DNA and Racism
December 10, 2024
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
The following is excerpted from Woke Injustice: A Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory by Bryan Osborne (New Leaf Press, 2024) -
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Every person on this planet, no matter where they live, is 99.6% genetically identical! Also, mitochondrial DNA with its accumulated mutations can be traced backward through the female lineage to a common female ancestor for all females today. If you assume a standard mutation rate and that humans are only related to humans, this “Mitochondrial Eve” lived approximately 6,000 years ago! (N.T. Jeanson, “On the origin of HumanMitochondrial DNA Differences, New Generation Time Data Both Suggest a Unified Young-Earth Model and Challenge the Evolutionary Out-of-Africa Model,” Answers Research Journal, 9:123-130, 2016). A similar thing can be done with the Y chromosome in males (N.T. Jeanson and A.D. Holland, “Evidence for a Human Y Chromosome Molecular Clock,” Answers Research Journal, 12:393-404, 2019).

Research findings like these have even caused secular scientists to say, “but the more closely that researchers examine the human genome--the complement of genetic materials encased in the heart of almost every cell of the body--the more most of them are convinced that the standard labels used to distinguish people by ‘race’ have little or no biological meaning” (Natalie Angier, “Do Races Differ? Not Really, DNA Shows,”
New York Times, Aug. 22, 2000).

People will ask, ‘But if there’s just one race then why are people different colors?” The answer: They’re not. All people are basically the same color: brown. They’re just different shades of brown from dark to light. In simplified terms, this shading is mostly based on a brown pigment in human skin called melanin. If you have more melanin, you’re a darker shade of brown. If you have less melanin, you’re a lighter shade of brown. We’re all the same color, just various shades. Our awesome God placed in Adam and Eve all the genetic information necessary to produce all the beautiful variations we see in humanity.

Some may further ask, “But why then do distinct attributes like different shades exist in different people groups?” The answer to that is the historical event of the Tower of Babel. That event separated people into isolated people groups, separated by language and geographical barriers, which created isolated genetic pools. Within these isolated genetic pools, certain traits became dominant over time and were consistently passed down. This is genetics 101.

There is one, gloriously diverse, human race, with each of its members bearing the Creator’s image and possessing equal, eternal value. Each person also shares the common oppressive heritage of sin passed down from Adam and desperately needs to be rescued by Jesus, the Last Adam.

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