Way of Life Bible College
How the Bible College Courses Can Be Used
How the Bible College Courses Can Be Used
- Private study for the individual Christian
- Sunday Schools
- Small groups
- Bible Institutes and Colleges
- Home schooling curriculum
- Study material in jails and prisons
- Discipling new Christians
- Refresher and advanced studies for Bible college graduates
- Ongoing preacher’s training
- Expository preaching material (sermon series)
Way of Life Bible College Courses Listed Alphabetically
Way of Life Bible College Courses Listed Alphabetically
Following are the Bible college courses currently available or scheduled to be published in 2024. Each course has a textbook, a syllabus, review questions, sectional tests, a final test, and the test scoresheets. Many of the courses (as noted) also feature multi-media material (e.g., video classes, maps, PowerPoints). We are adding new video classes regularly. In July 2024, for example, we are scheduled to video record a new edition of Understanding Bible Prophecy.- Bible Prophecy as Light on the 21st Century (9 video classes, textbook 75 pages)
- Bible Separation: Its Doctrine and Practice (5 video classes, textbook 129 pages)
- Bible Times & Ancient Kingdoms (textbook 673 pages, PowerPoints)
- Bird’s-eye View of the Bible (17 video classes, textbook 250 pages)
- The Church: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth (12 video classes, textbook 421 pages)
- The Doctrine Which Ye Have Learned (textbook 503 pages)
- Effectual Bible Student (14 video classes, textbook) (new edition 2022)
- Effectual Prayer in Perilous Times (6 video classes, textbook 123 pages)
- Feed the Flock: Expository Bible Preaching (15 video classes, textbook 181 pages)
- Hand of God in World History (scheduled for the first half 2024)
- Highlights in Bible Doctrine (textbook 220 pages)
- Highlights in Church History (28 video classes, textbook 312 pages, PowerPoints)
- The History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and Fundamental Baptists (textbook 609 pages)
- History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (textbook 950 pages, PowerPoints)
- Introduction to Bible Geography (3 video classes, PDF textbook)
- Jews in Fighter Jets: Israel Past, Present, and Future (textbook 555 pages, PowerPoints)
- Keeping the Kids in the Social Media Age (new edition Nov. 2023) (32 video classes, textbook 547 pages)
- Knowing God’s Will (scheduled for May 2024, 10 video classes, textbook 79 pages)
- The Little Known but Essential Doctrine of Apostasy (scheduled last half 2024)
- Mastering the English Bible
- Old Testament History (90 video classes, textbook 477 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Job and Psalms (24 video classes, textbook 130 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Proverbs Ecclesiastes (textbook 176 pages, syllabus, test)
- Prophetic Books (37 video classes, textbook 239 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Gospels (49 video classes, textbook 291 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Acts (42 video classes, textbook, 182 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Romans to Corinthians (textbook 304 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Galatians to Thessalonians (textbook 286 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Pastoral Epistles (textbook 279 pages, syllabus, tests)
- General Epistles (textbook 300 pages, syllabus, tests)
- Revelation (textbook 261 pages, syllabus, tests)
- New Evangelicalism: Its History, Characteristics, and Fruit (textbook 174 pages, PowerPoints)
- The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements (textbook 443 pages, PowerPoints 8 sessions)
- Satanic Attack on Sacred Music (18 video classes, textbook 264 pages)
- Sowing and Reaping: A Course in Evangelism (30 video classes, textbook 105 pages)
- Transforming Congregational Singing in the 21st Century (scheduled May 2024)
- Understanding Bible Prophecy (new edition with 25 video classes, textbook, and tests is scheduled for September 2024)
- Understanding the Bible for Yourself (25 video classes, textbook 341 pages)
- Unshakeable Faith: A Course on Christian Apologetics (textbook 354 pages, PowerPoint)
- Why We Hold to the King James Bible (2023 edition) (17 video classes, textbook 592 pages)
- Woman and Her Service to God (textbook 213 pages)
Following are a few testimonies about the Way of Life Bible courses:
“One solid and clear strength of your curricula is that it undergoes periodic updates specifically to refute or respond to up-to-date or current theological/Biblical errors. For instance, your 2023 edition Why We Hold to the King James Bible addresses the latest trend of transitioning traditional churches from away from the KJV.”
