speculative Prophecy
- Spirit of Niceness, The
- Spirit Vs. The Letter
- Spiritual Adoption
- Spiritual Safety in the Facebook Age
- Spurgeon Interpreted Ezekiel 37 Literally
- Spurgeon on Depression
- Spurgeon’s Care in Receiving Members
- Spurgeon's Pastor's College Yesterday and Today
- Spurgeon’s Wrong View of Dispensationalism
- Staking Eternity on a Wispy Hypothesis
- Standards for Church Workers
- Standards of Church Music
- Star-Telegram’s Exposé on Independent Baptist Sex Abuse Coverups
- Starling Murmuration
- Stetzer's Red Herrings on the Church Music Issue
- Steve Jobs, The New Age Techno Wizard
- Steve McVey's Corruption of Grace
- Steve Anderson’s Family
- Steven Anderson’s Holocaust Denial
- Stewardship in Gods House
- Stir Up the Ministry!
- Stop That Judging!
- Straining at Gnats
- Strange History of Pentecostalism
- Strange Independent Baptist Friends Church Directory, The
- Strange Things in New Orleans
- Strong’s Concordance and James Strong
- Studies in Romans 13 and Submission to Government
- Study the Bible Dispensationally
- Suffering in the Christian Life
- Suggested Sacred Music Recordings
- Suggestions for Taking a Church’s Spiritual Temperature
- Sun as Witness to the Glory of God, The
- Supreme Court Shakes it's Fist at God
- Sure Path to Revival, Way of Life Literature, The
- Survey of "Young Fundamentalists", A
- Survey of Christian Men on the Subject of Women's Clothing
- Swan, The
- Sword of the Lord and the Carl hatch Squeeze, The (Abbreviated)
- Sword of the Lord and the Carl hatch Squeeze, The
- Sword of the Lord's Smokescreen About Repentance
- Synagogue, The
- T.D. Jakes
- Taking the Fire Out of Hell
- The Tale of the Brow of Nazareth
- Talmud and Jewish Tradition, The
- Tattooing For Jesus
- Teaching Children to Have a Daily Bible Reading Time
- Teaching Modesty to Children
- Temple Denial vs. Archaeology
- Temple Worship Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
- Ten Tips for Daily Bible Reading
- Test of a Pastor's Calling
- Testimonies About the Bible
- Testimonies Against Television
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Dr. Donald Waite
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Bruce Lackey
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Clinton Branine
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Don Jasmin
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Edward F. Hills
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Everett Fowwler
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - ian Paisley
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Mark Buch
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Philip Mauro
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Thomas Strouse
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - Trinitarian Bible Society
- Testimonies of KJV Defenders - William Aberharrt
- Testimonies of Scientists Who Believe the Bible
- Testimonies That Israel Will Return
- Testimony Against Modern Textual Criticism, A
- Testimony of a Converted Scholar
- Testing Mindset, A
- Tetanus Before and After Vaccine
- Textual Criticism Drawns from the Wells of Infidelity
- Thank You, Law Enforcers
- Theistic Evolution
- Theological Modernism Disproven But Not Dead
- Third Generation Baptist Preacher Committed to Emerging Church
- Thomas A Kempis
- Thomas Merton: The Catholic Buddhist Mystic
- Those Dreadful Fundamentalist Pharisees
- Three Powerful Books on the Bible Text Version Issue
- Three Roads Out of Jerusalem
- Tight Clothing and Modesty
- TikTok
- Time to Frown and a Time to Smile, A
- Timeline of 20th Century Apostasy, A
- Timeline of World History, A
- Tips for Family Devotions
- Tithing and the Christian
- Titus’ Triumph vs. Christ’s Triumph
- Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring
- Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings
- Tongue Speaking
- Tongues Were a Sign to Unbelieving Israel
- Too Strict
- Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support Black Lives Matter Movement
- Touch Not God's Anointed
