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James Usher (1581-1656)
Over a five-year period of research and writing, Ussher integrated biblical and secular world history (about 15 percent of the text is from Scripture) into a continuous account .While so engaged, he derived 4004 BC as the year of Creation. For nearly three centuries (until the mid-1900s when the satanic three-pronged attack against the Word of God in the areas of evolution, textual criticism and Bible chronology was launched) his dates were almost universally accepted. This assault has resulted in clouding the minds of the human race against the veracity and accuracy of the Holy Writ and, subsequently, to God’s claims on the lives of all mankind.
Knowing little of Bishop Ussher until midway into my own investigations, my efforts often yielded results reflecting, or nearly so, those he made in his Annals of the World over 300 years ago. As admiration for his dedication and skill grew, inquiry into his life soon followed. Today, Ussher is oft maligned by men not worthy of his glance whose mindset is confident that modern scientific dating methods had punctured and totally invalidated his findings. However, those who know the trade secrets and the nuances concerning the differing radiometric dating techniques, be they radiocarbon, potassium-argon, uranium-lead, etc., are neither impressed nor intimidated by such pretensions. We are aware that the numerous scientifically invalid philosophical assumptions imposed upon the mathematics force the answers to balloon to enormous proportions in order to obtain sufficient time to justify the apparent feasibility of the untestable, unfalsifiable hypothesis of evolution. Moreover, the evolution hypothesis violates probability laws and numerous scientific laws in differing disciplines.
Having thoroughly perused Annals, it can only be concluded that those who deprecate this unrivaled piece of classical scholarship either have not so examined or lack the ability to perceive that which they have before them. Having now studied the works of over 40 other scholars in this field, this author affirms that for him, Ussher is and will remain the unrivaled ‘prince of chronologists.’
The previous is excerpted from Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones, The Chronology of the Old Testament, 1993.
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