Bible College
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Bible College

From Bro. Cloud's Mailbox - September 2017
September 5, 2017
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
From time to time, I publish some of the goodies from my mailbox, since many people have told me that they enjoy reading these things.


"Your book The Discipling Church is well named. It is loaded with Scriptural exposition, Scriptural explanation, and Scriptural edification. This spiritually rich volume covers almost every phase of a genuine Biblically discipling church. Every pastor should procure this spiritually enriching treasury, one which a preacher will readily consult for valuable assistance and counsel in seeking to maintain a Scripturally balanced N. T. ministry’ (Dr. Don Jasmin).

“Thank you, David, for possibly the best summary of the decline of the evangelical church in America I've read. [‘Emerging Church: The 21st Century Face of New Evangelicalism,’ FBIS, May 17, 2017] As a graduate of Dallas Seminary, I experienced much of what you wrote, and was there when Charles Woodbridge lectured there. What a campus controversy ‘emerged’ when he exposed this movement for what it was. I sat under professors like Ryrie, Unger, Pentecost, Walvoord, S. Lewis Johnson, and others (now all with the Lord). What is so appreciated is the succinct articulation of the historical interlocking events. The issue of Billy Graham had only begun to be questioned by a few.  Now the Seminary is no longer what it once was, allowed Progressive Dispensationalism to creep in and, through Dr. Campbell, opened up the path to the very thing you mentioned as non-judgmentalism in areas of creation, the Flood, and even Christian living. Overall, I want to let you know how significant and important this article is in letting those in the churches know what has happened, and the need to return to living holy lives that demonstrate our calling and election made sure. May the Lord continue to protect, surround you with His love and wisdom, and give you the continued ability to let the churches know these important truths.”

“When I think of men who have born significant fruit to the glory of God the Father - you are at the top of my list. Sometimes I literally stagger when I consider the amount of superior quality books and study guides you have written,  and I just don't understand how you have had time to do all the research and then write these massive tomes. As an attorney, I understand research, and what you have put together in a few decades is simply a gift to Bible believers from God. I truly wish more people understood that and took advantage of the resources you have created. I send your 52 week discipleship course to young believers ... While we may disagree on a few minor points, I know that I never, ever have to worry that you have waxed emergent, charismatic or anywhere to the left or right of sound biblical doctrine. Thank you my brother. The labor of your life will be well rewarded and I will very much enjoy hearing what the Lord has to say to you about when we see him as he truly is.”

“Thank you, Bro. Cloud.  I know you get a lot of heat for what you do, but you are spot-on in your observations (including my friends at Lancaster and North Valley) and correct in your admonitions and warnings.”

“I just want to say a big thank you for all of the hard work that you do. I really appreciate and enjoy the material that you put together and offer. Its always very informative, high quality and has been a real help and encouragement to myself, and to others that I know here in Ireland. Also thank you for taking the stands that you do and standing up for the truth even though it surely isn't an easy, or fun thing to do. I appreciate it and I know others do too!”

“Thank God forever for your due diligence in printing this much needed truth today. I've come to realize that for years I was not a repentant disciple of Christ, I was just (supposedly) saved. Ye shall know the truth, & the TRUTH shall make you free.” Referring to the article “John Rice, Lester Roloff, Repentance, and Sloppy Soul Winning,” Feb. 21, 2017

“Thank you for your article(s) on this absolutely crucial issue.” Referring to the article “
John Rice, Lester Roloff, Repentance, and Sloppy Soul Winning,” Feb. 21, 2017

“I think my cousin is in this category. He told me once, we'll I've prayed the prayer and I'm in. Not sure his life shows it, though.” Referring to the article “
John Rice, Lester Roloff, Repentance, and Sloppy Soul Winning,” Feb. 21, 2017

