From Bro. Cloud's Mailbox - October 2019
Ocotober 23, 2019
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
From time to time, I publish some of the goodies from my mailbox, since many people have told me that they enjoy reading these things.
The following is by Don Whitecar, former missionary to Belize who is currently starting a new church in Pocatello, Idaho. This is a man who takes the biblical education of his people seriously: “After one year in Belize, we had a little over 100 saved and in various stages of Christian growth. The attendance was consistently over 100, and a few had grown to the point to be workers in classes, etc. It was at this time that I used the 52 week One Year Discipleship books. I gave every family one that they read and answered the questions during the week. In the Sunday evening service announcements, I would go over the answers. We had great participation, and it is this effort that grounded the largest group that made up the foundation of that church. After that point, I used those discipleship books by assigning a newly saved person to a grounded Christian who had already been through the book. They would work through the book together. Before the service began on Sunday evenings, it was common to see several places around the auditorium where people were going over the books. That church has used over 250 copies of that text. After the second anniversary of the church I began a Bible Institute to teach more in depth. We met on Monday evenings for 1.5 hours per class (2 classes). My wife offered speech classes (Bible story telling, etc.) for the ladies. Our classes were always well attended, and your Advanced Bible Studies books were always the text (for the Bible classes). The students were turning in their answers to the review questions for homework. We went over the answers in class. The questions from the homework became possible test questions at the end of each section, in addition to the information from my lecture notes. Later, I added to this. We picked a textbook, and I assigned due dates (always Sunday evenings) for the review questions to be due. We offered this to the entire church. We had upwards of 40 to 50 reading and answering the questions. This method was my favorite because it brought the information to so many more people. In December of 2017, just before I left, I remember going in to the evening service and overhearing two of our church ladies commenting to each other of how hard a life the Waldensian Christians had to live. Most Christians around the world don't even know who the Waldensians were! Thank you for the hard work to provide these materials for our ministry. We are using the discipleship book again here in the new work, and one of the ladies is reading the history of the churches already. Your Sowing and Reaping book is another great tool to train new workers. I taught through that in Belize on Saturday morning visitation meeting. I pray every day for your ministry, and I am thankful for your enormous efforts to put out good material.”
“Brother Cloud, I’ve been on your site since I found it in 1998. ... I wanted to let you know that you’re a true hero of the faith. We need more men like you. Men of conviction, character, an unwavering devotion to the truth, and a love for Christ. Please don’t ever get discouraged and feel that you’re alone out there. You’re not and your efforts are the most important efforts in the world. Please continue to stand strong. ... Just know that you’re impacting the world for Christ and I deeply appreciate it. On another note, I bought your Things Hard to Be Understood back when you visited our church. I was thrilled to know that you had an updated edition. I bought the digital format and just like the first edition it’s been a blessing! I have a teen daughter and without your resources and without men such as yourself my daughter would’ve been absorbed by the heathen culture around us.”
“I showed my preacher your Way of Life Encyclopedia and he said he already had one. He said it was the best Bible companion he owned.”
“Because of your Discipleship series, my daughter in law was saved! She doubted her salvation and the sincerity of her prayer. We were doing the repentance chapter and she felt great conviction! I praise the Lord that He used your series to help me teach her. God is so Good! We did the chapter on baptism and I’m happy to say she was baptized today.”
“I have been GREATLY encouraged by your writings because I had been struggling with the idea of holding to and preaching Christian standards when so many of the ‘good’ independent Baptist churches and pastors no longer do. I was getting to the place where I felt alone in desiring to preach and teach holiness from the pulpit, for I had asked many (at least 10) preachers if adapting CCM was ok and if we should preach hard on modesty and music and they ALL told me that if we love people and show them the love of the Lord they will eventually come around to creating their own standards. I was so discouraged because I had been convicted about the music/dress that I was listening to and allowing in my own life and family and was desiring to find a man who would say, ‘YES! TAKE A STAND!’ So thank you for doing right no matter the cost. I have been the youth pastor at an independent Baptist church, but I have been asked to leave by the pastor because he feels I am ‘too conservative/fundamental’ for his ministry (our church is adapting CCM praise music and giving up modesty for the sake of ‘keeping the unsaved in church’). I am in the process of seeking God's face and will for where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. The main purpose of this email is to let you know that as I seek to serve the Lord, my goal is to be what you laid out in your ‘O Timothy’ magazine. My desire is to be one of the 1,000 preachers that will not give up the faith and hold to sound doctrine and Biblical standards. I do not expect a response, but I wanted you to know that your sound Biblical teaching has given me the Biblical foundation I had been praying for/ searching for so that I could respond (both to others and in my own heart) with the Bible as to why I DO believe that holding Bible standards on music, dress, television, technology, etc. is VITAL to Christianity today.”
“I just wanted to thank you for your ministry!! I am often convicted and challenged by it and I pray that the Lord will continue to use you in this way. I am just a young man and we (the younger generation) need the warnings that you and other men of God give in regards to the compromise in IFB churches. May God richly bless you!!”
“I want you to know that our students in the Jr./Sr. High class that I teach for Sunday School are taking the Bible Knowledge Test that you put together. ... They are learning to read to understand and know. ... One of our young men read three of your books in the last month dealing with the New Age, Contemplative Mysticism, and CCM. The books seem to be impacting him greatly. A fairly recent convert, a man in his late 60's, is reading through the Way of Life Encyclopedia as part of his being discipled. He's a very intelligent man and is really progressing well. The Lord saved him here out of being an Atheist ... These are just a few ways the Lord is using your material here. I thought you'd rejoice to know that.”
“I wanted to thank you for the Bible memory Journal. I can't believe how much spiritual treasures I am receiving from Genesis 1:1!! I always desired to memorize scripture but this journal keeps me accountable and thinking about it.”
“Thank you for this excellent and timely article. [‘Don’t Assume That Your Congregants Are Saved,’ Jan. 10, 2019] I hope many of those in our churches who really aren't saved will get as a result of this and also more preachers will take heed and be honest about their church members!”
“Thank you for your ministry. Although I don’t agree with everything you have helped me with numerous things too many to mention now. God bless you in what you do.”
