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Richard Dawkins, a brash atheist and anti-creationist, says:
“Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt evolution is a fact. ... Evolution is a fact, and [my] book will demonstrate it. No reputable scientist disputes it, and no unbiased reader will close the book doubting it” (Dawkins, The Greatest Show in Earth, 2010).
“There is no doubt now; no serious scientist has any doubt that evolution is a fact, in the sense that we are cousins of chimpanzees, monkeys and wombats and cassowaries” (Dawkins, interview with COSMOS magazine, May 23, 2012).
According to Dawkins, no reputable scientist disputes evolution, and if you do doubt evolution, you are biased, unintelligent, and your sanity should be questioned.
Consider some other examples of this view:
“... no scientist denies the central truth of [Darwin’s] The Origin, the idea of descent with modification ... plants, animals and everything else descended from a common ancestor” (Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics, University College of London, Darwin’s Ghost, 2000, pp. xvii, xxiii).
“... no educated person any longer questions the validity of the so-called theory of evolution, which we now know to be a simple fact” (Ernst Mayr, professor of zoology, Harvard University, “Darwin’s Influence on Modern Thought,” The Best American Science Writing 2001, edited by Timothy Ferris, p. 141).
“Evolution is a fact and no educated scientist doubts it” (Gary Huxley, biologist, Brandt University, quoted by Paul McDorman, “Noted Evolutionist Says He Won’t Debate Creationists,” World by Design, 2011, p. 1).
“In fact, all scientists accept the reality of evolution” (Joseph McInerney, director of Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, quoted by David Hill, “Counter Evolutionary,” Education Week, Nov. 20, 1996, p. 7).
Bill Nye “the Science Guy” claims that the teaching of creation damages children and could harm the future of the U.S. economy by hindering critical thinking and stifling innovation (“Bill Nye: Debate over Evolution in Texas Schools Is Jeopardizing Our Future,” Huffington Post, Nov. 23, 2013).
In fact, modern science was invented by men who believed in divine creation, so to prove his point Bill Nye would need to start by showing how that creationism hindered these men’s science.
In his book Refuting Evolution, Jonathan Sarfati, who has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, says:
“It is fallacious to claim, as many evolutionists do, that believing in miracles means that laboratory science would be impossible. In fact, most branches of modern science were founded by believers in the Bible’s account of creation.”
Consider some examples:
Physics -- Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin, Joule
Chemistry - Boyle, Dalton, Ramsay
Biology - Ray, Linnaeus, Mendel, Pasteur, Virchow, Agassiz
Geology - Steno, Woodward, Brewster, Buckland, Cuvier
Astronomy - Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Herschel, Maunder
Mathematics - Pascal, Leibniz, Euler
The following list of Christians who were fathers of various fields of modern science is enlarged from The Biblical Basis for Modern Science by Dr. Henry Morris. All of these men believed in the God of the Bible and divine creation.
- Antiseptic Surgery (Joseph Lister)
- Atomic Theory (John Dalton)
- Bacteriology (Louis Pasteur)
- Calculus (Isaac Newton)
- Celestial Mechanics (Johann Kepler)
- Chemistry (Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier)
- Clinical Teaching (Herman Boerhaave)
- Comparative Anatomy (Georges Cuvier)
- Computer Science (Charles Babbage)
- Dimensional Analysis (Lord Rayleigh)
- Dynamics (Isaac Newton)
- Electrodynamics (James Clerk Maxwell)
- Electromagnetics (Michael Faraday and Andre Marie Ampere)
- Electronics (Ambrose Fleming)
- Energetics (William Thompson, Lord Kelvin)
- Entomology of Living Insects (Henri Fabre)
- Field Theory (Michael Faraday)
- Fluid Mechanics (George Stokes)
- Galactic Astronomy (William Hershel)
- Gas Dynamics (Robert Boyle)
- Genetics (Gregor Mendel)
- Glacial Geology (Louis Agassiz)
- Gynecology (James Simpson)
- Hydraulics (Leonardo da Vinci)
- Hydrography (Matthew Maury)
- Hydrostatics (Blaise Pascal)
- Ichthyology (Louis Agassiz)
- Isotopic Chemistry (William Ramsay)
- Model Analysis (Lord Raleigh)
- Natural History (John Ray)
- Neuropathology (John Abercrombie)
- Non-Euclidean Geometry (Bernard Riemann)
- Oceanography (Matthew Maury)
- Optical Mineralogy (David Brewster)
- Paleontology (John Woodard)
- Pathology (Rudolph Virchow)
- Physical Astronomy (Johann Kepler)
- Physiology (Albrecht von Haller)
- Plasma physics (Michael Faraday)
- Quantum Mechanics (Max Planck)
- Reversible Thermodynamics (James Joule)
- Statistical Thermodynamics (James Clerk Maxwell)
- Stratigraphy (Nicholas Steno)
- Taxonomy (Carolus Linnaeus)
- Thermodynamics (Lord Kelvin)
- Thermokinetics (Humphry Davy)
- Vertebrate Paleontology (Georges Cuvier)
The following are notable inventions and discoveries by scientists who believe in the God of the Bible and divine creation.
