The 2024 Republican National Convention as Seen Through God’s Word
July 18, 2024
The 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, July 15-18, which anointed Donald Trump as their nominee for the upcoming presidential election, was a bit of a glimpse into the old America. It exuded an unhesitating stance for personal liberty, national security, border security, etc. It was good to see a smiling Donald Trump after a near assassination. He is a manly man; he is a leader; and that is sorely lacking in America today. He stands for what he believes. He can’t be pushed around. No wonder so many are enthusiastic about him in spite of grave moral concerns. He is getting old, but he isn’t frail or senile.
98-year-old World War II vet William Pekrul brought the crowd to a rousing ovation when he said, “America is not just an idea. It is my home. ... America is still worth fighting for. ... And with President Trump back as Commander in Chief, I would go and re-enlist today, and I would storm whatever beach my country leads me to. God bless you, God bless your home, and the United States of America!”
The old vet was frail but still exuded manliness, courage, fortitude, strength, resilience, love of home and love of nation. He pumped his fist, raised both arms. If I understood correctly, he has been married to the same women for 76 years and has 11 children.
What is not to like about this?
The problem is that this is not the 1940s, and America is not that nation today. America and her churches are far more wicked today than then, and God’s judgment is on America today on every hand.
The Republican Party itself is much more wicked. It recently changed its platform to allow for abortion; it has an official homosexual rights segment (Log Cabin Republicans); Trump formed a Trump Pride this year consisting of a 21-member LGBT advisory board; one of the speakers the first night of the convention is a pro-abortion porn star and founder of the Los Angeles chapter of a filthy feminist protest march.
America might have a mighty military, but without God’s blessing what is it, really? Let God’s Word answer: “except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127:1).
No one can remove the “woke” from America, eradicate the DEI, drain the swamp, stop the billion dollar storms, erase the debt, etc., unless they could stay the hand of God. President Trump can help the nation in some ways, and I hope he will,, but he can’t make America great again, and he doesn’t have a clue about that. If he gets another four years, the country will be at least as wicked when he leaves office as when he entered. The public schools and most colleges and universities will have four more years to pollute minds and souls with godless philosophy. The churches, even the “evangelical” and “fundamentalist” ones, will be just as weak and compromised, lukewarm at best. The filthy American pop culture, which has been America’s greatest international export in this generation to her great shame, will continue to shake its fist at God’s holy laws. Homosexuals will continue to flaunt their pride as if Sodom never happened. Abortionists will continue to murder unborn children, supported by a vast number of Americans of both parties. Most Americans, including professing Christians, will still worship idols like professional football and basketball, willingly and enthusiastically immersing themselves in an unclean environment of immodesty, alcohol, gambling, pride, covetousness, neglect of God’s house, sensual gossip, and hypocrisy.
Political conservatives have no real answers; they don’t even know the fundamental issues. If professing Christians watch the Republican National Convention and see it through the eyes of unsaved political conservatives, they are worldlings and not Biblicists.
There is something that God’s redeemed people can do that can change things. They must stop wasting hour upon hour upon hour on vanity, social media nothingness, endless games, sports, politics, whatever, and instead, devote those fleeting hours to serious Bible study, to building godly homes where the father is the spiritual leader and the mother is the keeper, and building strong, sound and true, thorough-going New Testament churches instead of the spiritually wimpy things that most so-called churches are today, renouncing the world, with its lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes and pride of life, separating from compromised Christianity, doing whatever is necessary to raise up a godly generation, praying fervently and praying a lot, praying for God to call laborers for His harvest and training well those He calls.
Here is God’s Word for America builders today: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it” (Psalm 127:1).
There is a house that matters more, and that is the house of God. “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).
98-year-old World War II vet William Pekrul brought the crowd to a rousing ovation when he said, “America is not just an idea. It is my home. ... America is still worth fighting for. ... And with President Trump back as Commander in Chief, I would go and re-enlist today, and I would storm whatever beach my country leads me to. God bless you, God bless your home, and the United States of America!”
The old vet was frail but still exuded manliness, courage, fortitude, strength, resilience, love of home and love of nation. He pumped his fist, raised both arms. If I understood correctly, he has been married to the same women for 76 years and has 11 children.
What is not to like about this?
The problem is that this is not the 1940s, and America is not that nation today. America and her churches are far more wicked today than then, and God’s judgment is on America today on every hand.
The Republican Party itself is much more wicked. It recently changed its platform to allow for abortion; it has an official homosexual rights segment (Log Cabin Republicans); Trump formed a Trump Pride this year consisting of a 21-member LGBT advisory board; one of the speakers the first night of the convention is a pro-abortion porn star and founder of the Los Angeles chapter of a filthy feminist protest march.
America might have a mighty military, but without God’s blessing what is it, really? Let God’s Word answer: “except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127:1).
No one can remove the “woke” from America, eradicate the DEI, drain the swamp, stop the billion dollar storms, erase the debt, etc., unless they could stay the hand of God. President Trump can help the nation in some ways, and I hope he will,, but he can’t make America great again, and he doesn’t have a clue about that. If he gets another four years, the country will be at least as wicked when he leaves office as when he entered. The public schools and most colleges and universities will have four more years to pollute minds and souls with godless philosophy. The churches, even the “evangelical” and “fundamentalist” ones, will be just as weak and compromised, lukewarm at best. The filthy American pop culture, which has been America’s greatest international export in this generation to her great shame, will continue to shake its fist at God’s holy laws. Homosexuals will continue to flaunt their pride as if Sodom never happened. Abortionists will continue to murder unborn children, supported by a vast number of Americans of both parties. Most Americans, including professing Christians, will still worship idols like professional football and basketball, willingly and enthusiastically immersing themselves in an unclean environment of immodesty, alcohol, gambling, pride, covetousness, neglect of God’s house, sensual gossip, and hypocrisy.
Political conservatives have no real answers; they don’t even know the fundamental issues. If professing Christians watch the Republican National Convention and see it through the eyes of unsaved political conservatives, they are worldlings and not Biblicists.
There is something that God’s redeemed people can do that can change things. They must stop wasting hour upon hour upon hour on vanity, social media nothingness, endless games, sports, politics, whatever, and instead, devote those fleeting hours to serious Bible study, to building godly homes where the father is the spiritual leader and the mother is the keeper, and building strong, sound and true, thorough-going New Testament churches instead of the spiritually wimpy things that most so-called churches are today, renouncing the world, with its lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes and pride of life, separating from compromised Christianity, doing whatever is necessary to raise up a godly generation, praying fervently and praying a lot, praying for God to call laborers for His harvest and training well those He calls.
Here is God’s Word for America builders today: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it” (Psalm 127:1).
There is a house that matters more, and that is the house of God. “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).