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Making educated predictions and testing them is part of the scientific method. Carl Werner, M.D., says:
“Using the scientific method, a scientist will start with an idea (theory or hypothesis) and then test the validity of his idea by vigorously trying to disprove it. If he or she can’t falsify it, then the original theory remains tentatively true” (Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Vol. 2, p. 9).
In the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate on February 4, 2014, Nye claimed that creationism doesn’t make and fulfill predictions, but that is nonsense.
Biblical creationism makes many clear predictions. As Jason Lisle, Ph.D. in astronomy, says:
“Christians need to understand that their worldview is not merely hypothetical. The real universe is the biblical universe. Since the Bible is true, it can be used to explain and make successful predictions about what we find in the physical universe. Genetics, geology, astronomy, paleontology, archaeology, and many other sciences all show facts that are what we would expect, given the truth of the Bible” (Jason Lisle, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, p. 98).
Consider some of these predictions:
The universe will behave according to established laws.
If God created the universe as described in the Bible, we can predict that it will behave according to established laws, and this is exactly what we find. This is so evident and so amazing that many non-Christian scientists have become convinced that it points to “intelligent design.”
Paul Davies, for example, in the Goldilocks Enigma describes the orderly, law-abiding nature of the universe as evidence for intelligence of some sort. Just as Goldilocks found the porridge not too hot or too cold, but “just right,” so the universe is “just right” for human life on earth.
“Instead of finding that space is filled with a dog’s breakfast of unrelated bric-a-brac, astronomers see an orchestrated and coherent unity. On the largest scale of size there is order and uniformity” (The Goldilocks Enigma, p. 20).
The universe will be logical.
If God created the universe as the Bible describes, we can predict that it will be logical to man’s mind, and this is exactly what we find. Dr. Jason Lisle observes that if God’s Word were not true, reality would make no sense:
“We would not have a good reason to believe in the preconditions of intelligibility; the basic reliability of memory and senses, laws of logic, uniformity of nature, morality, personal dignity and freedom, and so on. ...
“Rational reasoning involves using the laws of logic. ... For example, the statement ‘My car is in the garage and it is not the case that my car is in the garage’ is necessarily false by the law of non-contradiction. Any rational person would accept this law. But few people stop to ask, ‘Why is this law true? Why should there be a law of non-contradiction, or for that matter, any laws of reasoning?’ .. The Christian can answer these questions. ... According to Genesis, God has made us in His image (Gen. 1:26) and therefore we are to follow His example (Eph. 5:1). The laws of logic are a reflection of the way God thinks, and thus the way He expects us to think. The law of non-contradiction is not simply one person’s opinion of how we ought to think, rather it stems from God’s self-consistent nature. God cannot deny Himself (2 Tim. 2:13), and all truth is in God (John 14:6; Col. 2:3), therefore truth will not contradict itself. Since God is constantly upholding the universe by His power (Heb. 1:3), the consistent Christian expects that no contradiction will ever occur in the universe.
“Laws of logic make sense in a Christian worldview. But other worldviews cannot account for them. For example, apart from the Bible, how could we know that contradictions are always false? We could only say that they have been false in our experience. But our experiences are very limited, and no one has experienced the future. ... Only in a biblical worldview can we know that contradictions cannot occur in reality; only the Christian has a basis for the law of non-contradiction, or laws of logic in general. ...
“How can the evolutionist account for absolute standards of reasoning like the laws of logic? In an accidental evolutionary universe, why would there be universal, unchanging standards? ...
“There cannot be a single universal set of laws of logic if there is more than one god. Therefore, no polytheistic religion can account for laws of logic” (Jason Lisle, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, pp. 40, 41, 52, 54, 56).
There will be a vast unbridgeable gulf between man and the animal kingdom; man alone will demonstrate high intelligence and worship God.
The Bible says that God made man in His own image and that man is not part of the animal kingdom. We would expect to find evidence for this, and this is precisely what we do find.
In Hallmarks of Design Stuart Burgess gives 10 characteristics that are unique to man: upright stature, skillful hands, unique skin, intricate language, intricate facial expressions, unique intellect, unique genetic code, unique reproduction, spiritual being, and delicate beauty (Hallmarks of Design, p. 164).
There will be evidence that men worshiped one God in the beginning and that this devolved into polytheism.
The Bible indicates that polytheism did not begin until nearly two millennium after man was created. Polytheism arose after the Flood at the Tower of Babel about 2200 B.C., and spread from there throughout the earth. Before the Flood men worshiped one supreme Almighty God, and this is what historians have found.
“In my opinion the history of the oldest civilization of man is a rapid decline from monotheism to extreme polytheism and widespread belief in evil spirits. It is in a very true sense the history of the fall of man” (Stephen Langdon, Semitic Mythology, Vol. 5, Mythology of All Races, 1931, p. xviii; Langdon was a renowned scholar at Oxford).
“A belief in a Supreme Being is to be found among all the peoples of the primitive culture...” (Wilhelm Schmidt, Origin of the Idea of God).
“There is a monotheism that precedes the polytheism of the Veda; and even in the invocations of the innumerable gods, the remembrance of a God, one and infinite, breaks through the mist of idolatrous phraseology like the blue sky that is hidden by passing clouds” (Max Muller, History of Sanskrit Literature, 1859, p. 559; Muller was a renowned Oxford Sanskrit scholar).
“Five thousand years ago the Chinese were Monotheists, but even then there was a struggle with nature-worship and divination” (James Legge, The Religions of China, cited from A.C. Gaebelein, Christianity or Religion, 1927, p. 44).
“From high cultures and low cultures the same picture emerges. It is a picture of a remarkably pure concept of the nature of God and His relation to man being gradually corrupted on the one hand by rationalizations which resulted from the gradual substitution of man’s own thinking in place of revelation and on the other hand by superstition which stemmed from ignorance and forgetfulness or the original revelation” (Arthur Custance, Evolution or Creation? 1976, p. 131; Custance had an M.A. in oriental languages and a Ph.D. in anthropology).
“In the early ages of mankind, the existence of a sole and omnipotent Deity, who created all things, seems to have been the universal belief...” (J. Gardner Wilkinson, The Ancient Egyptians).
There will be evidence that human language is only a few thousand years old.
Modern archaeology has traced writing to the late 4th millennium B.C. (Joseph Naveh, Origins of the Alphabets, p. 6). This is exactly when the Bible says man’s history began.
There will be evidence that there was one original language.
The Bible says that there was one language in the beginning of man’s history, and the multiplicity of languages can be traced to God’s judgment on the Tower of Babel project.
One ancestral language is what many linguists and historians have argued for. It is called monogenesis and has been supported by Alfredo Trombetti, Morris Swadesh, John Bengtson, Merritt Ruhlen, and Joseph Greenberg, among others.
“Many modern day philologists attest to the likelihood of such an origin for the world’s languages. Alfredo Trombetti says he can trace and prove the common origin of all languages. Max Mueller also attests to the common origin” (Josh McDowell, The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, p.105).
There will be evidence that man’s language was fully developed from its inception.
Instead of language growing more complex, it is growing increasingly simple. Ancient Chinese, which originated at least 4,000 years ago, had 6,000 characters, whereas modern Chinese is greatly simplified. Ancient Sanskrit, which dates to at least 1,500 B.C., had up to 500 variations for each verb, whereas the modern languages that have developed from Sanskrit, such as Hindi and Bengali and Nepali, have only a few variations. (English typically has only five verb forms: do, does, did, done, doing.)
There will be evidence of Intelligent Design.
The evidence for this is everywhere. See the chapter “Icons of Creation.”
There will not be life elsewhere in the universe outside of Heaven, and certainly not any sort of evolving life.
The book of Genesis says that God made the earth for man’s habitation and the starry universe in relation to man’s earthly existence. The only other creatures mentioned in Scripture are the angels. The elect angels live in heaven, but they are also active on earth. Some of the angels followed Satan in his rebellion. Some of these are incarcerated (2 Peter 2:4) while others are active on earth (1 Peter 5:8). Beyond this, the Bible does not indicate that there is life elsewhere in the created universe.
After 45 years of intensive research by NASA, not a single sign of life has been detected. More than $130 million has been spent on SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) since 1960, with the current technology using 27 different telescopes scanning space in all directions for signs of life. This problem for evolutionists is known as the “Fermi Paradox.” Enrico Fermi, an atomic scientist, asked the question, “Where is everybody?”
Robert Naeye, editor-in-chief of Sky & Telescope magazine, says, “The sobering reality is that there is no observational evidence whatsoever for the existence of other intelligent beings anywhere in the universe” (“O.K., Where Are They?” Astronomy, July 1996, p. 36). Paul Davies’ book summing up the first half century of SETI is entitled The Eerie Silence (April 2010). Davies still thinks life might be found if SETI could be ramped up, but he admits that so far, “not a whisper of an alien message has been received.”
There will be evidence that the world was made for man (Genesis 1:29).
This is exactly what we find. The world contains everything man needs. It has oxygen for breathing, water for drinking, food for sustenance, materials for clothing, fuel for light and heat, building materials for construction, substances for medicine, beauty, and a thousand other things for man’s necessities and pleasure.
The fact that the world seems designed for man’s use is so obvious that some evolutionists have called this the anthropic principle. But a world giving the appearance of having been designed for man makes no sense if it were a product of blind evolution.
Evolutionist Freeman Dyson said, “The universe in some sense must have known we were coming” (quoted by Judith Hooper, “Perfect Timing,” New Age Journal, Dec. 1985, p. 18).
All men will be of the same race.
According to the Bible, all men have the same blood (Acts 17:26); they come from the same original parents, Adam and Eve.
This is exactly what we find to be true. The differences between men are superficial, pertaining to such things as skin color and eye shape.
There will be evidence that human civilization began in the Mesopotamian region.
According to the Bible, after Noah’s Flood in about 2350 B.C. human civilization flourished in the Mesopotamian region between the Tigris and Euphrates.
This is exactly what archaeologists have discovered. Great civilizations arose suddenly in this very region.
“Historians refer to ancient Mesopotamia as ‘the birthplace of civilization.’ The first civilization developed in the southern region of Mesopotamia, called Sumer. ... By about 2800 B.C., most Sumerians lived in a city-state” (Shilpa Mehta-Jones, Life in Ancient Mesopotamia, p. 4).
In fact, the very cities mentioned in Genesis 10 have been unearthed by archaeologists. These include Babylon, Nineveh, Erech, Ur, and Calah.
Man’s history will stretch back only several thousand years and will appear as a full-blown intelligent culture.
The Bible says that Adam’s children built complex societies and were inventive from the very beginning, excelling in such things as metal working, designing musical instruments, and agriculture (Genesis 4:16-22). This early society, dating to about 4000 B.C., was destroyed in the Flood, but it was duplicated immediately thereafter by Noah’s offspring beginning in about 2,500 B.C. The kingdom of Babylon was highly sophisticated, with the use of bricks and mortar for the construction of high towers, etc. (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-4).
This is confirmed by the discoveries of modern archaeology. Every ancient civilization seems to have popped into existence suddenly four to five thousand years ago.
The Egyptians had amazing mathematical and engineering skills. The Great Pyramid, built in about 2,500 B.C., contains over two million blocks of stone, each weighing about 2 1/2 tons. Its sides are 756 feet long and are set to the points of a compass to an accuracy of a small fraction of one degree (Don Stewart, The Creation, p. 150).
Ur of the Chaldees is one of the ancient cities mentioned in Genesis after the Flood. The city, dating to 2500 B.C., was excavated in the 1920s by a joint team of American and British archaeologists with Charles Woolley in charge. Werner Keller says, “Ur of the Chaldees was a powerful, prosperous colourful and busy capital city in the beginning of the second millennium B.C.” (The Bible as History, p. 19). There were laws, courts, administrative offices, spinning mills. The broad irrigated fields of corn, barley, date-palms, figs, etc. stretched as far as the eye could see and “could cheerfully bear comparison with Canadian wheat farms.” The city’s central tower was 75 feet high, built in stages of diminishing size of “gaily colored brick” on a foundation block 120 feet square. Each stage was covered with trees. It was surrounded with five temples that featured courtyards with flowing fountains. The houses were “handsome and comfortable.” Many of the citizens lived in “large two-storied villas with thirteen or fourteen rooms.” The houses were built of burnt brick and the walls coated with plaster and whitewashed. The citizens employed a variety of musical instruments to accompany their singing and plays. The graves of the kings contained golden drinking cups and goblets, wonderfully shaped jugs and vases, bronze tableware, mother of pearl mosaics, lapis luzuli and silver, harps and lyres and musical pipes, bright headdresses of flowers and leaves cut from gold and silver sheets, daggers with golden blades, and game boards.
The Mayans of Central America, 2000 B.C. and even earlier, had a written language, art, architecture, and could figure the length of a solar year to within 2/10,000 of a day. They calculated the length of each year at 365.2420 days, whereas modern astronomers calculate it at 365.2422 days.
There will be evidence of ancient religious towers throughout Mesopotamia.
The Bible says that after Noah’s Flood men built a great tower in Babylon as a religious and socio-political enterprise. Since the 19th century, archaeologists have unearthed the remnants of dozens of these towers, called ziggurats.
There will be beauty and pleasure.
According to the Bible, the Creator made beauty and a bounty of things for man to enjoy (Genesis 2:9 “pleasant to the sight”; Job 26:13 “he hath garnished the heavens”; 1 Timothy 6:17 “who giveth us richly all things to enjoy”).
This is exactly what we observe. The creation is not only functional, it is beautiful and fascinating and pleasurable. The sun doesn’t just appear or disappear; it comes and goes with a glory that has never been captured fully by man’s art! Snow doesn’t just fall from the sky in haphazard chunks; it falls in flakes of glorious patterns. The earth’s sky is a lovely, comforting blue, whereas it could be a depressing black like the moon’s. The trees and shrubs and grass are glorious in their beauty, all shades of tranquil green, all sorts of pleasant habits, displaying flowers of every shape and every color in the rainbow. Even the lowly weeds have their glorious flowers. Jesus spoke of their beauty, saying that even Solomon in his kingly glory was not arrayed like the grass of the field.
Even in the depths of the sea and in outer space there is beauty. The Hubble Space Telescope has taken pictures of breathtaking beauty in outer space.
Bird feathers and butterflies have a complete range of color, which is produced by three types of pigment (carotenoid, porphyrins, and melanin) as well as magnificent systems involving intricate light reflection.
Even at the cellular level, there is beauty. Dr. Fazale Rana says, “... the most fascinating discovery made by scientific pioneers has little to do with the cell’s structures or activities. Rather, it is the sheer beauty and artistry of the biochemical realm” (The Cell’s Design, p. 16).
“God has made nature not only for our necessities, but also for our pleasures. He has not only made fields of corn, but he has created the violet and cowslip. Air alone would be sufficient for us to breathe, but see how He has loaded it with perfumes; bread alone might sustain life, but mark the sweet fruits with which nature’s lap is brimming. The colours of flowers, the beauties of scenery, the music of birds, all show how the great Creator has cared for lawful gratification of every sense of man. Nor is it a sin to enjoy these gifts of heaven; but it would be folly to close one’s soul to their charm” (Charles Spurgeon).
There will be barriers between the different kinds of plants and animals.
The Bible says 10 times in Genesis 1 that God made the plants and animals to reproduce “after his kind” (Gen. 1:11, 12, , 21, 24, 25).
This is evident in the fossil record and is called stasis. Creatures not only appear in the fossil record fully formed but also retain their form throughout their existence, even over supposed “millions of years.” The oldest bat in the fossil record, for example, is “modern” in form.
In breeding experiments, this is called “genetic homeostasis.” Through the process of artificial selection, corn has never become wheat; dogs, sheep; or reptiles, birds.
It is important to understand that the modern term species is not the same as the biblical kinds as used in Genesis 1, which is the Hebrew word baramin. Andrew Lamb of Creation Ministries writes: “The biblical kind often equates to the family level in the modern biological classification scheme, and sometimes to genus or order. Some excellent baraminology papers have appeared in recent issues of Journal of Creation” (“Sheep and Goats?” Creation Ministries International, 21007).
There will be interrelatedness, interdependence, symphony.
According to the Bible, God made the earth and the universe for man’s habitation, and this would predict that we will witness interrelatedness, interdependence, and symphony throughout the universe, which is exactly what we see.
Henry Zuill, Ph.D. in biology, observes:
“When we look broadly at the panorama of life and ecological relationships, we see that ecological complexity is built on layer upon layer of complexity, going all the way down through different hierarchical structural and organizational levels to the cell and even lower. ... we are talking about an essential multi-species integrated service system--an entire integrated system. There seems to be no adequate evolutionary way to explain this. How could multiple organisms have once lived independently of services they now require?” (In Six Days, edited by John Ashton, p. 67-69).
The examples of the harmony and integration of nature are endless. There is the finely-tuned universe. There is the earth’s ecosystem, with its nitrogen cycle, water cycle, food chain, etc.
If evolution were true, we would expect to see chaos and disharmony rather than the beautiful integration that actually exists.
There will be evidence of man’s fall and of God’s curse on creation.
According to the Bible, man sinned against God by breaking His law and God judged both man and the creation of which man is the head. Man is a fallen sinner and the creation is “groaning and travailing” under God’s curse (Romans 8:22).
This is precisely what we see. Human history and experience tells us that something is desperately wrong with man. He is incorrigibly evil, regardless of his environment and upbringing. He lies, steals, hates, envies, and covets. He is selfish, unkind, ungracious, and tends to violence, and nothing has proven successful in changing man’s nature.
The earth, while filled with beauty and delightful things, shows every evidence of being under a curse. There is disease and death and entropy. There is nature “red in tooth and claw.”
There will not be any trees older than about 4,500 years.
According to the Bible, the world was created six or seven thousand years ago and the global Flood destroyed all life from the earth about 4,500 years ago, so we would predict that the oldest living creatures will not be older than this.
The oldest trees on earth are the bristlecone pines in the White Mountains bordering California and Nevada. They are estimated to be about 4,600 years old.
It has been claimed that a group of Huon pines in Tasmania are more than 10,500 years old, but the dating was not based on actual ring counts but on pollen in a nearby lake. Traditional tree-ring dates give an age of no more than 4,000 years (Roger Patterson, Evolution Exposed, p. 173).
There will be great diversity and variety.
The Bible says that God made a great variety of plants and animals (Psa. 104:24-25).
It is not, therefore, surprising that there are many types of seeing and flying creatures (reptiles, mammals, birds, insects), but in light of evolution this would mean that the incredible miracle of sight and flight blindly evolved many times with countless varieties.
There will be evidence of a worldwide flood.
According to the Bible, a flood covered the earth with water during the days of Noah.
The two-volume Earth’s Catastrophic Past documents the powerful evidence of a worldwide flood. The author, Andrew Snelling, obtained a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia, in 1982, and was a principal investigator in the eight-year RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) project which critiqued evolutionary dating methods. Snelling made major contributions to the project in rock dating studies using radioisotopes and in studies of radiation halos and tracks in various minerals.
Volume 1 examines the biblical record of the Flood, comparing this record with modern scientific knowledge and theories. Dr. Snelling demonstrates that the Genesis record is reliable history that was authenticated by Christ’s teaching. He shows that the reliability of the whole Bible depends on Genesis as literal history and answers the arguments that have been advanced, both by secularists, theological modernists, and “evangelicals,” against a six-day creation and the global Flood. These arguments include the supposed lack of sufficient water to cover the mountains, the lack of space on the ark for all of the creatures, the problems with feeding so many animals, the post-flood animal distribution, and the similarity of the Babylonian flood accounts. Volume 1 also examines each of the six days of creation from a biblical and scientific viewpoint. Volume 1 concludes with a lengthy examination of the modern geological synthesis, including the geologic column, the precambrian column, and plate tectonics.
Volume 2 examines earth’s geology from the standpoint of the Genesis record, particularly the global Flood. Dr. Snelling documents the renewed recognition of catastrophism among scientists and the subsequent rejection of uniformitarianism. He examines the evidence for a global flood, including the massive fossil and coal beds. He demonstrates that the geologic column shows massive signs of rapid water-deposited strata and that the order of the strata deposited by the Flood would organize creatures according to how we see them in the fossil record. He shows the pitfalls in the radioactive dating methods, including potassium-argon, rudbidium-stontium, samarium-neodymium, and uranium-thorium. He gives scientific evidence for a young earth, such as comets, the earth’s magnetic field, sea salt, erosion, sediments, volcanic activity and helium, radiohalos, and human population statistics. He answers various problems such as chalk and diatomite beds, coral reefs and limestone, evaporites, buried forests, coal beds, oil deposits, limestone caves and cave deposits, and ice ages.
Man will not find a solution to dying.
The Bible says that death is not a “natural” thing; it is the wages of sin (Romans 6:23). The Bible further indicates that man’s typical lifespan will be about 70 years (Psa. 90:10). On the basis of this teaching, we would predict that man will never find a solution to old age and dying, and it is obvious that this is the case so far. Molecular biologist Bill Andrews is one of the scientists who are trying to find a genetic solution to old age. Andrews has vowed to extend the human life span to 150 years, which would be twice the length promised in Scripture. If the Bible is true, that will not happen. Victory over death will never be found in a pill, but it is found in Jesus Christ. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
There will be a fear of death and a sense of an afterlife.
The Bible says that men fear it (Heb. 2:15), and this is exactly what we see. All men die, and men are generally fearful of dying and do everything they can to avoid it.
There will be evidence than man has a consciousness of God and a desire to have a relationship with Him.
The Bible says that God made man in His own image and for the purpose of walking in fellowship with him. After God made Adam, he communed with God before Eve was made.
Observation proves this prediction to be true. Man has a universal consciousness of God and a desire to know Him. This is witnessed by the multiplicity of religions that man has invented.
Man will have a conscience.
The Bible says that God put a conscience in man that speaks to him about right and wrong.
“Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another” (Romans 2:15).
This is true to man’s experience. Psychologists call it a “voice” and they try to quiet it by teaching men that they aren’t really under a divine moral mandate, but the fact is that the moral” voice” is a universal phenomenon.
Man will be guilt-ridden.
The Bible says that after man sinned against God, he was guilt-ridden. He hid from God and tried to cover his nakedness (Gen. 3).
This is exactly what we see in life. Men have invented many things, such as works religion and psychology, in an attempt to soothe their guilty consciences.
Man will be a master of blaming others for his errors.
The first thing Adam and Eve did when they sinned was blame others. Adam blamed his wife, and Eve blamed the serpent (Gen. 3:12-13).
The blame game has been played by all people throughout history. This trait is seen in children. The child typically tries to blame a sibling or someone or something other than himself. Those who work with prisoners know that it is rare for someone to own up to his own guilt and take responsibility for his actions.
Man will be conscious of his nakedness.
The Bible says that Adam and Eve were naked when God made them, but after they sinned they were conscious of this and ashamed of their nakedness (Gen. 2:25; 3:7).
It is interesting that man is the only “animal” that is aware of his nakedness and has generally throughout history covered it with at least some clothing. There have been exceptions, when tribes of men have became so degraded that they have lived in nakedness, but generally this has not been the case. From cave drawings to the artwork of ancient Mesopotamian civilization, men and women are depicted as clothed.
Evolution cannot explain how man became hairless (if he indeed evolved from the ape kingdom) or why he is conscious of his nakedness whereas apes are not.
The stars will differ in glory.
According to the Bible, God made the stars and planets and they “differ in glory” (1 Cor. 15:41).
This is scientifically true. Even the planets of our sun differ dramatically one from another in size, chemical composition, heat, rotation, moons, rings, and many other things, which makes no sense from an evolutionary viewpoint.
“The most popular theory holds that the solar system formed from an interstellar cloud of swirling gas and dust. If the sun, planets, and moons evolved from the same material, they should have many similarities. Yet each planet is unique.
“Since about 98 percent of the sun is hydrogen or helium, Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury should have similar composition. Instead, much less than 1 percent of these planets is hydrogen or helium.
“If the solar system evolved all planets should spin in the same direction, but Pluto and Venus rotate backwards, while Uranius is tipped on its side and rotates like a wheel.
“All moons in our solar system should orbit their planets in the same sense, but at least six have backward orbits. Furthermore, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter have moons orbiting in both directions.
“Scientists have no answer as to why four planets have rings or why each planet is so unique” (A Question of Origins video presentation).
The life of the flesh will be in the blood.
According to the Bible, “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11).
This was written about 3,500 years ago, but it was not understood scientifically until recent times. For centuries doctors used “blood letting” as a healing method. George Washington, America’s first president, probably died prematurely because of this bogus practice. Modern medicine has learned what the Bible has taught all along, that the life of the flesh is in the blood. The amazing system of blood vessels and capillaries carries the life-giving oxygen and other necessary elements to every part of the body via the amazing blood cell. The blood also forms a major part of the infection fighting and clotting systems, which are necessary for the “life of the flesh.”
The earth will be round.
According to the Bible, the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22).
This prediction is true according to modern science. Isaiah was writing about 2,700 years ago, at a time when men typically thought the earth was flat. Some have argued that Isaiah was not referring to a sphere but to a flat circle, but it appears to us that he was referring to the spherical shape of the earth and it has been interpreted that way by many august commentators. John Gill (1697-1791) said it refers to a “globe” and states, “for the earth is spherical or globular: not a flat plain, but round, hung as a ball in the air; here Jehovah sits as the Lord and Sovereign; being the Maker of it, he is above it, orders and directs its motion, and governs all things in it.” Nowhere does the Bible say or indicate that the earth is flat. The reference in Revelation 7:1 to the “four corners of the earth” do not refer in the context to corners as such but to the four directions of the wind.
The earth will be suspended in space.
According to the Bible, the earth is “hung on nothing” (Job 26:7).
Of course, modern science has confirmed this biblical “prediction.” Other ancient religious writings did not get this right. There were countless commonly-held myths about the earth sitting on the back of Atlas or a turtle or an elephant, etc.
The sun will make a circuit to the ends of the heaven.
The Bible says the sun’s “going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it” (Psalm 19:6).
This, of course, is what modern science has discovered. The sun makes a circuit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy at a rate of 486,000 miles per hour, with the planets revolving around the sun. When David wrote Psalm 19 three thousand years ago this was not known scientifically. For example, the Egyptians, in spite of their brilliant scientific achievements, believed that the sun was carried along in a boat that floated on a heavenly ocean.
There will be the fulfillment of Bible prophecies.
A final prediction we will mention is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. If the Bible is the divinely-inspired Word of God, its prophecies will be fulfilled, and this is exactly what we see in history.
The many prophecies of Christ’s first coming were fulfilled to the letter, including His birthplace in Bethlehem and the details surrounding His death. Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, for example, prophesied that Christ would die by crucifixion but that His bones would not be broken, and that He would be mocked, soldiers would gamble for his garments, and He would be buried in the tomb of a rich man.
The prophecies of Deuteronomy 28 that described the entire course of Israel’s history have been fulfilled to the letter. She rebelled against God’s law, was scattered to the end of the earth, was persecuted wherever she journeyed, and she has come back to her land as predicted by Deuteronomy 30.
The prophecies of the course of the church age have also been fulfilled. In 2 Timothy 3-4, the Bible prophesied that professing Christians would turn away from the New Testament faith to follow fables and live according to their own lusts. Peter prophesied that false Christianity would bring great reproach to the cause of Christ (2 Peter 2:1-3).
These prophecies, written thousands of years ago, have been fulfilled. This is miraculous and it is irrefutable evidence of the divine origin of Scripture.
From AN UNSHAKEABLE FAITH: A CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS COURSE. ISBN 978-1-58318-119-5. This course is built upon nearly 40 years of serious Bible study and apologetics research and writing. Research was done in the author’s personal 6,000-volume library plus in major museums and other locations in America, England, Europe, Australia, Asia, Turkey, Greece, and the Middle East. The package consists of a 360-page apologetics course (both print and eBook editions are supplied) plus 20 professional PowerPoint/Keynote presentations featuring 2,253 slides dealing with archaeology (ancient writing, Ur, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Lachish, Hezekiah’s tunnel, Medo-Persia, evidence from Israel itself, Luke’s writings, the Roman Empire), evolution/creation science (natural selection, mutations, fossil record, homology, peppered moth, Darwin’s finch, fruit fly, Lucy, Laetoli, vestigial organs, Haekel’s embryo chart, the Miller experiment, horse, whale and bird evolution, billions of years, icons of creation), and prophecies pertaining to Israel’s history. (Keynote is the Apple version of PowerPoint.) The course can be used for private study as well as in practically any Bible-teaching setting, such as teen and adult Sunday Schools, youth groups, Bible Institutes, and home schooling. The course is extensive and has a lot of depth, but this does not mean that it must be used as a whole or that it is limited to a “seminary” setting. It can be adapted to any age group from teen and older and can be divided into segments for any length of study, from one month to a year. The course can also be used as a reference manual. Practically any question that arises in the context of evolution, creation science, archaeology, Christ’s resurrection, etc., can be answered from this book. There are review questions and a summary of the course, which emphasizes the major points that the students should master. The major sections include The Bible’s Nature, The Bible’s Proof, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Bible’s Difficulties, Historical Evidence for Jesus, Evidence for Christ’s Resurrection, Archaeological Treasures Confirming the Bible, A History of Evolution, Icons of Evolution, Icons of Creation, Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood. The course is printed on 8.5x11-inch stock with coated color cover and is spiral-bound so it can be laid flat. The package consisting of the book and the PowerPoint/Keynote presentations is $69.95
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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.
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