“The more I hear about the late Dr. Carl Hatch especially I cannot help but think he was nothing but a spiritual con artist! Maybe that is a rough statement but that is where I presently stand with him. He actually reminds me of some of these scam artists that are going around right now. Like how many times do we get phone calls telling us that we won a vacation cruise to the Bahamas?  I see very little difference between Dr. Hatch's presentations and those people! Just one is spreading the Gospel (supposedly)! I have been told that some of these scammers will ask questions to get you to say ‘yes’ and then they will record it and try to tell you that you agreed to buy something by carefully editing the recording! I see very little difference between that and Dr. Hatch declaring a person saved all because they said a little prayer! No change in their life. (See I Cor. 6:9-11; II Cor. 5:17)!  I am as I writing this I am listening to a sermon by the late Dr. Hatch ‘Seven Reasons Elvis Presley Could Not Go to Hell!’ I am sorry to say this but as I listen I am more and more convinced that Dr. Hatch was nothing but a spiritual con artist! I would just as soon heard a sermon dealing with ‘Seven Reasons Why Elvis Presley is Still Alive and Well!’ It would be just as easy to believe! ... I confess I have listened to some of the sermons that the late Dr. Hyles preached. And if I was not convinced about the moral shortcomings I have read that the late Dr. Robert L. Sumner and others claimed on him BEFORE I listened to some of the sermons I have listened to of the late Dr. Jack Hyles I would have been convinced after! Why? Well I remember one message he preached after I listened to him I wasn't angry, no; I wasn't challenged; no I wasn't convicted of any sin or need to do better spiritually! No, I was EXHAUSTED listening to all of his boastings! Between listening to all of his boastings in that one sermon and then tell in other sermons, writings, etc., how busy he claimed to be I couldn't help but feel exhausted. I asked myself, ‘When does this man find time to sleep?’ He told how he won’t get up in the pulpit on Sunday morning without praying 20 hours. But what about the other places he preaches. I believe and I may have the number wrong but it was like the 45,000th sermon he ever preached! He had been preaching for about 40 years at that time! That is approximately him preaching 1100 times a year! He also told how he had different places to pray. He prayed and petitioned God one place. He thanked God at another location. ... Like I say I found that message message very exhausting to listen to! I confess even before he was ever exposed for having that affair I would often think he fulfilled the last day prophecy of Perilous Times in II Tim.3 about ‘men shall be...boasters!’ Well I thank you very much for this excellent article.” Referring to the article “
John Rice, Lester Roloff, Repentance, and Sloppy Soul Winning,” Feb. 21, 2017

“I would have to say that I know this preacher that has written extensively on so many Bible subjects and on many of the Bible books that we use many of his materials to disciple people. In fact, you may know him - his name is David Cloud!  :) We have used the 52 week discipleship material extensively. ... Right now we are using one of your courses for our Wednesday night study with over 100 books sold. Many of these are shared with spouses and children in the same family.”

“Thank you very much for the book ‘A Plea to Southern Gospel Music Lovers.’ I was both amazed, challenged and saddened when I started reading it. I have generally ignored warnings about Southern Gospel because I associated it with groups like the Gaithers, the Cathedrals, the Blackwood Brothers, etc - groups that, when I was a teenager in Independent Baptist Churches, were preached against.  So I didn't think I had any issue with this. I was amazed to read the book to discover that I have, in my music collection, some of the songs mentioned in the book! I have Step into the Water, and other songs I purchased on tape as a teen/young adult. I have been challenged to cut these songs out... the points in the book are certainly valid; especially that the words are vapid and wispy for many of the songs. I used to think that it was okay to listen to the songs in private, even if I would never sing or play them in church.  However, I believe that if I continue to listen to such songs, it just becomes easier to allow or make excuses to allow them in our churches. Finally, I am saddened; as I travel or listen to services around the country, I am highly saddened by how many Independent Fundamental Churches are allowing Southern Gospel music in their specials.  I've been listening to the Pastors and Workers conference at North Valley Baptist Church (pastor Jack Trieber), and most of the specials are Southern Gospel style.  I recently returned from a Men's Conference from a solid church in my area, and a couple of their specials were Southern Gospel style.”

“I am getting sick and tired of independent Baptist churches and ministries messing around with CCM. I appreciate your research into the issue and stand concerning it. It has been very helpful, and a clarion call to the independent Baptist movement to stay out of it!! Keep on preaching it true and right!!  God bless you and your ministry.”

“I have preached for so many young men out west and the overwhelming majority of West Coast grads are emergent and contemporary. Please keep exposing this stuff! Thank you so much!”