“Our family has greatly appreciated each of the Way of Life courses that we have taken. They have been so rich and abundant in Scriptural depth and truth. How refreshing! To have the meat of the Word presented in such a clear and straightforward manner has been a breath of fresh air. We are a large homeschooling family and have so appreciated the affordability and ‘no-fluff’ approach to this dependable and solid curriculum. Thank you, Brother Cloud!”
“About 15 years ago, I bought all of the Bible curriculum that I could find on your website. I also purchased a new journaling KJV Bible and spent the next several years diving into the word of God. I have been a believer in Jesus Christ for over 35 years, but there is nothing that has done more for my walk with my Saviour than to continue my sanctification process with the tools that you offer. After I completed all of the programs, I had such a comprehensive overview of how the Bible fits together, and I possessed real Biblical answers to many of the questions that I had always had regarding doctrine. Currently, I am leading the Ladies’ Bible study at my church. We have a group of over 50 women that regularly attend. I still use these amazing tools in each and every lesson that I teach. I can’t thank you enough for answering the call of God on your heart to make disciples.”
“David Cloud’s courses have been a tremendous blessing to me. It’s a challenge to any serious Christian to examine himself by evaluating his ‘walk with Christ.’ Dr. Cloud’s passion for Biblical history has helped strengthen my love and knowledge of the Biblical truth. Overall, the courses have been a wonderful learning adventure and a much-needed study tool for our growth as a church.”
“I praise the Lord for Brother Cloud’s Scripture-soaked Bible courses. It is difficult to find commentaries and courses from a Textus Receptus, pre-Tribulational, non-Calvinist and separatist perspective, but Brother Cloud delivers. Our church and church Bible School have been using his teaching materials for many years to much profit. From church history to music to Bible geography, we have been blessed with insights and resources that enhance our grasp of the Bible, inform our minds with historical context, and sharpen our discernment. One of our members has read through the Way of Life Encyclopedia. I heartily recommend Brother Cloud’s Bible courses.”
“I want to thank you so much for this Bible course! The sessions have been reproving, challenging, and have greatly grown my spiritual walk with God. When the Bible is accurately preached without apology, God is definitely glorified! The greatest benefit I have received is a more eternally-focused mindset. The things of this earth are just so vain!”
“My family and I want to tell you how much we have appreciated the studies on Mastering the English Bible. We have been challenged to study God’s Word more intently and to be more committed to living more holy for Him. I really appreciate your excitement for the Bible; how contagious that is! Thank you for your hard work and time researching our world today and warning us of the devil’s devices such as worldly music, false teachers, worldly dress, and the pop culture, as well as sharing some miraculous facts about God’s creation. Thank you, as well, for teaching the importance of studying the Bible correctly, Biblical preaching, a true regenerate church membership, how a New Testament church ought to function, and what it means to put Christ first in our lives and make sacrifices for Him.”
“I thought you would want to know we are taking two of your courses and our folks are ‘eating this up.’ They are delighted to be gaining a deeper understanding of the Word of God. They are memorizing verses, taking notes, writing papers about what they have learned, and taking the tests. What a joy it is to see them so eager to learn and to witness them growing in the Lord. My sister is planning on using them to teach her two boys while home schooling. I want you to know that I would recommend these books to any pastor or Christian educator.”
“I thought I knew the Bible pretty well, but after starting the Mastering the English Bible series I see now that I don’t know anything and I must study much more.”
“I have used your Bible courses as teaching materials to prepare one of our men for the ministry. I appreciate your clear, straightforward Biblical teaching, and the man that is working through the books is growing and learning by leaps and bounds!”
“I just wanted to give you some feedback on the Way of Life Bible courses. They have been a tremendous blessing. I’m teaching Romans for Sunday School and ‘How to Study the Bible’ on Wednesday evenings. Both books are extremely helpful for any Christian, no matter where they are spiritually. The practical application is extremely helpful and edifying. So, on behalf of our church family here, we thank you.”
“What I appreciate about the Way of Life Bible course is that it is detailed (most courses are so shallow) without being too scholarly/academic.”