“The Pastor of the church gave me a copy of your book ‘Independent Baptist Music Wars,’ which spoke about the dangers of CCM. I was shocked when I learned about the life of Marsha Stevens and how it didn’t reflect a new life in Christ. Scarily one Song “For Those Tears I Died” this is a song I’ve heard the Gaithers’ sing and I’ve sung in a hymnal before. I was stunned when I learned about what DC Talk and Michael W. Smith and others said about Biblical Christianity (I went to these bands at Christian rock concerts in youth group as a teen). I also learned about the dangerous lyrics and tunes that were in the CCM music. After reading the book and watching the DVD’s the Lord smote my heart and said ‘YOU’RE WRONG IN THE AREA OF WORSHIP TO ME.’ I stopped listening to CCM afterward. This was my first area of repentance I’ve ever had toward God, and led to other areas of repentance in my life toward God. Over the next few months the Lord continued to smite my conscience in different areas of my life, and He kept showing me how wrong I was. In March 2016 I started questioning my salvation (which I later realizing it was the Holy Spirit drawing me) I kept holding on to that religious experience and prayer I had when I was a kid and kept trying to justify it with John 10:28-29. But the Lord kept chipping away at my conscience on April 4th 2016 at the regular Monday night men’s prayer meeting, I felt absolutely horrible, which didn’t make sense to me because I’m a very logical thinker. I couldn’t logically wrap my mind around why I felt so bad. After the prayer meeting was over I was driving back home and I heard the still small voice tell me ‘You’re not a Christian.’ I told God back that I was, and that I had accepted Jesus as my personal Savior when I was kid at camp and that I had served Him (in outreaching, preaching, counseling, in choir). ... A third time God said to me ‘YOU’RE NOT A CHRISTIAN AND YOU’RE GOING TO BURN!’ This time was quite louder than the last two times and my body felt hot. That time I told God He was right and that I deserved to be cast in the pit and there is nothing good about me. That time I cried out to the Lord for His mercy and the Lord Jesus Christ saved my soul. Right afterward a quiet peace came over me and God brought to me the words of John 3:36 into my mind. I told all my close friends and family. Most of my family was overjoyed when I told them. Some of Christian Contemporary friends were confused even after I explained to them everything, but quite a few still said that I prayed as a kid at camp. Sadly a lot of my friends didn’t understand the concept of Acts 20:21. Overall the Church was overjoyed when on Wednesday night service I made a public announcement about what had happened, I was baptized not long after.”
“Your mailings have always encouraged me to be the best Christian God’s will demands. I am very grateful for men like you, (and they are getting fewer all the time) that stand firm on what God’s word teaches, and the way in which you present those teachings. You are firm on your stand, but with the love of God that shows the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life. Thank you for all you do!”
“Thank you so much for your faithful e-mails and material! I often reference many of your materials in my preaching, soulwinning and discipleship ministry here in ----- and just want to send an encouraging ‘Thank-you’ as you continue on for the Lord!”
“I was just doing some research using the WoL Encyclopedia. It occurred to me that I have used this source for years and have never thanked you for the time you invested getting it done. I am using the 1997 edition and have purchased (years ago) two for my sons and two for my sons-in-law. All being preachers and hopefully using theirs as I use mine. I have been here for 30 years and the guys are tending to do the same. Your research will be a big help. Without knowing it, you have become important to my family and I wanted to say thank you. I hope you and yours are doing well.”
“I thank God every day for you and the huge volume of resources you have produced. What a wonderful gift that you have passed on to me, my family, and my church. The depth and value of them is unequaled. And I say that as a person who has used dozens of other sound Bible resources over more than two decades. And you can quote me.”
“I try to support your helpful ministry in any way we can. Later this year, I plan to order several dozen 52-week discipleship courses to go through with our entire church. Thank you for being a great help to those churches seeking to take a clear stand in these last days.”
“Your Internet site is a gold mine of books and videos. A wealth of knowledge and exhortation. I've spent many hours at work reading through your pdf books and articles. I am refreshed by it. I am blessed by your ministry and I pray the info therein will benefit myself and so many other people across the world. I find nothing but good with what you have to offer. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“Wow! … This is why I am on your email list you give out information I was totally unaware of. [“Jerry Falwell: The Billy Graham of Independent Baptists,” Apr. 9, 2019] In an age of raging insanity we need to be aware of all things evil because the god of this world uses everything and everybody he can to get the unsaved world to believe THE LIE! You can be God! Keep bringing out the truth and I really heed the warnings you provide about the SBC which I am a voice in the wilderness trying each week to preach the truth with the help of the Holy Spirit.”
“I see a ray of light and hope in your publications, especially O Timothy. During college years, every member of our ‘Preacher Boys’ class was required to take JRR’s Sword, and for years I subscribed to Noel Smith’s BB Tribune, as well, but they never held a candle to your pen. Alas, Alas! I fear that they (like all other man-centered stuff) have found their place in the dust-bin of history. Please stay on the firing line, dear brother. You are such an encouragement to the few of us ‘Old-Timers’ left. May your tribe increase.”
“Your ministry has been such a blessing to us! It is like breathing in a breath of fresh air every time we read your newsletters and any of your publications. The church we used to attend no longer has any desire to make themselves distinctly separated from the world. We have been made to feel very unwelcome by the leadership because we desire to keep the godly, Biblical standards our church once taught and believed in. It has been a great encouragement to us to know that there are godly men like you that continue to teach separation from the world and emphasize solid Bible teaching!”
“I am reading Brother David Cloud's books and O Timothy Newsletter and Magazine and I listen and I watch his CDs and DVDs that I have on very topics and subjects in regards to the Roman Catholic Church and on Bible Prophecy and End-Time Events and Biblical Eschatology and I find them extremely and very deeply interesting and thoughtful provoking and inspiring and encouraging in my walk and in my relationship and fellowship with God and in my spiritual growth.”
“I greatly appreciate your materials and they are commonly my first resource when looking for greater insight into particular subject matter.”
“Discernment and independent thinking about spiritual matters mean nothing to those following the flagships of big men. With so many of the big names involved in this CCM today it spells disaster for most churches and for undiscerning and unwarned pastors. Bro. Cloud, God has give you an international platform of raising awareness and sounding the alarm. Doubtless, many men had they not had your ministry updates and warnings would be heading the wrong way.”