“I'm writing to let you know how the Lord has used your writings and warning against CCM in the life of a young man who is a friend of mine. His father is a Baptist pastor in another state, and he had come to stay with us and work at the company where I am a foreman. As he was often on my crew, I got to talking about spiritual things with him. I found that he not only wasn't converted, he was very much in love with the world. Although his father is very careful in the music he uses, both at church and at home, his son had picked up a taste for CCM and secular rock. ... After he went home, we maintained a friendship via text message, often conversing multiple times a day. The next summer, he began telling me about different songs that had blessed him. I realized they are CCM songs and artists. This is where your ministry became a great help. He would send a link where I could find his new favorite song on YouTube, and nearly always I would be able to find the artist mentioned in your writings about CCM. We would discuss why CCM was wrong, why the style itself is worldly and fleshly, the way the artists compromise doctrine and promote ecumenicalism, and many other things. ... These discussions lasted until last year, when he was truly born again. He told me that he had never known such joy and peace. ... One of the first things he did was to forsake his worldly music, throwing away his CDs. ... He has since been baptized and joined the Baptist Church his father pastors. I realize this has been rather lengthy, but I thought you might be encouraged to see that your ministry is bearing fruit. The Lord has used these reproofs about CCM to turn a soul to Himself. I'm thankful for the resources you have made available, many for free, to teach what is wrong with this terrible music. I'm thankful for the research and effort you put into studying these things. May the Lord bless you.”

“Hi just wanted to let you know I've been reading these for a while and there always very encouraging! Reading about the historical evidence for Jesus and other articles about creation, just goes to show how overwhelming the evidence really is in the face of those that deny those very things. It always propels me to know more so when I meet a skeptic I can challenge him on real evidence for Jesus's existence and real science that proves creation, that opens the door to sharing the Gospel. Continue to stand firm on the Word of God! God bless you.”

“Thank you, Brother Cloud. I appreciate your excellent spirit blended with zeal for righteousness. You remind me of my Saviour.” [This was in response to “
A Plea to the Clark Family,” Mar. 14, 2017.]

“Just a note to say a continued thank you for all your study and work in writing materials.  Among others, I am teaching your church history course this term and greatly enjoying it.”

“Thank you Brother Cloud for your stand on worldly vs. godly music. I know there were times when I would hear a ‘Christian’ song performed in an ungodly manner, but would be hard-pressed to put my finger on what exactly was wrong. This article shows that it is not subjective or based on individual tastes. It makes it crystal clear what the difference is, by showing specific techniques used in worldly music (scooping, sliding, etc) and how they violate biblical principles. As always, you give more than enough information and documentation to totally destroy any argument against you, including numerous Bible passages. ‘Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers’ (Titus 1:9). Unfortunately, there are many who are unwilling to face the truth. They hold on to this music because they like it, not understanding, or even caring, how much God hates it. ... I indulged this sensual, CCM-fueled desire for years, and was also part of the charismatic movement, with the two going hand in hand (also using NASB and NIV). Over time, however, by the grace of God, I was able to see the many areas where I was wrong. I am now the song leader in a fundamental KJV-only Baptist church ... pastored by a man ... who shares my views on conservative Christian music. ... I know you are concerned with the growing tide of FB churches going worldly, but by God’s grace ours won't be one of them. I've been down that contemporary road, and want no part of it. ... Thank you for your ministry. I know there must be times when you feel like John the Baptist, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight’ (Mark 1:3).”

“God Bless you Bro. Cloud! Continue to ‘Cry aloud.’”

“I remember a few years ago talking to Charlie Clark about their teen camps and I told him back then the music would keep us from attending. It's only gotten worse as the Northeast Vision/Summit has become a major uniting force for IBs in the Northeast that struggle because of small size. I've been invited each year and my answer is always the same. I can't because the music has turned it into a big emotional gathering appealing to the flesh rather than a doctrinal truth based meeting. They all see Clark getting bigger like Chappell out west and they want to be like them. Thus the CCM gets passed to the smaller churches that follow them. I guarantee if they took out all the southern gospel CCM and just sang sacred hymns or songs, the attendance at the Summit would drop like a rock! It really is sad because like Chappell and others, the Clark ministry has a lot of good to it. It's always the little fixes and the little leaven that destroys. ... These are difficult days and I admit that speaking truth becomes a more difficult challenge than in years past. I am thankful however that you do so.”

