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Lawrence Chaderton (1537-1640) grew up in a staunch Catholic home and his wealthy father wanted him to be a lawyer. Upon being converted to Christ in 1564, Lawrence abandoned his law studies to attend Christ’s College, Cambridge. When he wrote to his father to request some assistance, the “old papist” wrote, “Son Lawrence, if you will renounce the new sect which you have joined, you may expect all the happiness which the care of an indulgent father can assure you; otherwise, I enclose a shilling to buy a wallet. Go and beg.” When Lawrence replied that he could not give up his faith in the Word of God, his father disinherited him of the large estate; but by God’s grace he never had to beg (Ps. 37:25).
He was thoroughly skilled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and Italian, and was thoroughly acquainted with the writings of the Jewish rabbis. He was a Puritan and the first Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, which was founded in 1584 and was established with the intent that students would not only study but would “go out and spread knowledge in all parts of the country” (Paine, The Men Behind the KJV, p. 28). McClure says: “Having reached his three score years and ten, his knowledge was fully digested, and his experience matured, while ‘his natural force was not abated,’ and his faculties burned with unabated fire. Even to the close of his long life, ‘his eye was not dim,’ and his sight required no artificial aid. ... He was greatly venerated. All his habits were such as inspired confidence in his piety. During the fifty-three years of his married life, he never suffered any of his servants to be detained from public worship by the preparation of food, or other household cares. He used to say, ‘I desire as much to have my servants to know the Lord, as myself’” (McClure, Translators Revived).
As a young man Chaderton began a series of afternoon sermons at the church of St. Clement’s, Cambridge, that continued for 50 years. “Sermons were timed by an hour glass, which stood beside the pulpit. Chaderton’s biographer tells how once having preached for two hours, he feared he had worn out his listeners’ patience and stopped. But the entire congregation cried, ‘For God’s sake, go on! We beg you, go on!’ Chaderton continued for another hour” (Opfell, The King James Bible Translators, p. 47). When he announced that he was retiring from these lectures, forty of the clergy, who said they owed their conversion to his preaching, begged him to reconsider. Two of Chaderton’s brothers-in-law, Samuel and Ezekiel Culverwell, became famous Puritan preachers (Opfell, p. 47). He died in the year 1640 in the one hundred and third year of his age, and it is said that to the end he could read a small-print Greek New Testament without glasses.
Excerpted from THE GLORIOUS HERITAGE OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE (D. Cloud). The King James Bible is not merely another translation. Its history is one of the most fascinating chapters of church history and reads almost like a novel. This book traces this glorious heritage, beginning with the Wycliffe Bible of the 14th century. Every English-speaking believer should know this history; yet, sadly, even in the staunchest Bible-believing churches it is rare to find someone who is informed about the great price that was paid to provide us with an excellent Bible in our own language. Chapters include the Wycliffe Bible (1380), the Tyndale New Testament (1526), the Coverdale Bible (1535), the Matthew’s Bible (1537), the Great Bible (1539), the Geneva Bible (1557), the Bishops Bible (1568), and the King James Bible (1611). Under the section on the KJV we look at the spiritual and literary and scholarly climate of that day, the amazing translation process itself, the peerless translators, the nature of the translation, Tyndale’s influence, and the KJV’s worldwide influence. We also answer the following questions: Was King James a homosexual? Hasn’t the KJV been revised and updated in thousands of places? Could the KJV be revised again? Is the King James Bible inspired? Isn’t the KJV too antiquated and difficult to read? The author has studied this history diligently. He has a massive private library of materials on this subject dating back to the 16th century and has researched the subject in many parts of the world, including England, Wales, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. Illustrated. 228 pages. Available in print and eBook editions.
HISTORY OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE (DVD). This presentation covers the fascinating history of the King James Bible from the 15th to the 17th centuries. We preached the lectures at a Bible Conference in Singapore in recognition of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible. The messages cover John Wycliffe, William Tyndale and the King James translators. 2.5 hours on one DVD. This set comes on one DVD. The download set consists of 3 individual .mp4 video files.
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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.
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