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This series, which is packed with photos, video and audio clips, has ten segments, including one on Southern Gospel music.
I. Biblical Principles of Good Christian Music (two parts).
II. Why We Reject Contemporary Christian Music. We cover the following reasons: It is worldly, addictive, ecumenical, charismatic, shallow and man-centered, opposed to preaching, experience-oriented, and it weakens the strong biblicist stance of a church.
III. The Sound of Contemporary Christian Music. In this section we give the believer simple tools that he can use to discern the difference between sensual and sacred music. We deal with syncopated dance styles, sensual vocal styles, relativistic styles, and overly soft styles that do not fit the message. Audio clips illustrate each point.
IV. The Transformational Power of Contemporary Worship Music. We show why CCM is able to transform a “traditional” Bible-believing church into a contemporary one. Its transformational power resides in its enticing philosophy of “liberty” and in its sensual, addictive music. We use audio and video clips to illustrate the sound of contemporary worship.
V. Southern Gospel. We deal with the history of Southern Gospel and its current character and influence and the role of the Gaithers in the renaissance of Southern Gospel. This section is packed with audio, video, and photos.
VI. Marks of Good Song Leading. There is a great need for proper training of song leaders today, and in this segment we deal with the following eight principles: Leadership, preparation, edification, spirituality, spiritual discernment, wisdom in song selection, diversity. One thing we emphasize is the need to sing worship songs that turn the people’s focus directly to God. We give dozens of examples of worship songs that are found in standard hymnals used by Bible-believing churches, but typically these are not sung properly as “unto God.”
VII. Questions Answered on Contemporary Christian Music (2 parts). We answer 15 of the most common questions on this subject, such as the following: Is rhythm wrong? Isn’t this issue just a matter of different taste? Isn’t the sincerity of the musicians the important thing? Isn’t some CCM acceptable? Didn’t Luther and the Wesleys use tavern music? What is the difference between using contemporary worship hymns and using old Protestant hymns?
VIII. The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music. This presentation documents the frightful spiritual compromise, heresy, and apostasy that permeates the field of contemporary praise music. Through extensive documentation, we demonstrate that contemporary worship music is controlled by “another spirit” (2 Cor. 11:4). It is the spirit of charismaticism, the spirit of the “latter rain,” the spirit of Roman Catholicism and the one-world “church,” the spirit of the world that is condemned by 1 John 2:16, the spirit of homosexuality, and the spirit of the false god of The Shack. The presentation looks carefully at the origin of contemporary worship in the Jesus Movement of the 1970s, examining the lives and testimonies of some of the most influential people.
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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.
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