“I just want to thank you for all your materials. They are such a challenge and encouragement to be separate for the Lord. I received your book ‘Dressing for the Lord’ in the post last week and already have been taught and challenged about so much. So thankful for these materials as no one in Northern Ireland ever touches these subjects in our pulpits sadly.”

“Other than John Phillips that was the best commentary I have read yet on the book of Romans. In fact, it may be better. Bro. Cloud, you should consider getting all of your advanced Bible study courses into a format that could be synced up with Olive Tree similar to Dr. John Phillips Explore the Books.”

“I don't know that I have ever read a more timely sent article. [‘
Depression and the Child of God,’ Mar. 23, 2017]. Thank you brother Cloud; praying for you and Linda always.”

“Thank you for your good article entitled ‘
Depression and the Child of God.’ I personally have greatly suffered from depression at various times and for long periods in my life so this article was of great interest to me. ... As you have said, sometimes we must bear depression because it is the tool that God has chosen to mold us into the compassionate vessel through which He can pour out His grace to someone in critical need. Many times we will not truly ‘understand what a person is going through’ (and to pretend that we do can be cruel) but if we have experienced something similar, God may be able to use us to lead that person to the Great Physician of the soul who truly does understand and who knows exactly which remedy to prescribe. A person who suffers from depression might want to ask God to send that very person into their life whom God, through His wonderful foreknowledge, has prepared for just such a time and purpose. May God bless you mightily today.”

“Our church continues to get 70 copies of the O Timothy magazine every month and we periodically use some of your articles in our church monthly newsletter (mail out 1200/month). I daily check your articles on your website. I really appreciate and personally benefit from your research, faithful work, and ministry.”

“Thank you, Pastor Cloud.  You could not have written a more needed or relevant article or one which will be less heeded [‘
Ignorant Churches,’ Mar. 29, 2017]. Oh, that we had more children of Issachar, who ‘understood the times.’ Recently I read an article in which a left-wing philosopher was discussing how to destroy a society or a nation. It was summed up in one sentence. The way to destroy a society or a nation is to destroy it's culture, which has now occurred in our nation. Discernment and Apologetics are frighteningly rare particularly in biblical Christianity.”

“I was just reading an article on your website talking about your ‘plea’ to the Clarks concerning their music. What I wanted to say is thank you for posting the negative feedback. It's not often I see someone willing to share what people are saying against them.  This helps me by letting me be aware of what I will face on my journey toward Heaven as I strive to live righteously, and warn others along the way. While I only know a glimpse of how it feels to be falsely accused, I do still want to express my gratefulness to you for your resolve to follow Jesus' word and ways to the best of your ability.”

“Thank you for your ministry and keep standing for the hard right not the easy wrong.”

“Ten years ago this year, I was in the UK on business and was attending a missionary church. The man gave me a Way of Life encyclopedia, and I heard about your web site for the first time. At the time we were in a very Hyles-oriented church. (The pastor was a graduate of Hyles Anderson College and thought that Jack Hyles was on a par with the Apostle Paul). It was all we knew, but I felt very burdened being there. Then I began to read and was astonished that any fundamental Baptist would ever criticize Jack Hyles - but your articles spoke to all of my concerns about Jack Hyles, and gave solid voice and Scriptural background for my uneasiness. The glory goes to the Lord; He used the Way Of Life articles and opened my eyes to some of the serious spiritual issues going on at the church we were attending. The Holy Spirit brought to mind Jesus' words that His yoke was easy and His burden is light. We left a few years later and joined a church where the Word of God is taught and Jesus is exalted. It has been a such a blessing! And it started with a kind missionary freely giving me the Way of Life encyclopedia, and your Way of Life web site.”