“We are being tarred and feathered by the like of these and then the new generation aren’t fundamental at all though their name implies they are. It is refreshing to read your weekly commentaries and exposes of error brother. Keep up the good work and on the firing line; you are helping many from drifting and giving them encouragement.”
“I have a prison ministry in Georgia and when studying and researching The Shack heresy I came across your excellent Way of Life article. Thanks for the hard work and obedience.”
“I'm a 33 year old layman near --------. I have 4 young children. The Lord has used your ministry to help create a greater hunger and thirst for the Bible in me. I recently finished your book ‘A Discipling Church’ and I'm half way through ‘Keeping the Kids.’ Oh and I will have read my Bible through this year within the next few weeks. So thank you for your labor in the will of our Lord, especially for the reproving, rebuking and exhorting. I pray that you will continue to be as bold as a lion and as meek as a lamb as the Lord leads you.”
“Thank you for Way of Life web site; I've been reading the articles since 2003, and our Lord has used it to have a major impact on my spiritual life.”
“I just finished reading your book, Jews In Fighter Jets. The section ‘The History of the Temple Mount’ was just the ‘crown’ of an incredibly insightful and valuable book. For that small section alone, I am greatly indebted to you. However, the entire book explained clearly so much of what was ‘fuzzy at best’ in my thinking of future events on the ‘calendar’ of Scripture. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I praise the Lord that He gave you such insight into His Word. ... Reading Jews in Fighter Jets was another wonderful reminder of what God has prepared for those who love and serve Him. Thank you so much for writing such a valuable book.”
“Excellent article! As usual you make the confusing issue plain. Thank you.”
“Just a word of encouragement regarding your free evideos. I have been using them at church on Sunday nights. Right now we are going through the New Age Tower of Babel. I’ve found this very helpful to our people and we get good discussion. They enjoy watching together and discussion vs watching alone.”
“I'm writing to thank you for your concise and complete admonition of the dangers of Ayurvedic meditation. The VA is referring veterans with PTSD to retreats that use Ayurvedic meditation. I had my misgivings and decided to research the dangers of Ayurvedic medicine. Needless to say - I won't be attending. Thanks for your warnings. The common use of Tai Chi, Yoga and Tibetan mantras is so prevalent that few recognise the power of the serpent hidden in these arts.”
“Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into researching, writing and sending out your books and articles. Words can’t express what a blessing these materials are to us, our family and church.”
“I finished the first volume [of your Church History studies] in 24 hours. It is such a valuable resource since no one knows about the early non romish church. Everyone says there was no church but Rome til Luther. I have a few books on the Waldenses etc. but yours is the clearest. I really enjoyed reading about how they evangelized. I do sort of the same thing sometimes.” [from a lawyer]
“We've been watching the slide of the Clark family in the area of music for several years now and we have stopped listening to all their new albums due to the overt worldliness of the vocals and rhythms etc. Thank you for your courage to make this plea publicly.”
“Thank you again for [A Plea to the Clark Family]! This music is in 45 minutes away and a scourge to our church as many of our visitors have or like this music. When I preach on music like this people don’t come back to our church anymore. We are separating from them and they are separating from us even though we are independent Baptist’s!”
“Thank you for all of the research and study that you do, I have been very blessed by it. I have been a subscriber for a long time now, have many books, and have listened to most of your sermons on sermon audio, many of them several times. It is sobering to read this article about the Clark Family as I have listened to them quite a bit and my wife, who knew some of them before we were married, told me they were headed down the CCM road. I recently have felt uneasy about their music and have stopped listening to them on YouTube. And since it seems I have come out of the spiritual slump I’ve seemed to be in. Whether they profit from it or not I do heed the warning and thank you for the cautionary advice.”
“Sir, I am sincerely sorry for what I said to you about you being ‘looney’ regarding the music that most people are recording or listening to. Please forgive me. I have since that day I wrote the above to you, seen my church get bigger and bigger and more worldly every day. I never liked the music that took over for our wonderful choir. I will send you a letter, but again, please forgive me.”
“I'm teaching I Corinthians to the adult Sunday school class using your book. We are in chapter 1:1-3. On Wednesday nights I'm using your book on Hebrews and we are at chapter 12:1-4. And this afternoon I'll continue with your old testament history and geography course. We are at the section on the gap theory. I tell you that so you know your materials are being used seriously to grow people and edify churches.”
“I am reading Bro Cloud’s new book, ‘The Discipling Church.’ What a comprehensive read, I am not even ½ thru, he covers everything, and more!”
“I wanted to say thanks for your article on America and Slavery. Though most people would call me an African American, I don't like to use that phrase, because I am simply an American (mixed black and white), but I am not opposed to those who use it for themselves because they don't want to be separated them from their heritage. I have spent a long time trying to come up with more information on the subject. Other than John Wesley's ‘Thoughts upon Slavery,’ and a few other books, information has been hard to come by. We live in a society that wants to rewrite history, and push an anti-Christian, and anti-white agenda onto the American public. Most articles and documentaries (so called) only mention certain details, but of course, they leave out the most important parts, just like what many cults do. Since most people are gullible, they spend no significant amount of time trying to research the claims of the history-rewriters. Even many black Christians hate when I mention that many of the founding fathers despised slavery. When I mention people like Wesley, John Newton, or Wheaton College’s part in the underground railroad, they get upset, and make excuses why I've been lied to, or it wasn't enough and they should have tried harder, but there almost always a lot of contempt or skepticism on there part. Thanks again for the info. I've been checking you out since I got saved in 1997, and have supported your ministry off and on throughout these years. Please keep it up the great work the Lord has called you to do. I believe in soul winning and discipling, but part of the work of God, I believe, is also educating people with subjects that related to what happens when humanity casts off the influence of God, as you first mentioned in the article.”
“Thank you [for the report ‘The Gettys: The Pied Pipers of Contemporary Worship Music,’ Aug. 23, 2019]! This warning is MUCH needed!! I am currently on furlough in the States. I only go to conservative, fundamental churches and some of them are struggling with this issue.”
