It is clear in the New Testament that the Great Commission not only entails and ensures the propagation of the gospel but the propagation of scriptural New Testament Churches in every age as well. The parachurch phenomenon is not to be found in the New Testament. It is of very recent origin and has resulted in the development of some quite dangerous heretical organizations and trends, not the least among these would be YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and Campus Crusade.
The danger of association with these two groups is illustrated by an occurrence that happened many years ago in my own ministry. The tragic effect of this incident continues until today. I was privileged to have a particular family in the membership of a church I pastored in America. This was a fine family; committed to the Lord and following the Word of God. Their daughter was my daughter’s best friend. I left this church in order to come to Australia to win souls and plant New Testament Churches. I understand that their son later attended a well-known Christian university. Somehow, along the way, he became involved in a short term mission trip with one of these organizations to an Asian country, Nepal, I believe. Those on the trip included Roman Catholics whom he evidently became good friends with. Later, upon return to the U.S., he “converted” to Catholicism and trained for the priesthood. He even spent quite some time serving in the Vatican in Rome. Recent word indicates that he ultimately became an alcoholic and has been in rehab from time to time, but still has problems.
The above account is accurate as far as memory serves me. The reason for sharing such a personal story is to confirm the dangers of becoming involved with such unscriptural ecumenical organizations. The two organizations mentioned above have very similar ecumenical philosophies and methodologies and have been in practical fellowship with Pentecostal and Roman Catholic Charismatics for many years.
I believe the information pasted below correctly and accurately represents the unscriptural philosophies and activities of these dangerous organizations and at least partially explains why association with such organizations resulted in a life-destroying experience for a fine young man and tremendous heartbreak for his family:
“Around February, 2006, I ran into a group of young people who had just completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission. They said that they were on a mission working with Roman Catholics at a conference in Brisbane City Hall. Not being able to understand how Protestant missionaries could get into a Catholic conference to evangelise, I questioned them to discover that they were practising Catholics (not ex-Catholics) fully integrated with YWAM, and merely helping out at the conference. They vigorously defended Mariolatry, the Mass, Tradition, and other errors of Roman Catholicism. These kids had just been processed by a so-called Protestant mission organisation. They had joined YWAM as Catholics and after their Discipleship Training School were still Catholics. It was most upsetting to see these kids on the Broad Road yet thinking they were serving our Lord. I rang YWAM to be told, “Catholics are welcome, and the beauty of it all is that there is no conflict between denominations.” Since when has Roman Catholicism been a Christian denomination?” (Mark Alexander, “YWAM’s Ecumenical Error,”
“Jesus Festival, YWAM Latvia - A 30 kilo cake marked YWAM Latvia’s 5th anniversary during their biggest annual Jesus Festival yet. In Liepaja, on the Baltic coast of Latvia, a city known for festivals and concerts, 500 believers from different denominations gathered to hear speakers including Peter Iliyn [North American directory of YWAM], Tjebbo v.d. Eijkhoff, Maris Dzelzs and Loren Cunningham [co-founded of YWAM] and his wife Darlene in plenary sessions and in seminars on worship, evangelism and Holy Spirit. An evangelism team of Swedes and Latvians, led by Tjebbo, saw over 700 responses. The event was marked by breakthroughs in unity with a Catholic bishop participating as well as singing groups from both Catholic and charismatic churches. Prayer and repentance for the nation and for the Church was a testimony of unity, with people from different denominations together praying for unity. Press and TV coverage was very positive.”
(Buddy Smith, Editor, Heads Up! -- A YWAM team came to Malanda some years ago and took the primary school RE class. A charismatic lady was the convener then. There was NO Bible lesson at all. They lined their "team" up in ranks and did a five minute dance in front of the students as they sat on the floor. When they finished and their leader stood up to give his YWAM spiel, one of the little boys on the front row held up his hand to ask a question, so the leader motioned for him to ask it. He said, in childlike simplicity, "What did that dance have to do with the Bible?" And the leader was caught right out. He looked blank for a few seconds, and grinned in embarrassment, and then replied, "Well, nothing. We just saw it done in Townsville and liked it so we learned it and wanted to do it here in Malanda." I remember thinking how much wiser the little boy was than the YWAM leader. Even a little boy knew that, if it didn't have to do with the Bible, it didn't belong in an RE program.)
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