“I know you are so busy, but I wanted to just drop you a quick note of encouragement about how important your newletters, books, and resources have been in my life. I am going through the 1 year discipleship course now and am memorizing all scripture in the lessons. Your work has been so valuable to me and my growth in the Lord. All glory is to God for salvation, justification, and sanctification, but as His faithful servant, you have been such a blessing to me and my spiritual growth.  I plan on sharing it with others as well. Thank you a thousand times over for your faithfulness to God and your clear teaching. Your work has made a difference in my life and in the lives of others I know. Please be encouraged and continue on in faithful service.  God is certainly using you.”

“I have read most of what you have written, although I have not kept up with ‘O Timothy.’ I was saved at 50 years of age and shortly after I devoted myself to the study of the KJB and the new version issue. I was provoked and motivated initially by your writings and, for this I thank you. I just wanted to relate an amusing story. I was saved 12/10/1998. Approximately one year later I attended a meeting of the Dean Burgon Society in Maryland. There were several book tables and, as I browsed the exhibition of your books, someone came up to the table. I asked, ‘Is this guy any good?’ and the person answered, ‘I think so.’ Shortly after I turned one of the books over and saw that it was you! Anyway, you inspired me and I have been studying the issue ever since, and have been trying to take the Lord's leading. Again, thank you very much and God bless you.”

“I wanted to begin to say that I really appreciate. The stand that you are taking against sin, and what is going on in our independent Churches today as well as in churches in general. I am so discouraged that it is hard for me to go on. May the Grace of God be with you and bless your ministry abundantly.”

“I continually pray for you and way of life ministry. This ministry is a wonderful gift of God.”

“I finished reading your new book ‘The Discipling Church’ this morning. I appreciate the work you’ve done in putting all that material together into one resource. In my opinion, in these perilous days, every person who is involved in ministry in the Lord’s Church should be in possession of a copy, AND READ IT THOROUGHLY and THINK CAREFULLY about what it says. ... After reading and valuing the thoroughness of your writings for around twenty years now, some of the material was familiar to me, but some wasn’t. ... As I see it, it covers every important topic a Pastor and other church leaders need to have a good grip on in order to begin, or maintain a biblically functioning church. ... No Pastor who is serious about the scriptural warnings of apostasy and deception in the last days should be without it. ... This is an important, thoroughly documented and well-presented educational resource. God bless you for your diligence and faithfulness to the Word, and to the work He’s called you to.”

“Absolutely wonderful article!! [‘Is the Bible the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice,’ May 10, 2017] Thank you for sharing and your stand on the Holy Scriptures. ... As a pastor and fellow believer I appreciate your ministry.”

“Excellent! [‘Changes within the Independent Baptist Movement,’ May 24, 2017] The steady path to compromise is found in every generation just as we find it in the Bible. Jude tells us to earnestly contend for the faith! My prayer for you is sir is that you will continue to contend for the faith! The ability to separate from those who are heading the wrong direction in our IFB churches is something NOT taught enough today. The reason why is that so many pastors are yoked up with these colleges. It is the connection to the college and the graduates that has done this in my opinion.”

“I appreciate your ministry above all others in our small world. We need warning ministries to 'cry out' in the face of apostasy.”

“I have been a subscriber of the O Timothy for over 20 years and greatly benefited from your writings. I also have the
Way of Life encyclopedia and Things Hard to Be Understood and they are in my opinion a must have resource for any preacher or teacher. I appreciate your work.”

“In these critical days we are all the more thankful and in prayer for your impact on your readers and inquirers, David. As a missionary, journalist, researcher and writer, the Lord God has given you an outreach perhaps on a scale like no other. May His preserving grace be multiplied your way as we all await His soon appearing!”
“Sir, I have been amply rewarded through your hard work and labor of love in all the periodicals, books and helps God has gifted you write.”

“And think you for the dozens of ebooks I have purchased and obtained by free downloads. Your own ‘scholarship’ as a journalist and thorough researcher is respected highly. I do not hesitate to keep you in prayer daily, and let others know about Way of Life Literature.”

“Thank you for taking the time to do what you do for Christians today. As, a pastor, your Scripture references are so helpful. What you do cannot be easy. It is appreciated.”