- Absolute temperature Scale (Lord Kelvin)
- Absorbable ligatures (Joseph Lister)
- Actuarial tables (Charles Babbage)
- Airplane (Orville and Wilbur Wright)
- Alpha and beta rays (Ernest Rutherford)
- Ampere (Andrew Marie Ampere)
- Anthrax (Robert Koch)
- Antiseptic surgery (Joseph Lister)
- Atomic weights (John Dalton)
- Bacteria and protozoa (A. Leeuwenhoek)
- Barometer (Blaise Pascal)
- Biogenesis law (Louis Pasteur)
- Bulldozer (R.G. LeTourneau)
- Bunsen burner (Michael Faraday)
- Calculating machine (Charles Babbage)
- Chloroform (James Simpson)
- Classification system (Carolus Linnaeus)
- Clinical teaching (Herman Boerhaave)
- Dalton’s law (John Dalton)
- Diode valve (Ambrose Fleming)
- Double stars (William Hershel)
- Electric battery (Alessandro Volta)
- Electric motor (Joseph Henry)
- Electric Wheel (R.G. LeTourneau)
- Electromagnetic Fields (Michael Faraday)
- Electrons and isotopes (J.J. Thomson)
- Ephemeris tables (Johann Kepler)
- Fermentation control (Louis Pasteur)
- Fraunhofer lines (Joseph von Fraunhofer)
- Galvanometer (Joseph Henry)
- Global Star Catalog (John Hershel)
- Hadley’s principle (George Hadley)
- Inert gases (William Ramsay)
- Kaleidoscope (David Brewster)
- Kelvin (Lord Kelvin)
- Koch’s postulates (Robert Koch)
- Law of gravity (Isaac Newton)
- Legionella (Carl Fliermans)
- Light microscope (Joseph Jackson Lister)
- Logarithms (John Napier)
- Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) (Raymond Damadian)
- Maxwell’s equations (James Clerk Maxwell)
- Mechanical Reaper (Cyrus McCormick)
- Milne model (Edward Arthur Milne)
- Mine safety lamp (Humphry Davy)
- Mobile offshore oil platform - Napier’s bones (John Napier)
- Nitrous acid formulation (Isaac Milner)
- Pasteurization (Louis Pasteur)
- Petroleum distillation (Benjamin Silliman)
- Rabies (Louis Pasteur)
- Radio telegraph (Guglielmo Marconi)
- Radon (Ernest Rutherford)
- Rayleigh scattering (Lord Rayleigh)
- Red blood cells shape and function (J.J. Lister)
- Reflecting telescope (Isaac Newton)
- Restriction enzymes (Werner Arber)
- Right-hand rule (John Ambrose Fleming)
- Rutherford model of the atom (Ernest Rutherford)
- Scientific method (Francis Bacon)
- Self-induction (Joseph Henry)
- Telegraph (Samuel Morse)
- Thermionic valve (Ambrose Fleming)
- Transatlantic cable (Lord Kelvin)
- Tritium (Ernest Rutherford)
- Tuberculosis (Robert Koch)
- Uranus (William Herschel)
- Vaccination and immunization (Louis Pasteur)
The founders of modern science saw the handiwork of God in the universe.
Johannes Kepler, one of the fathers of modern astronomy and the discoverer of the laws of planetary motion: “I was merely thinking God’s thoughts after him. Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard to the book of nature, it benefits us to be thoughtful, not of the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the glory of God.”
Francis Bacon, father of the scientific method of inquiry: “It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion; for while the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them confederate, and linked together, it must needs fly to Providence and Deity” (Of Atheism)
Blaise Pascal, inventor of the barometer and revolutionary thinker in the field of mathematics: “Faith tells us what the senses cannot, but it is not contrary to their findings. It simply transcends, without contradicting them.”
Isaac Newton, discoverer of the law of gravity: “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. ... Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance” (Principia).
Robert Boyle, the father of modern chemistry: “The vastness, beauty, orderliness, of the heavenly bodies, the excellent structure of animals and plants; and the other phenomena of nature justly induce an intelligent and unprejudiced observer to conclude a supremely powerful, just, and good author” (Works, vol. IV, p. 25).
Michael Faraday, one of the fathers of modern physics: “... the Christian who is taught of God ... finds his guide in the Word of God ... and looks for no assurance beyond what the Word can give Him. ... The Christian religion is a revelation, and that revelation is the Word of God ... No revival and no temporal teaching comes between it and him. He who is taught of the Holy Spirit needs no crowd and no revival to teach him; if he stand alone he is fully taught” (Selected Exhortations Delivered to Various Churches of Christ by the Late Michael Faraday, Dundee: John Leng and Co., 1910).