“Sadly, very few pastors I know of are teaching their people the danger of the Gettys, Townsend, Sovereign Grace, etc. Even when pastors discourage this kind of music they don’t usually teach why it shouldn’t be used. In most churches I get to I touch on the subject. ... I find people are interested in considering certain things, but I can tell they usually aren’t well taught, especially when it comes to the Gettys and Sovereign Grace music. Many just don’t see the problem. As you have pointed out, it seems calm compared to most CCM and the thing I hear some say is that they clean it up. I tell them if they have to clean it up it was dirty music. Why do we need to try to clean up dirty music (which they rarely do totally) when there is so much good, clean, God honoring music out there? (This is in addition to the fact you pointed out that some run to the internet, hear how it was originally designed to be sung or hear other music by that person and get drawn into CCM.) In the circles I get to, the music of Ron Hamilton (Patch the Pirate) is prevalent and has led people toward CCM. Those who grew up with Patch just don’t hear the worldliness in various music. I challenge Believers to think about their culture and apply Biblical principles. Most haven’t even been taught how to evaluate life and culture using Biblical principles.”
“I wanted to send a note to thank you for your website and your books regarding Richard Foster, contemplative Christianity, mysticism and the charismatic movement. My church, for the last few years, has headed down that path quite significantly. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, though I saw the signs and the warnings I had no education on it, and once I did understand what was going on it was just so hard to believe that it was actually happening. I have been reading about these things for the past couple of years as I started to question the few ideas coming from the pulpit. Our pastor is now getting his doctorate in spiritual formation and doing something through Dallas Willard’s educational establishment. (We have actually already stopped attending the church, but we do know that we need to confront the leadership and reviewed our concerns instead of silently disappearing) I have not come across your information until today when I Google searched Richard Foster a course in miracles. For some reason, that finally gave me information about your books. I read an excerpt from your contemplative mysticism book, and I’m very happy to a found it.”
“For years I have purchased books, read many of your articles, and they have been a help to my Christian growth. This is not typical for me as I have been born again since a young boy and my personal policy is to not use study guides but the Word Of God exclusively. However I have found your helps to be biblically accurate to follow and I have never had to read them with a ‘swallow the meat spit out the bones’ approach.”
“I would hate to be in your shoes and standing before God! Of all people, you do not know one thing about God Holy Spirit. James Robinson was delivered by The Power of God! Your vile lies printed as truth will turn on you unless you repent!”
“BTW - 6,000,000 ‘Jews’ were NOT murdered by Hitler. Vaccines are dangerous. GMO food is poison and direct violation of Gen 1. 9/11 was an inside job. Most pastors, including you, are arrogant rubes who should stay in their lane.”
“I’m currently reading one of Mr Mannings books. I am a Catholic who believes strongly in inter faith and ecumenical dialogue. The vitriol in the book about Mr Manning written under your organisation’s auspices is at best appallingly anti Christ like and at worst borderline heresy. Rubbishing great philosophers doctors of the church such as Thomas Aquinas shows poor scholarship and lack of intelligence. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“The Getty’s are not leading the Christian church astray. What a bunch of radical baloney.”
“Such, are you, David Cloud, when it comes to the shape of the earth; you run your mouth when it is obvious to anyone in the know that you have not really studied anything at all. You have chosen your side, and, are merely regurgitating the vomit spewed from the world; and, the man who upholds The Word of God, with sarcasm, you ridicule, and, attempt to shame. Like the moron boasting of a ¾ race cam, the shame is on you David Cloud, and you're too ignorant to know it. I do not call you brother, for no brother would so blatantly and foolishly blaspheme. You are so full of pride, and arrogance that you are completely blind to the truth. And, because you have no love for the truth, you have been dispelled to believe a lie.”
“I want you to tell me one thing. How do you know that Jesus ever exist? I only believe what I can see. There is many believes in this world. The bible has been written by people and not by the so called God. If he is so power full why does he use creatures like us to do his dirty work. It sounds to me like a mafia organisation I have been brought up in a christian family but as i am growing older and see so many so called Christians than i choose to be a Antichrist. To be in this live was not my choice. I have make the best of of it. ... All center of all evil in this world is women or money or a combination of the two.”
“all NASA has is CGI (Computer Generated Images) and no true photos. God’s Word is filled with exposure of Satan’s agenda to deceive and exalt his throne above God’s throne and in people’s minds, he has done it. Our modern day solar system is all his doings. If only you could see that it would be a great day and a huge blessing. All NASA’S lies can be seen once we see the truth of Scriptures revealing Satan’s agenda.”
“Your church Brand, having an assumption of the spiritual ‘Gifts’ permissions, has no power of the Holy Christ. Whatever manifestation evidence you think you may have had, in confirmation of your music mission, is a deceit of the Antichrist spirit. Soooo, of course you have trusted the Traditional church universe training of your ministry's authenticity; but apparently, that traditional church training does not incorporate the Biblical prerequisites for Holy church power, specifically in holiness coming only through the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, and which is .. presumptively .. no longer being held deceivingly in bondage to the subtle and common [DEVIL] spirit.”
“Through a series of circumstances, I have discovered that Charles Haddon Spurgeon is a fraud. Throughout many many of his sermons, Spurgeon used New Age Theosophical terms, that were unrecognizable by his congregation, and the church at large. These hidden messages wherewith he was familiarizing them with, on purpose, were being taught to them as ‘Christian’ terms. From all that has been discovered, I have seen many pictures of Spurgeon and other popular men, politicians and religious men, with their hand tucked in their jackets, along with other hand signs; communicating to one another. These aren’t just fancy poses for those that lived back at that time, as we are often told. These were chosen men. Spurgeon’s role would be to establish their mega church idea and false teachings for to enter the church via new age terminology, books and false bibles; introducing them by his strong charismatic leadership and personality! He was a motivational speaker. Just like we see today! Spurgeon’s sermons are filled with these new age terms and more specifically many of them are found in Theosophy, the Luciferian religion.”
“Wolves in governments around the world have been using mind reading technologies that can read your conscience. They use the same technologies that God would use to talk or listen to you. They use Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) against us. Their satellites delivered to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation and The Federal Government. Comparable to cellular satellites. It’s a high bandwidth +C/U-Z signal that listens to your brains decoded wavelength and reads your conscience and emotions using an algorithm. The +C/U-Z/+A signal can activate up to 40-90% of your brain and unknown parts of the nervous system. People who can talk back and hear the satellite communication with their mind talk tongues. They use these technologies against us. Not informing the world to stay ahead of our civilization. To be as intelligent as the combined world they record our thoughts. They steal our ideas, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. You sometimes get a headache when a mind reading machine is on you.”
