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The September 2002 edition of Singing News, which covers Southern Gospel, contained a full page promoting Dolly Parton’s Dollywood entertainment center in Tennessee. Dollywood is the location of the Southern Gospel Hall of Fame, and it hosts an annual Southern Gospel Jubilee. It also hosts an annual gay and lesbian day!
Dolly Parton claims to be a Christian, but her Christianity represents the type that is popular among American entertainers, particularly country music stars. Country music today is “live as you please” rock & roll with a thin veneer of “Jesus” and a heavy dose of New Age gobbledygook.
Dolly dresses very immodestly and is comfortable in the midst of the moral filth of Hollywood. She played the madam in the R-rated movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Parton’s 2008 album, Backwoods Barbie, mixed a vaguely defined “Jesus” with moral debauchery. The song “Jesus and Gravity” says, “Jesus, I’ve got Jesus/ He’s my everything ... He gives me hope and He gives me strength/ And that’s all I’ll ever need...” Yet the same album has songs about drinking, carousing, breaking one’s sacred marital vows, and sleeping with someone outside of marriage, all from a very “non-judgmental” perspective. This is 2 Timothy 4:3 Christianity. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”
Dolly believes that even God is non-judgmental. She say, “God isn’t the monster in the sky that I grew up with [in the Church of God]. He’s a feelin’ within you” (Parade, Nov. 2, 1980). It is obvious that she worships a false christ, something the Bible warns about in 2 Corinthians 11 and other places.
Dolly’s God is the New Age God of energy that is in everyone.
"Everybody thinks of God as a different thing. To me, God is that greater, higher energy--that greater, wiser wisdom. It’s that thing in all of us that we all have to draw from. I’ve always trusted God and trusted myself, which to me are intertwined. I’m a creative person, and what gifts I have come from that divine place that I try to tap into. So who have I got to be afraid of?” (“The Gospel According to Dolly Parton,” interview with Rick Clark, Mixonline.com, Aug. 1, 2002).
This is the God of Oprah Winfrey and The Shack. (See reports at www.wayoflife.org.)
Dolly joined homosexual rocker Elton John to sing John Lennon’s atheist anthem “Imagine.” The lyrics say, “Imagine there’s no heaven … No hell below us, above us only sky … no religion too/ You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one/ I hope some day you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”
In 2011, Dolly said that she wants to sing a duet with shock rocker Lady Gaga. Dolly said, “I love her. Maybe we should do something together” (“Dolly Parton Wants to Sing,” MSN.com, April 14, 2011). Lady Gaga is a New Ager. Her single, “Judas,” is about “honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself into the light” (“Lady GaGa in Love with Judas,” Christian Post, March 25, 2011). This is New Age salvation through the power of Self. It is the New Age doctrine that darkness and light are one. She says that “God comes in many forms” and “you must worship your faith.” She dreams of a future where no one judges anything as right or wrong and there is only tolerance and “love.”
As we have seen, Dolly’s Christianity reflects the same philosophy as Lady Gaga.
For the stage production for her song “Go to Hell,” Dolly used 12 dancers. She said, “We do this with six dancers on the devil’s side and six on the Lord’s side. At the end of the song, they all merge and we all go into the light” (“Dolly’s Flame Worthy Streak Continues,” Country Music Television, April 21, 2004). This would appear to depict the New Age-Hindu concept that everything is one, that good is evil and evil is good, that everything is evolving and merging.
In 2005, Dolly joined the Dixie Chicks, Carole King, Yoko Ono, and others to record a benefit album (Love Rocks) in support of the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights organization.
In 2014, she criticized Christians who are intolerant of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) community.
“They know that I completely love and accept them, as I do all people. I’ve struggled enough in my life to be appreciated and understood. I’ve had to go against all kinds of people through the years just to be myself. I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don’t think we should be judgmental. Lord, I’ve got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on somebody else” (“Dolly Parton Q&A,” Billboard magazine, Oct. 24, 2014).
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