Faraday said, “The Creator governs his material works by definite laws resulting from the forces impressed on matter,” and it was this presupposition and Faraday’s desire to find these laws that directed his research. Far from limiting or hindering his scientific inquiry, Faraday’s faith in God and the Bible drove his research. “He sought the unifying laws relating the forces of the world, and was highly successful in respect of electricity, magnetism, and light” (I.H. Hutchinson, “Michael Faraday: Scientist and Nonconformist”).
James Clerk Maxwell, another of the fathers of modern physics, said, “I believe, with the Westminster Divines and their predecessors ad Infinitum, that ‘Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever’” (Lewis Campbell and William Garnet, The life of James Clerk Maxwell, 1882). In his final illness, Maxwell confirmed “his firm and undoubting faith in the Incarnation and all its results; in the full sufficiency of the Atonement; in the work of the Holy Spirit. He had gauged and fathomed all the schemes and systems of philosophy, and had found them utterly empty and unsatisfying--‘unworkable’ was his own word about them--and he turned with simple faith to the Gospel of the Saviour” (Ibid.).
There are still thousands of scientists who disagree with the Darwinian view of evolution. Among these are Christian “young earth” creationists, Christian “old earth” creationists, non-Christian theistic evolutionists, and those who believe in an undefined intelligent designer.
In 1979, Science Digest reported that “scientists who utterly reject evolution may be one of our fastest-growing controversial minorities,” and stated that, “Many of the scientists supporting this position hold impressive credentials in science” (Larry Hatfield, “Educators Against Darwin,” Science Digest Special, Winter 1979, pp. 94-96).
According to recent research, there are an estimated 113,000 Darwin skeptic scientists and academics in the United States alone (Neil Gross and Solon Simmons, How Religious Are America’s College and University Professors?, Working paper Harvard University, Oct. 5, 2006).
In the American public at large, a Gallup poll in 2012 found that 46% are young-earth creationists and 32% adhere to some form of God-guided or theistic evolution, while only 15% adhere to Darwinian naturalistic evolution. Among those with post graduate degrees, 25% believe in young-earth creation, 29% hold to naturalistic evolution, and 42% hold to some sort of theistic evolution.
A 2006 survey in Israel by the Samuel Neaman Institute found that 59% of the Jewish population believe that man was created by God as described in the Torah, which is the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture. By the finding of this survey, only 28% of Israelis believe in evolution.
Jewish organizations that hold to creation include the National Conference of Synagogue Youth and the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists. Jewish scientists with Ph.D.s who hold to creation include Morris Goldman, parasitologist; Edward Simon, professor of biology at Purdue University; Nathan Aviezer, physics; Lee Spetner, Ph.D. from MIT and former biophysicist at Johns Hopkins University; Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D. from MIT; Yaacov Hanoka, Ph.D. in solid state physics; Allan Sandage, Ph.D. from Cal Tech; and Mortimer Adler, editor of Great Books of the Western World and considered by many to be “one of the greatest thinkers in history.”
Many other Jewish Ph.D.s are Darwin doubters. These include Paul Ehrlich, Nobel Laureate; Ernst Chain, one of the principal discoverers of antibiotics; Arno Penzias, astrophysicist Nobel Laureate; and David Berlinski, American educator and author.
Dr. Jerry Bergman has compiled a list of 3,000 “Darwin Skeptics,” including about a dozen Nobel Prize winners. See www.rae.org/pdf/darwinskeptics.pdf
Bergman has a private list of about 1,000 names of persons who do not want their names on a public list “because of real concerns over possible retaliation or harm to their careers.”
Bergman says, “I estimate that, if I had the time and resources, I could easily complete a list of over 10,000 names” (“Darwin Skeptics: A Select List of Science Academics, Scientists, and Scholars Who Are Skeptical of Darwinism,” Aug. 24, 2014).
This is a result of the Darwinists who act like howler monkeys and Nazi SS troopers to try to stomp out every vestige of “creationism” from the field of science.
The Discovery Institute has published “A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism” -- www.discovery.org. On the front page is the following quotation from David Berlinski, Ph.D., Philosophy, Princeton University: “Darwin’s theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought. It is large, almost completely useless, and the object of superstitious awe.”
As of April 2014, the list had been signed by about 840 scientists who agree with the following statement:
“We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”
Of course, even if NO scientist disputed evolution, this does not mean it is correct. The Bible says, “Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4); and Jesus said, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes” (Matthew 11:25).
But it is a fact that thousands of men and women with higher degrees reject evolution.
The Creation Research Society membership consists of more than 600 men and women who hold advanced degrees and are committed to biblical creationism.
The Korea Association of Creation Research membership includes 450 scientists, 150 of them with Ph.D.s. The President of KACR is Young-Gil Kim, Ph.D. in material science and engineering. For 15 years he was a professor with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He is the inventor of important high-tech alloys. In 1995, he founded Handong Global University with the objective of integrating biotechnology and mechatronics.
There is a growing creationism and intelligent design movement in Brazil and elsewhere.
Our book Scientists Who Believe the Bible contains the testimonies of 91 scientists, most of whom have earned doctorates, who believe in a literal six-day creation. It is available as a free eBook and also in a print edition from www.wayoflife.org.
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