- Touch Not the Lord's Anointed
- Training Christian Soldiers
- Training For Song Leaders
- Training Up a Child
- Transformational Power of Contemporary Worship Music, The
- Transforming Culture, Beware of Truth in Action
- Transitioning Churches Away From the King James Bible
- Treasure Chest of Little Known Hymns, A
- Treasure in Earthen Vessels
- Treasury of Rare Dispensational Commentaries, The
- Treatment of the Poor Under God’s Law
- Trees in Ancient Israel
- Trees in Christ's Kingdom
- Trees in the Bible
- Trembling Saints
- Trials and Suffering in the Psalms and the New Testament
- Tribute to a Faithful Pastor, A
- Tribute to Pastor Wilbert Unger, A
- Trilobite's Defiance of the Theory of Evolution
- Trinity Baptist Church, Jacksonville - A Warning
- True Believer Is a Disiciple of Christ, A
- True Christian Unity
- Truly Wicked Sinner, A
- Trumpet in the Bible
- Turkey Gobblers and Gobbly Gook: The Beginning of Modern Tongues Speaking
- Turning Doctrinal Issues Into Personality Issues
- Tutu's Modernism
- Twenty Years of Calling for Prayer for America
- Twitter
- Two Americas: The Old and the New
- Typhoid Before and After Vaccine
- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Who Believed the Bible, A
- UN and the New Age
- Unconditional Forgiveness
- Understanding Eternal Judgment
- Ungodly Fruit of Modern Textual Criticism
- Unifying Power of End-Times Mysticism, The
- Unitarian Influence on the Modern Bible Versions
- Unitarianism and the Modern Bible Versions
- United Bible Societies and Rome
- Unplug the Family From Hollywood
- Unquestioning Loyalty to Pastoral Leadership the Mark of a Cult
- Unregeneracy and the Bible Societies
- Unscriptural Presentations of the Gospel
- Using Creation Science Materials
- Value of Church History, The
- Vatican II Council Reaffirms Catholic Heresies
- Vatican Report Says the Inquisition Wasn't so Bad After All
- Veggietales: Moralism Wrapped in Ultra Silliness
- Vicissitudes of Victory, The
- Vigilance and Separation in the Internet Age
- Virtuous Woman, The
- Viruses Destroy the Hypothesis of Evolution
- Visit to a Southern Baptist Seminary
- Visit to Saddleback Church, A
- Visit to the National Quartet Convention
- Visit to the Vineyard Church, Anaheim, CA, A
- Visit to the World's Biggest Church, A
- Visit to Three Fossil Exhibits
- Visitor Consciousness
- Visits to Rome
- Visualization or Imaginative Prayer
- Waldenses Yesterday and Today, The
- War on God's Word in the End Times
- Warning About Calvinistic Home Schooling Materials, A
- Warning About Chuck Swindoll and Unbiblical Grace, A
- Warning About Doug Phillips, Vision Forum, and the Integrated Church, A
- Warning About Michael Pearl's No Greater Joy, A
- Warning About Professional Sports, A
- Warning About Seventh-Day Adventism, A
- Warning About the Emerging Church and Robert Webber, A
- Warnings About Patch the Pirate Revisited
- Warren Wiersbe: Take Off the Gloves
- Was King James a Homosexual?
- Was Mother Teresa a True Christian?
- Was King James Onlyism Invented by a Cultist?
- Was There Some Sort of Communism Practieced in the Early Churches?
- Water the Miracle Substance
- Way of Life Commentary Series
- Way of Life is a Blessing to Churches
- Way of Life Literature's Free Ebooks
- Way of Victory in Trials, The
- We Are Only a Micron Away From Christ’s Coming for His Own
- We Need Courageous Church Leaders
- We Must Have Division
- Weaver Bird
- Were They All Self-Righteous Pharisees?
- What About Erasmas?
- What About Gail Riplinger's New Book
- What About Hyper-Calvinism?
- What About Love?
- What About Peter Ruckman?
- What About Steven Anderson?
- What About The New International Version?
- What About the New King James Version
- What About Those Who Haven't Heard?
- What Brought Evangelicalism to This Place
- What Can We Do in the Face of Anarchy?
- What Can Women do for the Lord
- What Charles Spurgeon Said About the Emerging Church
- What Do I Do With a Child Outside My Home?
- What Do You Mean That You Will Not “Get Involved With Any Type of Uprising”?
- What Does Google Know About Me?
- What If Bro. Cloud Is Wrong About the West Coast Thing?
- What if the Bible Is Not True?
- What if There Is No Strong Church
- What in the World Has Happened to America?
- What in the World Is Happening?
- What is Balance?
- What is Gossip?
- What is Independent Baptist?
- What is the Difference Between Contemporary Christian Worship Music and Old Interdenominational Hymns?
- What Is Wrong With "Mighty to Save?"
- What Is Wrong With Soft Rock?
- What Moses Renounced
- What Paul Did Not Do at Caesarea
- What Really Changed in America With the Trump Presidency?
- What Rights Will Others Lose
- What Rock Music Did For Me
- What Should I Teach My Children About Movies?
- What the Bible Says About the Wicked in High Places
- What the Roman Catholic Church Teaches About Salvation
- What Time Is It for God’s People Today?
- What Was Not in the Tabernacle
- What Would Colonial Baptist Preacher John Leland Say In 2014?
- What Would Disprove the Bible?
- What's Wrong With Most Soul Winning Courses?
- Whats Missing in Paul Chappell's Report
- Whats Wrong With Most Soul Winning Courses
- When Christian Schools Undermine the Faith
- When Did Graham's Compromise Begin?
- When Is Alternative Health Care Dangerous?
- When Was the Pre-Tribulation Rapture First Taught?
- Where Jesus Was Born
- Which Edition of the Received Text Should We Use?
- Who Are the Piranhas?
- Who Art Thou That Judgeest?
- Who is the 12th Apostle?
- Who Says Jesus Christ is God?
- Why Aim Warnings at Lancaster?
- Why Are People Deluded By Charismatic Error?
- Why Are You Opposed to Drums?
- Why Churches Should Have Special Prayer for America
- Why Did Jesus Die?
- Why Do You Focus on Negative
- Why Do You Need The Way of Life Encyclopedia?
- Why Does God Allow Suffering?
- Why Doesn't John 3:16
- Why Don't You Follow Matthew 18?
- Why Don't You Stop Computing & Do Soul Winning?
- Why I'm Not a Southern Baptist
- Why I'm Not Participating with the Independent Baptist Friends International
- Why Most Fundamental Baptist Churches Will Be Emerging Within 20 Years
- Why Not Say Something Positive About Billy Graham?
- Why Pilate Was Willing to Content the People
- Why The New Evangelical Principle is Dangerous
- Why Was the Maranatha Ad Warning Pharisaical?
- Why We Are Opposed to CCM
- Why You Need the Friday Church News Notes
- Wicked, Stinking Pastoral Pragmatism
- Wife as the Heart of the Home, The
- WikiLeaks and the Latter Days
- Will it Fly at Huffman's Prairie?
- Willful Skepticism of the Last Days, The
- William Branham's Bogus Healings
- William Carey: The Good and the Bad
- Wilson Ewin, Warrior for the Truth
- Window on the World, A
- Wise Man's Folly, The
- Witnessing to Jews - The Bible Version Issue
- Witnessing With Gospel Tracts
- Woe Unto Old Backsliding Preachers
- Woman’s Adornment, The - 1 Ti. 2:9-10
- Woman's Hair and Head Coverings, The
- Woman's Spiritual Ministry, The
- Women Leaders In The Bible
- Women Who Knew Jack Hyles, The
- Wonder of Bird Migration, The
- Wood Duck, The
- Woodpecker’s Design, The
- Word About Covid Vaccines, A
- Words of King Lemuel, The
- World Council of Churches
- Worldwide Flood
- Worship in Christ's Kingdom
- Worshiping God in the Millennial Temple
- Would Paul Answer the Call to Christian Patriotism?
- Wrong Predictions
- Wycliffe Bible Translators: A Warning
- Year of Jubile, The
- Yellow Fever Before and After Vaccine
- You Can’t Have Exactly the Pastor You Want
- You Don't Understand Roman Catholicism
- You Legalist
- Young Man's Journey From Fundamentalism to Apostasy, A
- Young People and Separation From the World
- Youth With a Mission: Building the One-World Church
- Z