The following is by Don Whitecar, former missionary to Belize who is currently starting a new church in Pocatello, Idaho. This is a man who takes the biblical education of his people seriously: “After one year in Belize, we had a little over 100 saved and in various stages of Christian growth. The attendance was consistently over 100, and a few had grown to the point to be workers in classes, etc. It was at this time that I used the 52 week One Year Discipleship books. I gave every family one that they read and answered the questions during the week. In the Sunday evening service announcements, I would go over the answers. We had great participation, and it is this effort that grounded the largest group that made up the foundation of that church. After that point, I used those discipleship books by assigning a newly saved person to a grounded Christian who had already been through the book. They would work through the book together. Before the service began on Sunday evenings, it was common to see several places around the auditorium where people were going over the books. That church has used over 250 copies of that text. After the second anniversary of the church I began a Bible Institute to teach more in depth. We met on Monday evenings for 1.5 hours per class (2 classes). My wife offered speech classes (Bible story telling, etc.) for the ladies. Our classes were always well attended, and your Advanced Bible Studies books were always the text (for the Bible classes). The students were turning in their answers to the review questions for homework. We went over the answers in class. The questions from the homework became possible test questions at the end of each section, in addition to the information from my lecture notes. Later, I added to this. We picked a textbook, and I assigned due dates (always Sunday evenings) for the review questions to be due. We offered this to the entire church. We had upwards of 40 to 50 reading and answering the questions. This method was my favorite because it brought the information to so many more people. In December of 2017, just before I left, I remember going in to the evening service and overhearing two of our church ladies commenting to each other of how hard a life the Waldensian Christians had to live. Most Christians around the world don't even know who the Waldensians were! Thank you for the hard work to provide these materials for our ministry. We are using the discipleship book again here in the new work, and one of the ladies is reading the history of the churches already. Your Sowing and Reaping book is another great tool to train new workers. I taught through that in Belize on Saturday morning visitation meeting. I pray every day for your ministry, and I am thankful for your enormous efforts to put out good material.”
“Brother Cloud, I’ve been on your site since I found it in 1998. ... I wanted to let you know that you’re a true hero of the faith. We need more men like you. Men of conviction, character, an unwavering devotion to the truth, and a love for Christ. Please don’t ever get discouraged and feel that you’re alone out there. You’re not and your efforts are the most important efforts in the world. Please continue to stand strong. ... Just know that you’re impacting the world for Christ and I deeply appreciate it. On another note, I bought your Things Hard to Be Understood back when you visited our church. I was thrilled to know that you had an updated edition. I bought the digital format and just like the first edition it’s been a blessing! I have a teen daughter and without your resources and without men such as yourself my daughter would’ve been absorbed by the heathen culture around us.”
“I showed my preacher your Way of Life Encyclopedia and he said he already had one. He said it was the best Bible companion he owned.”
“Because of your Discipleship series, my daughter in law was saved! She doubted her salvation and the sincerity of her prayer. We were doing the repentance chapter and she felt great conviction! I praise the Lord that He used your series to help me teach her. God is so Good! We did the chapter on baptism and I’m happy to say she was baptized today.”
“I have been GREATLY encouraged by your writings because I had been struggling with the idea of holding to and preaching Christian standards when so many of the ‘good’ independent Baptist churches and pastors no longer do. I was getting to the place where I felt alone in desiring to preach and teach holiness from the pulpit, for I had asked many (at least 10) preachers if adapting CCM was ok and if we should preach hard on modesty and music and they ALL told me that if we love people and show them the love of the Lord they will eventually come around to creating their own standards. I was so discouraged because I had been convicted about the music/dress that I was listening to and allowing in my own life and family and was desiring to find a man who would say, ‘YES! TAKE A STAND!’ So thank you for doing right no matter the cost. I have been the youth pastor at an independent Baptist church, but I have been asked to leave by the pastor because he feels I am ‘too conservative/fundamental’ for his ministry (our church is adapting CCM praise music and giving up modesty for the sake of ‘keeping the unsaved in church’). I am in the process of seeking God's face and will for where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. The main purpose of this email is to let you know that as I seek to serve the Lord, my goal is to be what you laid out in your ‘O Timothy’ magazine. My desire is to be one of the 1,000 preachers that will not give up the faith and hold to sound doctrine and Biblical standards. I do not expect a response, but I wanted you to know that your sound Biblical teaching has given me the Biblical foundation I had been praying for/ searching for so that I could respond (both to others and in my own heart) with the Bible as to why I DO believe that holding Bible standards on music, dress, television, technology, etc. is VITAL to Christianity today.”
“I just wanted to thank you for your ministry!! I am often convicted and challenged by it and I pray that the Lord will continue to use you in this way. I am just a young man and we (the younger generation) need the warnings that you and other men of God give in regards to the compromise in IFB churches. May God richly bless you!!”
“I want you to know that our students in the Jr./Sr. High class that I teach for Sunday School are taking the Bible Knowledge Test that you put together. ... They are learning to read to understand and know. ... One of our young men read three of your books in the last month dealing with the New Age, Contemplative Mysticism, and CCM. The books seem to be impacting him greatly. A fairly recent convert, a man in his late 60's, is reading through the Way of Life Encyclopedia as part of his being discipled. He's a very intelligent man and is really progressing well. The Lord saved him here out of being an Atheist ... These are just a few ways the Lord is using your material here. I thought you'd rejoice to know that.”
“I wanted to thank you for the Bible memory Journal. I can't believe how much spiritual treasures I am receiving from Genesis 1:1!! I always desired to memorize scripture but this journal keeps me accountable and thinking about it.”
“Thank you for this excellent and timely article. [‘Don’t Assume That Your Congregants Are Saved,’ Jan. 10, 2019] I hope many of those in our churches who really aren't saved will get as a result of this and also more preachers will take heed and be honest about their church members!”
“Thank you for your ministry. Although I don’t agree with everything you have helped me with numerous things too many to mention now. God bless you in what you do.”