“I have found these courses extremely helpful. I would not change a thing about the books. I love the format, the clarity, the assignments and the review questions and tests.”
“Your course on How to Study the Bible [the new course is Understanding the Bible for Yourself] helped me a great deal. The Scriptures have ‘come alive’ even more. God is so good. I’m now conducting a study of the New Testament Church and am looking forward to the rest of the series, and especially to Understanding Bible Prophecy.”
“Thank you for writing the course ‘History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective.’ It is very well written and documented. Your book has been selected as the text for our Church History class. Thanks for your in-depth research and writing. May the Lord continue to bless your faithful ministry for His glory.”
“I want to thank you for the History of the Churches course. I have had my eyes opened to some things that I was not even aware of as far as the history of the Baptists. Your book really made a difference in my life and I now have a greater appreciation of the Baptist History. I am an Ind. Fundamental Baptist who is now informed on the How and Why of my faith. I have been saved for over 18 years and never have I read the complete story. I knew the Who, What, Where, When but the How and Why just didn't click. Please continue to print and publish fantastic Baptist information.”
“I have used several of your Way of Life Bible courses. I recommend them to everyone, if you are a new Christian or been saved for 40 years. I look forward to future books being published.”
“God has used the course How to Study the Bible [the new course is Understanding the Bible for Yourself] in our church to help people grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. They are constantly asking when we are going to study it again! ... These books are extremely practical and I have found that they can be used to help new believers, as well as spur the mature believer to a deeper consideration of the truths of God’s Word. God bless your ministry!”
“The Bible courses are outstanding. I especially appreciate your direct, concise, no-nonsense, and strictly Scriptural approach.”
“Each course seems to get better, and they were excellent to start with!”
“I have ordered six of your Way of Life Bible courses, and I do not know why I waited this long to do so. I am presently working on Romans and whao!!!, what an eye opener.”
“Just a short note to let you know how very much I’ve enjoyed your Bible study on the book of Job, along with many others such as Romans, Hebrews, Proverbs, Psalms as well as some Epistles. I recently picked up the Job study for the second time and must say that I whole heartedly agree with you when you say, ‘If the book of Job was not in our Bible we would be much poorer spiritually.’ The Bible studies really work for me because they are like a meal; they are tremendously meaty yet simple, not so large as to intimidate and not to small, just right. I like the format of reading so much and then a few questions; it keeps me (most of the time) paying attention. Thank you for this fine material.”
The following testimony is by Don Whitecar, former missionary to Belize and current pastor of Mountain Valley Baptist Church, Pocatello, Idaho: “After one year in Belize, we had a little over 100 saved and in various stages of Christian growth. The attendance was consistently over 100, and a few had grown to the point to be workers in classes, etc. It was at this time that I used Way of Life’s 52 week One Year Discipleship Course. I gave every family one in order that they read and answer the questions during the week. In the Sunday evening service announcements, I would go over the answers. We had great participation, and it is this effort that grounded the largest group that made up the foundation of that church. After that point, I used those discipleship books by assigning a newly saved person to a grounded Christian who had already been through the book. They would work through the book together. Before the service began on Sunday evenings, it was common to see several places around the auditorium where people were going over the books. That church has used over 250 copies of that text. After the second anniversary of the church I began a Bible Institute to teach more in depth. We met on Monday evenings for 1.5 hours per class (2 classes). My wife offered speech classes (Bible story telling, etc.) for the ladies. Our classes were always well attended, and Way of Life’s Advanced Bible Studies books were always the text (for the Bible classes). The students were turning in their answers to the review questions for homework. We went over the answers in class. The questions from the homework became possible test questions at the end of each section, in addition to the information from my lecture notes.”
We are pleased to announce the Way of Life Bible College.
We have been working on this project for 50 years. I published my first book in 1974, the first year I was saved. I published my first Bible course in 1980. It was on Bible prophecy. Beginning in 2002, we published the Advanced Bible Studies Series, consisting of 21 courses. The Way of Life Bible college replaces that series. All of the courses are either brand new or highly revised.
The Way of Life Bible College is both a concept and a curriculum.
