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Dr. Ben Carson
“Let’s throw the politics out. We could solve this problem pretty quickly. Let’s open this thing up to all the different mechanisms. Let’s look around the world at things that work. Let’s look at the fact that on the western coast of Africa, there’s almost no COVID. And let’s ask ourselves, why is that? And then you see, it’s because they take antimalarials, particularly hydroxychloroquine. Let’s study that. Let’s see what’s going on there. Let’s listen to these physician groups who’ve had incredible success with ivermectin. Let’s look at the results with monoclonal antibodies. Let’s look at all of these things. Let’s put them all in our armamentarium so that we don’t have a one-size-fits-all system.
“COVID is a virus. Viruses mutate. That’s what they do. And they will continue to mutate. We can admit that and deal with it, or we can take every little mutation and every little change and try to make it into a crisis so we can frighten people and control their lives more.
“We should be using every tool available to us to fight the pandemic. There’s no question about that. But that means, you know, therapeutics, which had been poo-pooed. And I understand why. Because in order to get an EUA—an emergency use authorization—to pursue the vaccines, you can’t have anything that’s effective as an alternative. So, that’s a defect in our system, we need to get rid of that. I think a lot of people died unnecessarily because we had that attitude.
“There are many things that have been very effective that we have not pursued, including natural immunity. Well, why wouldn’t you collect that information? Why wouldn’t you want to know that? The only reason you wouldn’t do that is because you didn’t want to know the answer. Because it didn’t fit very neatly into what you’re trying to do, which is get everybody to be vaccinated.
“We have a situation where you have the government advocating that children be vaccinated, even though the risk for death for a child with COVID is 0.025 percent, essentially the same as it is for seasonal flu. You don’t see us doing all this every year for seasonal flu. The risk of mortality for a healthy child is approaching zero, and yet we’re saying do this without knowing what the long-term risks are? And why would you subject an innocent child to a lifetime of unknown risk? It just makes absolutely no sense.
“Why not learn how to look at what’s logical and what makes sense? And why not encourage discussion of those things, rather than everybody getting their respective corners and shooting hand grenades at each other?
“The only path is strong leadership. We don’t have that.”
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