“I want to send a ‘Thank you’ that is long overdue. I ordered the Advanced Bible Study series, and am finding it to be a tremendous help in my walk with the Lord. I was also sent a free copy of the book on Southern Gospel music. That's a blessing as well, because I was specifically interested in reading that book, but didn't have the extra money to purchase it. Thank you for sending it to me. Brother Cloud's stands have helped me more than any other preacher I can think of. I appreciate the ministry and the warnings given.”

“Just thought I would let you know that was an outstanding article in this month’s O Timothy [“
Is God Finished with Israel?”]. It sure cleared up a lot of questions I have about Israel and the Church.”

“I thank the Lord for how He has used you and continues to. Your web site is loaded with everything anyone can use to help in running the race that is set before us. Really, if it wasn't for your church directory I never would have found Heritage Baptist since it is not located close to where I live. You and your ministry are in my prayers. God bless you and your family. Thank you for your faithfulness and giving us the truth.”

“Keep alarming us, Dear Brother. I need the reminders if no one else does. Some of us out here appreciate the Lord's use of you in this day of compromise.”

“Amen! [‘
The Parable of the Fire Alarm,’ July 18, 2017] I thank you for continuing to sound the alarm, some of us are listening and responding.  Praise God for your faith and love of Christ and the brethren. Keep up the good work!”

“I really enjoyed your book
Bible Times and Ancient Kingdoms.  It’s worth reading multiple times!”

“Hello, I am serving as a missionary in Greece. Your teaching series about CCM issues, Charismatic Pentecostal Issue, Emerging Church Movement have helped me greatly.  Thank you so much for your courageous messages!”

“Your article ‘
Does Salvation Make a Difference’ is without question one of the best pieces of commentary ... So many preachers are so scared to thoroughly contrast the difference between the lost and saved thinking that it would be wrong to get some to doubt their salvation. I love how in most of your sermons you hit hard and in a very convicting way on what it is to be saved and make the people think about if they have a real Biblical testimony etc.”

“Just finished your
book on Steven Anderson. Excellent. A powerful, fully Biblical tour de force of literal Bible interpretation and the distinction between the Church and Israel.”

“We appreciate the work you put into your writing and research. I’ve been using your study on Proverbs from the Advanced Bible Studies Series as the base of my messages on a Sunday night. Just finished chapter one last night. Got four messages out of it.”

“Not asking anything, or wanting anything -- just an email to thank you for the Way of Life website, and the great impact that it has had upon me.”


“Please remove me from the mailing list. I’ve returned to the true Church of Jesus, the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. I will pray for your conversion to the true Faith.”

“I see your article about the Clark family to be just that, an attack. I think it’s time for you to focus more on your dying ministry and leave others alone. I am cutting all links to your ministry and will never purchase another thing from them. You spend too much time finding fault and not enough time doing the work of the ministry.”

“Retarded. Get saved.”

“I have a hard time respecting a man who is constantly building himself up and others down. You constantly are writing articles telling people what they are doing wrong based on YOUR opinions of how YOU interpret the Bible. I don't have have a problem with godly reproof when needed but when you pretty much have a whole ministry revolved around making sure everyone lines up with your standards and convictions that's a problem. ... Sir I think you've lost your focus on the main thing. Get your focus off of others standards and convictions and start loving people and sharing the gospel with all those. All reproof should be done with truth AND GRACE. Learn that. And I don't believe you truly know the Clark's enough to call them a ‘friend,’ so that verse you used in your last article is irrelevant. I think your new life verse should be: ‘And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you’ - 1 Thessalonians 4:11. I will now go back to worshipping God through listening to the Clark’s on my phone and precede with my day! Thanks and have a peachy day!"

“Dear David, it is so sad that people like you that have a subscription of probably 50 people have nothing better to do than try to force your occult opinion on a hand full of people. It's also sad that you speak about things you know nothing about. I thank God every day that true Christians know the word of God well enough to recognize a false prophet when they see or hear one. I pray that one day you will be full of Jesus and not religion so that you can feel what it's like to know the true God of love.”

“The article about the Clark family should never have been presented publicly just because the Clark family is public. You are out of line. ... You will stand before the Lord and give an account of your life some day. All of this strife and contention will not only be considered stubble then, but it is sin right now. I plead with YOU to change YOUR ways. I would encourage you to read your Bible through every year, if you don’t do this already, daily attending to the Word. This will renew your mind and help you to think clearly. Are you faithfully attending a church that preaches the whole counsel of God? Do you fellowship with other believers that will reprise you when YOU are out of line? Something is awry in your life. I urge you to examine your life.”

“David Cloud, may God strike you dead and send you to hell for condemning another Christian’s music like the Clarks.”

“You are a worthless piece of -------. Absolutely sickening that you profess to be a christian. You are a minister of Satan if there ever was one. Quit harassing the Clark family. Quit harassing Brian Free and assurance and all other gospel artists. For that matter quit harassing the news boys. You think that you can stand on your high platform and condemn people for having different opinions than yourself. You are nothing but a bully doing nothing more than turning sinners against christianity. So congratulations on that you worthless sack of air.”

“I just wanted to congratulate you on officially being the most nauseating writer I have ever chose to waste my time reading after in my life. I am an Independent Baptist pastor who has spent seventeen years witnessing the divisiveness within our own movement that is robbing our churches of its unity and power. I've seen preachers like yourself waste their time attacking their own brethren over petty issues such as dress, music, worship style and fellowship instead of investing it in obedience to Christ by preaching the Word, evangelizing the lost and loving sinners to Jesus. The independent movement prides itself on church autonomy when in reality, most of its churches are more denominational than the denominations they attack. You are the same man who ridiculed the Burlington revival last year and now you are slandering God fearing families like the Clark family. You are a modern day Pharisee who hides your own sin in the cloak of self righteousness by attacking and insulting those of whom you don't approve of. It's people like you who make me question my own allegiance to the Independent Movement and if your version of Christianity were correct I would not want a part of it. Get a life man and get right with God.”

“You sir need reproof of a major proportion. First you should forgive whoever hurt you. Secondly, the pride which you display in your writings in itself, is more of an abomination to God than any of the absurd accusations that fill the pages of your work. Ask God to forgive your over the top, love lacking, pompous, judgmental review of Gods anointed vessels. Ask our God to forgive your blasphemy of His precious Holy Spirit. Just because you don't understand something in scripture (and it is indeed scriptural - you should try reading the WHOLE bible) doesn't give you the right to lash out at the very one who is our very present help. Please stop being a disgrace to  Christianity. It must be hard for you to kick against the pricks.”

“In regard to your piece on the Clark's - Matthew 5:7 - ‘And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?’ God has not placed you in a place to judge others, especially on a subject like music which you have no education in. Playing clarinet in High School doesn't make you an expert on Christian music. Your "plea" to them is clearly more an attempt at sabotage than anything. If you'd like to have an educated discussion on music within church and God's clear guidelines in HIS word, I could send you multiple passages explaining why there isn't a single thing wrong with the Clark's music; I could show you from the Greek if you'd like. My plea to you is private, but I ask that you read Matthew 5 and realize you are acting the same as the Pharisees that Jesus called snakes. Educate yourself on what God says about music before spewing anymore judgmental ignorance.”
“Wow, may God have mercy on your soul and your entire group.”


“This is really dissapointing!!! Your stance on alcohol is wrong, wrong, wrong! You are not God yourself, you know, but even as I an descendent of Adam: we make all mistakes, and your stance is such a mistake – a BIG mistake!!”

“GET SAVED. LIVE IN GRACE. YOU’RE TOTALLY OFF ON THIS ISSUE.” (The writer was referring to “A Warning about Bob Jones University and Immodesty,” in Friday Church News Notes, July 14, 2017.)

“I just read your article on bill gaither. I think you are a complete idiot. Just because he liked a song. Doesn't mean he condoned her lifestyle. Ever heard love the sinner not the sin obviously not.”


“Persecution demonic satanic and dark things done against pastor ------ must stop and mustn't have effect on him and must return against those who do that. Fire of Holly Spirit must come on evil and bad things againts  him. May Holy Spirit  Jesus and God  do justice to him. Protection, healing, wisdom, freedom,  prosperity, miracles in finances, success and miracles in business, success and miracles must be in his life in Jesus Name.”