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Samuel Stennett (1727-1795) was a Baptist pastor and hymn writer.
His father, Joseph; paternal grandfather, Joseph; great-grandfather, Edward; and brother, Joseph, were all dissenting Baptist preachers.
Samuel’s grandfather Joseph Stennett (1663-1713) was one of the first Baptist hymn writers in England and published one of the first Baptist hymnals. From 1690 to his death, Joseph pastored the sabbatarian Particular Baptist church at Devonshire Square, London (afterwards in Pinners’ Hall). The Baptist leader Hanserd Knollys preached at his ordination. Knolly was twice imprisoned, the final time at age 86 for 16 months. The church’s first pastor died at Newgate Prison for his nonconformity. In 1704, Joseph Stennett defended the Anabaptists in a reply to an attack on them by D. Russen. Joseph’s first hymnal was Hymns in Commemoration of the Sufferings of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, 1697. The third edition, 1709, had 50 hymns.
Samuel Stennett had a Doctor of Divinity from King’s College, Aberdeen, and, like his father, was known for his great learning.
Samuel was converted as a young man and began assisting his father in the pastorate of Little Wild Street, London, at age 20. He took the pastorate in 1758, upon his father’s death.
His learning and education promoted him to high society. “He had been accustomed to move in the society of persons of refinement; and on entering upon his pastoral duties in London he was remarkable for the ease and suavity of his manners, for the good breeding, the polished language, and the graceful ways of the true gentleman. He was frequently in company with persons enjoying the highest social distinction and in such situations as gave him an opportunity to commend Baptists and aid Dissenters of all denominations” (Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America, 1902).
Though offered opportunities of advancement in the Church of England by King George III, Stennett determined to remain among the dissenters. He authored appeals to Parliament on behalf of dissidents for relief from persecution.
Thirty-eight of Stennett’s hymns were published in Rippon’s Selection (1787), including “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks.” Seventeen of his hymns have appeared in 50 or more hymnals.
“Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned,” 1787
Samuel Stennett
1 Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
upon the Savior's brow;
His head with radiant glories crowned,
His lips with grace o'erflow,
His lips with grace o'erflow.
2 No mortal can with Him compare,
among the sons of men;
fairer is He than all the fair
who fill the heav'nly train,
who fill the heav'nly train.
3 He saw me plunged in deep distress,
and flew to my relief;
for me He bore the shameful cross,
and carried all my grief,
and carried all my grief.
4 To Him I owe my life and breath,
and all the joys I have;
He makes me triumph over death,
and saves me from the grave,
and saves me from the grave.
Music Score and midi
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