“The Pastor of the church gave me a copy of your book ‘Independent Baptist Music Wars,’ which spoke about the dangers of CCM. I was shocked when I learned about the life of Marsha Stevens and how it didn’t reflect a new life in Christ. Scarily one Song “For Those Tears I Died” this is a song I’ve heard the Gaithers’ sing and I’ve sung in a hymnal before. I was stunned when I learned about what DC Talk and Michael W. Smith and others said about Biblical Christianity (I went to these bands at Christian rock concerts in youth group as a teen). I also learned about the dangerous lyrics and tunes that were in the CCM music. After reading the book and watching the DVD’s the Lord smote my heart and said ‘YOU’RE WRONG IN THE AREA OF WORSHIP TO ME.’ I stopped listening to CCM afterward. This was my first area of repentance I’ve ever had toward God, and led to other areas of repentance in my life toward God. Over the next few months the Lord continued to smite my conscience in different areas of my life, and He kept showing me how wrong I was. In March 2016 I started questioning my salvation (which I later realizing it was the Holy Spirit drawing me) I kept holding on to that religious experience and prayer I had when I was a kid and kept trying to justify it with John 10:28-29. But the Lord kept chipping away at my conscience on April 4th 2016 at the regular Monday night men’s prayer meeting, I felt absolutely horrible, which didn’t make sense to me because I’m a very logical thinker. I couldn’t logically wrap my mind around why I felt so bad. After the prayer meeting was over I was driving back home and I heard the still small voice tell me ‘You’re not a Christian.’ I told God back that I was, and that I had accepted Jesus as my personal Savior when I was kid at camp and that I had served Him (in outreaching, preaching, counseling, in choir). ... A third time God said to me ‘YOU’RE NOT A CHRISTIAN AND YOU’RE GOING TO BURN!’ This time was quite louder than the last two times and my body felt hot. That time I told God He was right and that I deserved to be cast in the pit and there is nothing good about me. That time I cried out to the Lord for His mercy and the Lord Jesus Christ saved my soul. Right afterward a quiet peace came over me and God brought to me the words of John 3:36 into my mind. I told all my close friends and family. Most of my family was overjoyed when I told them. Some of Christian Contemporary friends were confused even after I explained to them everything, but quite a few still said that I prayed as a kid at camp. Sadly a lot of my friends didn’t understand the concept of Acts 20:21. Overall the Church was overjoyed when on Wednesday night service I made a public announcement about what had happened, I was baptized not long after.”
“Your mailings have always encouraged me to be the best Christian God’s will demands. I am very grateful for men like you, (and they are getting fewer all the time) that stand firm on what God’s word teaches, and the way in which you present those teachings. You are firm on your stand, but with the love of God that shows the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life. Thank you for all you do!”
“Thank you so much for your faithful e-mails and material! I often reference many of your materials in my preaching, soulwinning and discipleship ministry here in ----- and just want to send an encouraging ‘Thank-you’ as you continue on for the Lord!”
“I was just doing some research using the WoL Encyclopedia. It occurred to me that I have used this source for years and have never thanked you for the time you invested getting it done. I am using the 1997 edition and have purchased (years ago) two for my sons and two for my sons-in-law. All being preachers and hopefully using theirs as I use mine. I have been here for 30 years and the guys are tending to do the same. Your research will be a big help. Without knowing it, you have become important to my family and I wanted to say thank you. I hope you and yours are doing well.”
“I thank God every day for you and the huge volume of resources you have produced. What a wonderful gift that you have passed on to me, my family, and my church. The depth and value of them is unequaled. And I say that as a person who has used dozens of other sound Bible resources over more than two decades. And you can quote me.”
“I try to support your helpful ministry in any way we can. Later this year, I plan to order several dozen 52-week discipleship courses to go through with our entire church. Thank you for being a great help to those churches seeking to take a clear stand in these last days.”
“Your Internet site is a gold mine of books and videos. A wealth of knowledge and exhortation. I've spent many hours at work reading through your pdf books and articles. I am refreshed by it. I am blessed by your ministry and I pray the info therein will benefit myself and so many other people across the world. I find nothing but good with what you have to offer. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“Wow! … This is why I am on your email list you give out information I was totally unaware of. [“Jerry Falwell: The Billy Graham of Independent Baptists,” Apr. 9, 2019] In an age of raging insanity we need to be aware of all things evil because the god of this world uses everything and everybody he can to get the unsaved world to believe THE LIE! You can be God! Keep bringing out the truth and I really heed the warnings you provide about the SBC which I am a voice in the wilderness trying each week to preach the truth with the help of the Holy Spirit.”
“I see a ray of light and hope in your publications, especially O Timothy. During college years, every member of our ‘Preacher Boys’ class was required to take JRR’s Sword, and for years I subscribed to Noel Smith’s BB Tribune, as well, but they never held a candle to your pen. Alas, Alas! I fear that they (like all other man-centered stuff) have found their place in the dust-bin of history. Please stay on the firing line, dear brother. You are such an encouragement to the few of us ‘Old-Timers’ left. May your tribe increase.”
“Your ministry has been such a blessing to us! It is like breathing in a breath of fresh air every time we read your newsletters and any of your publications. The church we used to attend no longer has any desire to make themselves distinctly separated from the world. We have been made to feel very unwelcome by the leadership because we desire to keep the godly, Biblical standards our church once taught and believed in. It has been a great encouragement to us to know that there are godly men like you that continue to teach separation from the world and emphasize solid Bible teaching!”
“I am reading Brother David Cloud's books and O Timothy Newsletter and Magazine and I listen and I watch his CDs and DVDs that I have on very topics and subjects in regards to the Roman Catholic Church and on Bible Prophecy and End-Time Events and Biblical Eschatology and I find them extremely and very deeply interesting and thoughtful provoking and inspiring and encouraging in my walk and in my relationship and fellowship with God and in my spiritual growth.”
“I greatly appreciate your materials and they are commonly my first resource when looking for greater insight into particular subject matter.”
“Discernment and independent thinking about spiritual matters mean nothing to those following the flagships of big men. With so many of the big names involved in this CCM today it spells disaster for most churches and for undiscerning and unwarned pastors. Bro. Cloud, God has give you an international platform of raising awareness and sounding the alarm. Doubtless, many men had they not had your ministry updates and warnings would be heading the wrong way.”
“We are being tarred and feathered by the like of these and then the new generation aren’t fundamental at all though their name implies they are. It is refreshing to read your weekly commentaries and exposes of error brother. Keep up the good work and on the firing line; you are helping many from drifting and giving them encouragement.”
“I have a prison ministry in Georgia and when studying and researching The Shack heresy I came across your excellent Way of Life article. Thanks for the hard work and obedience.”
“I'm a 33 year old layman near --------. I have 4 young children. The Lord has used your ministry to help create a greater hunger and thirst for the Bible in me. I recently finished your book ‘A Discipling Church’ and I'm half way through ‘Keeping the Kids.’ Oh and I will have read my Bible through this year within the next few weeks. So thank you for your labor in the will of our Lord, especially for the reproving, rebuking and exhorting. I pray that you will continue to be as bold as a lion and as meek as a lamb as the Lord leads you.”
“Thank you for Way of Life web site; I've been reading the articles since 2003, and our Lord has used it to have a major impact on my spiritual life.”
“I just finished reading your book, Jews In Fighter Jets. The section ‘The History of the Temple Mount’ was just the ‘crown’ of an incredibly insightful and valuable book. For that small section alone, I am greatly indebted to you. However, the entire book explained clearly so much of what was ‘fuzzy at best’ in my thinking of future events on the ‘calendar’ of Scripture. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I praise the Lord that He gave you such insight into His Word. ... Reading Jews in Fighter Jets was another wonderful reminder of what God has prepared for those who love and serve Him. Thank you so much for writing such a valuable book.”
“Excellent article! As usual you make the confusing issue plain. Thank you.”
“Just a word of encouragement regarding your free evideos. I have been using them at church on Sunday nights. Right now we are going through the New Age Tower of Babel. I’ve found this very helpful to our people and we get good discussion. They enjoy watching together and discussion vs watching alone.”
“I'm writing to thank you for your concise and complete admonition of the dangers of Ayurvedic meditation. The VA is referring veterans with PTSD to retreats that use Ayurvedic meditation. I had my misgivings and decided to research the dangers of Ayurvedic medicine. Needless to say - I won't be attending. Thanks for your warnings. The common use of Tai Chi, Yoga and Tibetan mantras is so prevalent that few recognise the power of the serpent hidden in these arts.”
“Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into researching, writing and sending out your books and articles. Words can’t express what a blessing these materials are to us, our family and church.”
“I finished the first volume [of your Church History studies] in 24 hours. It is such a valuable resource since no one knows about the early non romish church. Everyone says there was no church but Rome til Luther. I have a few books on the Waldenses etc. but yours is the clearest. I really enjoyed reading about how they evangelized. I do sort of the same thing sometimes.” [from a lawyer]
“We've been watching the slide of the Clark family in the area of music for several years now and we have stopped listening to all their new albums due to the overt worldliness of the vocals and rhythms etc. Thank you for your courage to make this plea publicly.”
“Thank you again for [A Plea to the Clark Family]! This music is in 45 minutes away and a scourge to our church as many of our visitors have or like this music. When I preach on music like this people don’t come back to our church anymore. We are separating from them and they are separating from us even though we are independent Baptist’s!”
“Thank you for all of the research and study that you do, I have been very blessed by it. I have been a subscriber for a long time now, have many books, and have listened to most of your sermons on sermon audio, many of them several times. It is sobering to read this article about the Clark Family as I have listened to them quite a bit and my wife, who knew some of them before we were married, told me they were headed down the CCM road. I recently have felt uneasy about their music and have stopped listening to them on YouTube. And since it seems I have come out of the spiritual slump I’ve seemed to be in. Whether they profit from it or not I do heed the warning and thank you for the cautionary advice.”
“Sir, I am sincerely sorry for what I said to you about you being ‘looney’ regarding the music that most people are recording or listening to. Please forgive me. I have since that day I wrote the above to you, seen my church get bigger and bigger and more worldly every day. I never liked the music that took over for our wonderful choir. I will send you a letter, but again, please forgive me.”
“I'm teaching I Corinthians to the adult Sunday school class using your book. We are in chapter 1:1-3. On Wednesday nights I'm using your book on Hebrews and we are at chapter 12:1-4. And this afternoon I'll continue with your old testament history and geography course. We are at the section on the gap theory. I tell you that so you know your materials are being used seriously to grow people and edify churches.”
“I am reading Bro Cloud’s new book, ‘The Discipling Church.’ What a comprehensive read, I am not even ½ thru, he covers everything, and more!”
“I wanted to say thanks for your article on America and Slavery. Though most people would call me an African American, I don't like to use that phrase, because I am simply an American (mixed black and white), but I am not opposed to those who use it for themselves because they don't want to be separated them from their heritage. I have spent a long time trying to come up with more information on the subject. Other than John Wesley's ‘Thoughts upon Slavery,’ and a few other books, information has been hard to come by. We live in a society that wants to rewrite history, and push an anti-Christian, and anti-white agenda onto the American public. Most articles and documentaries (so called) only mention certain details, but of course, they leave out the most important parts, just like what many cults do. Since most people are gullible, they spend no significant amount of time trying to research the claims of the history-rewriters. Even many black Christians hate when I mention that many of the founding fathers despised slavery. When I mention people like Wesley, John Newton, or Wheaton College’s part in the underground railroad, they get upset, and make excuses why I've been lied to, or it wasn't enough and they should have tried harder, but there almost always a lot of contempt or skepticism on there part. Thanks again for the info. I've been checking you out since I got saved in 1997, and have supported your ministry off and on throughout these years. Please keep it up the great work the Lord has called you to do. I believe in soul winning and discipling, but part of the work of God, I believe, is also educating people with subjects that related to what happens when humanity casts off the influence of God, as you first mentioned in the article.”
“Thank you [for the report ‘The Gettys: The Pied Pipers of Contemporary Worship Music,’ Aug. 23, 2019]! This warning is MUCH needed!! I am currently on furlough in the States. I only go to conservative, fundamental churches and some of them are struggling with this issue.”
