Hymns - Adalbert P. Cecil
December 26, 2024
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Lord Adalbert Percival Cecil (1841-1889)

The following is from
The Little Flock Hymnbook: Its History and Writers by Adrian Roach. This Brethren hymnbook was first edited by G.V. Wigram in 1856 and revised by John Darby in 1881.

“Lord Cecil was born the son of the second Marquis of Exeter on July 18, 1841. While little is available as to his early boyhood, he came as a young man in contact with William Has-lam, an earnest preacher of the gospel in the Church of England. After he was saved he grew much in his soul and became active in proclaiming the gospel. He also ministered helpfully to the Lord’s people. Because of his position he was free to use his time and effort for the Lord’s work (1 Cor. 7:21).

“He was more interested in the heavenly family than in human distinctions. He mingled with rich and poor alike and through grace was at home with each. The testimony of one who knew him was: ‘Lord Adalbert Cecil was one of the most godly men we have ever known. Christ mastered his being. Rank, title, wealth, influence, society, and all that is valued in the world were cheerfully surrendered and laid at the feet of his beloved Savior and Lord.’

“The writer of this book has heard responsible brethren say that on one occasion it was said to him, ‘No wonder you are happy—you have wealth and position.’ He replied to this effect: ‘You can take all that from me and you will leave the source of my happiness untouched.’

“The Lord took him home suddenly in an unexpected manner. On June 11, 1889, he went on board a boat at Belleville on Lake Ontario and sailed to a place where there was a group of Indian believers in whose welfare he was interested. On the return to Picton a strong wind made the boat a bit unmanageable. As he stood up to adjust the sails Adalbert lost his balance and fell overboard. He could have made the shore, but his concern (as supposed) about a young man named Churchill in the boat led him to swim after the boat. His strength gave out and he soon sank and did not rise again. He is buried at Napanee, Ontario, from where his body shall be raised and fashioned like unto Christ’s body of glory (Phil. 3:21).”

Oh! the Peace Forever Flowing (Perfect Peace)
By Adalbert Cecil
Sung to the tune Ovio by L. Mason

Cecil read this hymn
to his mother on her death-bed and she was converted by putting her faith in Christ as only Saviour.

1 OH! the peace for ever flowing
From God's thoughts of His own Son,
Oh, the peace of simply knowing,
On the cross that all was done.

2 Peace with God, for Christ in heaven
Object is of faith to me:
Peace with God! the Lord is risen!
Righteousness now counts me free.

3 Peace with God --- for Christ's in glory,
God is just and God is love;
Oh! how blessed is the story,
That we're brought to God above.

4 Now free access to the Father,
Through the Christ of God, we have;
By the Spirit here abiding,
Promise of the Father's love.

5 Jesus, Saviour, we adore Thee!
Christ of God --- Anointed Son;
We confess Thee, Lord of glory,
Fruits of victory Thou hast won!

Music score
Midi for Ovio
Voice edition

Our Great High Priest Is Sitting
By Adalbert Cecil
Meter D.
Sung to Deutschland by W. Brockhaus

1 OUR great High Priest is sitting
At God's right hand above,
For us His hands uplifting,
In sympathy and love;
Whilst here below, in weakness,
We onward speed our way;
In sorrow oft and sickness,
We sigh and groan and pray.

2 Through manifold temptation,
My soul holds on her course,
Christ's mighty intercession
Alone is her resource;
My gracious High Priest's pleadings,
Who on the cross did bleed,
Bring down God's grace and blessings,
Help in each hour of need.

3 O Jesus blessed Saviour,
We hope to see Thee soon,
Who once on earth didst suffer,
Who soon for us wilt come.
'Twas God's most gracious favour
Gave Thee, His Son, to die;
To live our Intercessor;
To plead for us on high.

Music Score for Deutschland
Music Score for Meitrionydd
Midi for Deutschland
Singing edition

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