First, the Way of Life Bible College is a concept that a sound New Testament church is a serious training institution.
Our passion is for sound New Testament churches. The church we see in Scripture doesn’t merely have a Bible college, it is a Bible college. It is not merely a college in knowledge, it is a college in living. The New Testament church is God’s premier institution for the teaching and practice of truth in this dark world. It is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Ti. 3:15). Christ is truth, and the Bible is truth, and the church is the pillar and ground for the preservation and proclamation of truth. It is the headquarters for evangelism and world missions. The New Testament church should be a college of the gospel, theology, hermeneutics, philosophy, origins, history, prophecy, preaching, teaching, sacred music, prayer, spiritual warfare, marriage, child discipline, archaeology, apologetics, and everything else pertaining to the truth of God’s Word.
That the church is to be a Bible training, discipling institution for every member, from the youngest to the oldest, is clearly taught in Scripture. There we see that every member of a Bible-believing church is a born again disciple of Jesus Christ, and every member is aiming to be a skillful, obedient Bible student, and the church is geared to educating each member toward this end. That is the teaching of Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42; Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 1:28; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; and Hebrews 5:12-14, for example. This should start with the training of children in the homes, which requires that the fathers and mothers be skillful Bible students and true disciples of Christ. It is the church’s job to build up the homes in God’s Word so they can raise a godly seed for the glory of Jesus Christ. This is obvious from the fact that the instructions about the Christian home are given to churches or to church planters (e.g., Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4; Col. 3:18-21; 1 Ti. 5:4-16; Tit. 2:3-5). Every youth in a Bible-believing church should be on the way to becoming a skillful Bible student and fruitful disciple of Christ.
Every church should be raising up and training pastors, evangelists, preachers, and teachers. This was a major objective in Paul’s ministry (2 Ti. 2:2), and he is our example (1 Co. 11:2). The Pastoral Epistles were written for this purpose, and in these epistles we see how extensively Paul trained God-called men. This work requires lots of prayer for God to raise up laborers (Lu. 10:2) and creating an environment in the home and church that is filled with challenge and exhortation for the people to surrender to God’s will.
We are thus convinced that the equivalent of a Bible college education is the mere starting point to be equipped for God’s will in this present world, and it is the church’s job to give this education. We’re not talking about being equipped to be a pastor; we’re talking about being equipped to be a “normal Christian”! Every believer is an ambassador for Christ (2 Co. 5:20), a priest of God (1 Pe. 2:5, 9), a minister of spiritual gifts (Ro. 12:3-8), a builder of the church (1 Co. 3:9-15; Eph. 4:16), a soldier in Christ’s army (Eph. 6:10-19), a teacher of the Word of righteousness (Heb. 5:12-14). In addition there are the large ministries of the husband as the spiritual head of the home (Eph. 6:4) and the wife as the keeper of the home (Tit. 2:5). All of this requires serious education. Imagine trying to be a priest, soldier, ambassador, teacher, and builder with little or no training! But this is exactly what is happening in a vast number of churches.
The Way of Life Bible College is a concept that Bible training is a life-long project. It isn’t something you complete; it is something you pursue for your entire life.
So the Way of Life Bible College is, first of all, a concept that a sound New Testament church is a serious training institution that aims to disciple every believer toward perfection in every area of Christian life and ministry.
Second, the Way of Life Bible College is a curricula of courses.
Way of Life Literature publishes a full range of Bible courses on practically every subject touching the Bible and Christian life and ministry.
(The Advanced Bible Studies Series, which we published for many years, has been replaced by new courses.)
Currently there are about 40 Bible courses. Each course consists of a textbook, a syllabus to guide the teacher and student through the course, student projects, review questions, sectional tests, a final test, and the test scoresheets. Many of the courses also feature class videos and PowerPoints.
The syllabus, review questions, tests, and answer keys come as a free Course Material Download.
The Way of Life Bible College does not offer diplomas or degrees. The courses are for teachers to download and use in classes and for individuals to download for self study.
As much as possible, we will try to answer questions and give any help we can to students and teachers.
For more information about the Way of Life Bible College (FAQ, etc) and description of the courses go to:
The Way of Life Bible College is both a concept and a curriculum.