“Sadly, very few pastors I know of are teaching their people the danger of the Gettys, Townsend, Sovereign Grace, etc. Even when pastors discourage this kind of music they don’t usually teach why it shouldn’t be used. In most churches I get to I touch on the subject. ... I find people are interested in considering certain things, but I can tell they usually aren’t well taught, especially when it comes to the Gettys and Sovereign Grace music. Many just don’t see the problem. As you have pointed out, it seems calm compared to most CCM and the thing I hear some say is that they clean it up. I tell them if they have to clean it up it was dirty music. Why do we need to try to clean up dirty music (which they rarely do totally) when there is so much good, clean, God honoring music out there? (This is in addition to the fact you pointed out that some run to the internet, hear how it was originally designed to be sung or hear other music by that person and get drawn into CCM.) In the circles I get to, the music of Ron Hamilton (Patch the Pirate) is prevalent and has led people toward CCM. Those who grew up with Patch just don’t hear the worldliness in various music. I challenge Believers to think about their culture and apply Biblical principles. Most haven’t even been taught how to evaluate life and culture using Biblical principles.”
“I wanted to send a note to thank you for your website and your books regarding Richard Foster, contemplative Christianity, mysticism and the charismatic movement. My church, for the last few years, has headed down that path quite significantly. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, though I saw the signs and the warnings I had no education on it, and once I did understand what was going on it was just so hard to believe that it was actually happening. I have been reading about these things for the past couple of years as I started to question the few ideas coming from the pulpit. Our pastor is now getting his doctorate in spiritual formation and doing something through Dallas Willard’s educational establishment. (We have actually already stopped attending the church, but we do know that we need to confront the leadership and reviewed our concerns instead of silently disappearing) I have not come across your information until today when I Google searched Richard Foster a course in miracles. For some reason, that finally gave me information about your books. I read an excerpt from your contemplative mysticism book, and I’m very happy to a found it.”
“For years I have purchased books, read many of your articles, and they have been a help to my Christian growth. This is not typical for me as I have been born again since a young boy and my personal policy is to not use study guides but the Word Of God exclusively. However I have found your helps to be biblically accurate to follow and I have never had to read them with a ‘swallow the meat spit out the bones’ approach.”
“I would hate to be in your shoes and standing before God! Of all people, you do not know one thing about God Holy Spirit. James Robinson was delivered by The Power of God! Your vile lies printed as truth will turn on you unless you repent!”
“BTW - 6,000,000 ‘Jews’ were NOT murdered by Hitler. Vaccines are dangerous. GMO food is poison and direct violation of Gen 1. 9/11 was an inside job. Most pastors, including you, are arrogant rubes who should stay in their lane.”
“I’m currently reading one of Mr Mannings books. I am a Catholic who believes strongly in inter faith and ecumenical dialogue. The vitriol in the book about Mr Manning written under your organisation’s auspices is at best appallingly anti Christ like and at worst borderline heresy. Rubbishing great philosophers doctors of the church such as Thomas Aquinas shows poor scholarship and lack of intelligence. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“The Getty’s are not leading the Christian church astray. What a bunch of radical baloney.”
“Such, are you, David Cloud, when it comes to the shape of the earth; you run your mouth when it is obvious to anyone in the know that you have not really studied anything at all. You have chosen your side, and, are merely regurgitating the vomit spewed from the world; and, the man who upholds The Word of God, with sarcasm, you ridicule, and, attempt to shame. Like the moron boasting of a ¾ race cam, the shame is on you David Cloud, and you're too ignorant to know it. I do not call you brother, for no brother would so blatantly and foolishly blaspheme. You are so full of pride, and arrogance that you are completely blind to the truth. And, because you have no love for the truth, you have been dispelled to believe a lie.”
“I want you to tell me one thing. How do you know that Jesus ever exist? I only believe what I can see. There is many believes in this world. The bible has been written by people and not by the so called God. If he is so power full why does he use creatures like us to do his dirty work. It sounds to me like a mafia organisation I have been brought up in a christian family but as i am growing older and see so many so called Christians than i choose to be a Antichrist. To be in this live was not my choice. I have make the best of of it. ... All center of all evil in this world is women or money or a combination of the two.”
“all NASA has is CGI (Computer Generated Images) and no true photos. God’s Word is filled with exposure of Satan’s agenda to deceive and exalt his throne above God’s throne and in people’s minds, he has done it. Our modern day solar system is all his doings. If only you could see that it would be a great day and a huge blessing. All NASA’S lies can be seen once we see the truth of Scriptures revealing Satan’s agenda.”
“Your church Brand, having an assumption of the spiritual ‘Gifts’ permissions, has no power of the Holy Christ. Whatever manifestation evidence you think you may have had, in confirmation of your music mission, is a deceit of the Antichrist spirit. Soooo, of course you have trusted the Traditional church universe training of your ministry's authenticity; but apparently, that traditional church training does not incorporate the Biblical prerequisites for Holy church power, specifically in holiness coming only through the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, and which is .. presumptively .. no longer being held deceivingly in bondage to the subtle and common [DEVIL] spirit.”
“Through a series of circumstances, I have discovered that Charles Haddon Spurgeon is a fraud. Throughout many many of his sermons, Spurgeon used New Age Theosophical terms, that were unrecognizable by his congregation, and the church at large. These hidden messages wherewith he was familiarizing them with, on purpose, were being taught to them as ‘Christian’ terms. From all that has been discovered, I have seen many pictures of Spurgeon and other popular men, politicians and religious men, with their hand tucked in their jackets, along with other hand signs; communicating to one another. These aren’t just fancy poses for those that lived back at that time, as we are often told. These were chosen men. Spurgeon’s role would be to establish their mega church idea and false teachings for to enter the church via new age terminology, books and false bibles; introducing them by his strong charismatic leadership and personality! He was a motivational speaker. Just like we see today! Spurgeon’s sermons are filled with these new age terms and more specifically many of them are found in Theosophy, the Luciferian religion.”
“Wolves in governments around the world have been using mind reading technologies that can read your conscience. They use the same technologies that God would use to talk or listen to you. They use Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) against us. Their satellites delivered to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation and The Federal Government. Comparable to cellular satellites. It’s a high bandwidth +C/U-Z signal that listens to your brains decoded wavelength and reads your conscience and emotions using an algorithm. The +C/U-Z/+A signal can activate up to 40-90% of your brain and unknown parts of the nervous system. People who can talk back and hear the satellite communication with their mind talk tongues. They use these technologies against us. Not informing the world to stay ahead of our civilization. To be as intelligent as the combined world they record our thoughts. They steal our ideas, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. You sometimes get a headache when a mind reading machine is on you.”