First, the Way of Life Bible College is a concept that a sound New Testament church is a serious training institution.
Our passion is for sound New Testament churches. The church we see in Scripture doesn’t merely have a Bible college, it is a Bible college. It is not merely a college in knowledge, it is a college in living. The New Testament church is God’s premier institution for the teaching and practice of truth in this dark world. It is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Ti. 3:15). Christ is truth, and the Bible is truth, and the church is the pillar and ground for the preservation and proclamation of truth. It is the headquarters for evangelism and world missions. The New Testament church should be a college of the gospel, theology, hermeneutics, philosophy, origins, history, prophecy, preaching, teaching, sacred music, prayer, spiritual warfare, marriage, child discipline, archaeology, apologetics, and everything else pertaining to the truth of God’s Word.
That the church is to be a Bible training, discipling institution for every member, from the youngest to the oldest, is clearly taught in Scripture. There we see that every member of a Bible-believing church is a born again disciple of Jesus Christ, and every member is aiming to be a skillful, obedient Bible student, and the church is geared to educating each member toward this end. That is the teaching of Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42; Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 1:28; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; and Hebrews 5:12-14, for example. This should start with the training of children in the homes, which requires that the fathers and mothers be skillful Bible students and true disciples of Christ. It is the church’s job to build up the homes in God’s Word so they can raise a godly seed for the glory of Jesus Christ. This is obvious from the fact that the instructions about the Christian home are given to churches or to church planters (e.g., Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4; Col. 3:18-21; 1 Ti. 5:4-16; Tit. 2:3-5). Every youth in a Bible-believing church should be on the way to becoming a skillful Bible student and fruitful disciple of Christ.
Every church should be raising up and training pastors, evangelists, preachers, and teachers. This was a major objective in Paul’s ministry (2 Ti. 2:2), and he is our example (1 Co. 11:2). The Pastoral Epistles were written for this purpose, and in these epistles we see how extensively Paul trained God-called men. This work requires lots of prayer for God to raise up laborers (Lu. 10:2) and creating an environment in the home and church that is filled with challenge and exhortation for the people to surrender to God’s will.
We are thus convinced that the equivalent of a Bible college education is the mere starting point to be equipped for God’s will in this present world, and it is the church’s job to give this education. We’re not talking about being equipped to be a pastor; we’re talking about being equipped to be a “normal Christian”! Every believer is an ambassador for Christ (2 Co. 5:20), a priest of God (1 Pe. 2:5, 9), a minister of spiritual gifts (Ro. 12:3-8), a builder of the church (1 Co. 3:9-15; Eph. 4:16), a soldier in Christ’s army (Eph. 6:10-19), a teacher of the Word of righteousness (Heb. 5:12-14). In addition there are the large ministries of the husband as the spiritual head of the home (Eph. 6:4) and the wife as the keeper of the home (Tit. 2:5). All of this requires serious education. Imagine trying to be a priest, soldier, ambassador, teacher, and builder with little or no training! But this is exactly what is happening in a vast number of churches.
The Way of Life Bible College is a concept that Bible training is a life-long project. It isn’t something you complete; it is something you pursue for your entire life.
So the Way of Life Bible College is, first of all, a concept that a sound New Testament church is a serious training institution that aims to disciple every believer toward perfection in every area of Christian life and ministry.
Second, the Way of Life Bible College is a curricula of courses.
Way of Life Literature publishes a full range of Bible courses on practically every subject touching the Bible and Christian life and ministry.
(The Advanced Bible Studies Series, which we published for many years, has been replaced by new courses.)
Currently there are about 40 Bible courses. Each course consists of a textbook, a syllabus to guide the teacher and student through the course, student projects, review questions, sectional tests, a final test, and the test scoresheets. Many of the courses also feature class videos and PowerPoints.
The syllabus, review questions, tests, and answer keys come as a free Course Material Download.
The Way of Life Bible College does not offer diplomas or degrees. The courses are for teachers to download and use in classes and for individuals to download for self study.
As much as possible, we will try to answer questions and give any help we can to students and teachers.
For more information about the Way of Life Bible College (FAQ, etc) and description of the courses go to: