866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org
Following are a few of the hundreds of testimonies we have received in recent years about Way of Life’s blessing on churches. We have always exalted the church as the pillar and ground of the truth and as the headquarters for world evangelism (1 Timothy 3:15; Acts 13:1-4), and a major objective of Way of Life has been to provide sound materials to help pastors in their ministries of protecting and building up the Lord’s churches.
We publish these testimonies because so many have said that Way of Life is a “negative” ministry that tears down. In fact, Way of Life is a multi-faceted preaching-teaching ministry and warning is a small but important part of that ministry.
Most of the following are written by pastors:
“I wanted to take this time to let you know how grateful we are for your coming to Westview Baptist Church, Warren, Michigan, for a Bible conference and for the great help you brought. One of the reasons this is the church it is today is because of your teachings and the WOL website. When I first met the man who is now my Pastor we were members of a liberal and worldly church, though I didn't realize it at the time. I came from out of the world and didn't know any better. I listened to CCM and watched the worldly movies that the others in the church watched until I met Tom Watson, who later became my Pastor. He found the WOL website and began to read the material and share it with me. As he began to gain conviction of certain things, he taught me. He would print out the articles and give them to me. One day he gave me one on modest apparel on women. My wife read it and was very angry until the Lord began to melt her heart. Now she is a very modestly dressed woman. Pastor also showed me about the harm of CCM and we turned aside from that as well. Four or five years ago a couple received a flier from our church and came one Sunday morning. Pastor happened to be preaching on modest apparel, and the woman became angry and said they wouldn’t be coming back. But later that night she began getting ready for church and her family asked what she was doing. She replied, ‘Going to church.’ She was saved shortly thereafter. Two years later her husband and daughter were saved also and they are some of the finest members of our church. The WOL materials have been an invaluable tool for countless people. We will always be grateful for you, Brother Cloud. We also thank you for the strong stand you take against all of the evils of the day and for teaching us what we need to watch for. Your ministry has helped more people than you could ever know!”
“Two or three years ago a friend introduced me to Way of Life. At the time I had been a pastor for about three years here in Illinois. I have been hooked ever since. When I started reading your materials you were saying and talking about things that I had never heard. It was eye opening to say the least. To make a long story short, Way of Life helped me to realize that I was a compromiser, and I praise God for it. I used to like CCM. I had never even heard of separation. I used to think that ‘most’ churches were mostly biblical. Now I see that very few are biblical and ‘most’ are apostate and heretical. I now preach against CCM. I now preach separation. I now preach the truth, what most would call non-essentials, that most people have never heard. I don't know what I would do without Way of Life. Thank you so much for your e-mails and free material. Keep doing what you're doing. I used to consider myself a Southern Baptist. I am now a Independent Fundamental Baptist.”
“As a pastor in Nova Scotia I have your Advanced Bible Study Series, and I receive the daily news. To say the least, I greatly appreciate your ministry and the materials which God has enabled you to produce. Very few in the past have appreciated a ‘warning’ ministry, and fewer yet appreciate it today. The baton from faithful soldiers has been passed on to you and other servants, and we must determine to remain faithful until our Saviour returns. Thank you for being a usable instrument in the hand of God.”
“The materials that Way of Life has produced and made available to preachers and believers in general have been of tremendous spiritual and practical help. As a pastor I have used your material in a number of settings from Sunday School to our Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer meeting, for personal growth and for the edification of the members of our church. God IS using this ministry in a powerful way to challenge His people especially in this great day of compromise. The O Timothy magazine is well received and read by our people. It has helped me in my preaching ministry as ‘another’ voice that is warning of the many compromises and spiritual dangers that are lurking out there attempting to subvert the faith of God’s people. My wife has just finished your book ‘Dressing for the Lord’ and even though she is already conservative in her attire, she has been challenged and blessed by its content. I used the ‘Keeping the Kids’ series in our Sunday School hour and have received many, many positive comments from our people. Although it appears that it is not well received by some, I appreciate very much the timely warning regarding the acceptance of CCM within IB churches.” (Pastor Wayne Boadway, Royal City Baptist Church, Guelph, Ontario)
“I have been reading and using the materials from Way of Life for close to 20 years. I started with the O Timothy magazine, and then moved to the Friday Church News and Notes. The information that I have gained has been very valuable for both me and our church. I normally post the Friday News and Notes on the bulletin board in the church vestibule right along with our missionary letters so that our people can be informed as to what is going on in the world. I have used several of Bro. Cloud’s books as reference materials or as required reading in our Institute classes. His exhaustive work on the subjects of the Text and Biblical Music have been particularly beneficial, and his ability to keep his readers updated on current trends and issues in ‘Christianity’ have also been very helpful, and a real time saver for me. I have found very little over the years that I disagree with him about, and I heartily recommend his materials to anyone who wants to ‘grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’” (Pastor Mark Montgomery, Ambassador Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA)
“Our church and College has truly been blessed by the Advanced Bible Study Series. I cannot think of another program as complete as this that is so doctrinally sound and useable by teachers, students and church members. I personally have been blessed by the thoroughness of the material. We sent 100 sets to Liberia for the training of nationals and have had nothing but positive feedback. Through CanAmera Baptist Missions International we have encouraged our missionaries to use your study materials. I believe that your study materials ought to be promoted more. I think that those who have taken exception with your separatist stand on other issues were to look at the study materials they would possibly pay more attention to the warnings you give. Isn't it amazing that most independent Baptist brethren will read voraciously the writings of New Evangelicals and Calvinists but shy from those, like yourself, who are decidedly Independent, decidedly Separatist and decidedly Baptist?” (Pastor Mike Sullivant, Pembina Valley Baptist Church, Winkler, Manitoba)
“Times have certainly changed. Your stand for Bible principles and godly standards and convictions 20-30 years ago would have gone almost unquestioned by Independent Fundamental Baptists, however not so today. I want to thank you for your Life of Christ Sunday School material. I have used it here in Massachusetts with my teenagers for several months and I find it thorough and complete. I have received the O Timothy magazine for many years and appreciate you diligence in keeping Bible believer's informed with the issues.”
“I would like to take a moment to thank you for your work. I have been using your material in our adult Sunday School. I have found it to be of high quality and very doctrinal. Thanks again, you have been a blessing to our church.”
“I teach a men’s class. I use your information for the men to understand exactly what is taking place today. I use the Advanced Bible Study Series and text books that you have written and will continue to use them until the rapture takes place. It took me three years to find a sound Bible teaching church.”
“I want to say ‘Thank You’ for your helpful materials. I have purchased and used many of them. I also use the free materials you have on your web site. The material has helped me to clarify some issues that are difficult and to strengthen my stand in others. Some of our folks just finished your material on ‘How to Study the Bible’ and it has been a great help. I appreciate your stand on separation and on speaking out against those that are abandoning the fundamental stand they once held and are moving toward an ecumenical position. ... I highly recommend your material to other pastors that want to be encouraged as they walk in the ‘old paths.’ Please keep up the good work. You are a blessing to many pastors and laymen alike!” (Pastor Ron LaFlam, Columbia Baptist Temple, Columbia, SC)
“Way of Life has been a great blessing to our young church. I use the Swordsearcher version of the Way of Life Encyclopedia and Things Hard to Be Understood. I also use the Advanced Bible Studies Series for the Wednesday night studies. So far our church has used Hebrews, Acts, Revelation, and How to Study the Bible. I also did a Bible study on your book Ideas for Evangelism. I continually read the emails and share many of your articles. I do not know of any other ministry that has benefited me or our church more than this one. KEEP IT UP!!! By the way, I have been criticized for using Way of Life materials.” (Pastor Jason LaPat, Old Paths Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio)
“I am a church member in Idaho. I've been teaching the adult Sunday School and the discipleship class (which is for everyone, not just new believers) for a long time. I've used your materials on prophecy to teach a two-year class on the end times prophecies (it took that long to do it thoroughly and right -- there's a lot there). Pastor also linked me into your email system and I read your materials regularly. First, I, like all Christians, struggle to live a holy life before God. One of the greatest tools He has used to convict me and draw me is your materials. If the testimony of others in my church is true, then He is doing the same for them, also using your materials. It is, of course, His Word that is doing the actual work, but the organized presentation of your materials is very, very helpful. I know God is the one doing it all, but He uses men, and we need faithful men producing good resources. Your warning ministry has also blessed me greatly. In a different way, but still important, many of the things you identify as issues have cut my heart as I see the failings of myself in them. God bless you for that. I need reproof and correction.
“I would like to share with you a recent example of how Way of Life has been a help to me as a Missionary/Pastor. I recently met a young couple out soul winning. They had just left their Methodist church because their church had just gotten a divorced woman pastor. Like many people, it didn't matter what the denomination was doing as long as it didn't affect their local church. In searching for truth, this couple had come across John Piper, and they loved his teaching. They asked me about him. Without Way of Life, I wouldn't have known anything about John Piper. Thank you for your ministry.”
“Way of Life has been a marked blessing to me and to our church here in Texas. We follow this ministry through O Timothy, Friday News Notes and some of Bro. Cloud’s other publications. First and foremost, these pubs ALWAYS glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. In nearly all of the criticisms I have read, the charges are emotionally based and caused by their offense at something weak believers enjoy which the Scriptures warn against. Seldom does anyone use Bible verses in context to challenge him. Although I do not know David Cloud personally, having never met him, his ministry has been a special help to me in the Word of God. Warning ministries are never popular but they are absolutely necessary to help keep us from evil.”
“Your Friday News Service has been a tremendous help to me here in Pennsylvania in keeping up with current issues in Christianity. I often don't have time to filter through the barrage of changes in new evangelicalism, so your weekly reports are helpful. Your CCM materials, particularly the statements of musicians themselves, have been powerfully used in the lives of our young people. Thank you for your diligence and fervency for the Lord.”
“You and your material have been a great help to me as a pastor and also to my church folks. Your ministry is much needed in our time. Please keep up the good work as a faithful ministry of the gospel. You are in our prayers.”
“In the years that I have read your literature, I as well as my church have truly been blessed. We admire your courage and love for the purity of godly living, which is always backed up by the Scripture.” (Pastor Caswell Reeves, Heritage Baptist Church, Endicott, New York)
“Our Pastor has been showing your Seven Churches of Revelation series on Sunday evenings recently. We have been greatly blessed by the material you have prepared: CCM, Dressing for the Lord, Israel, History of our King James Bible, the study in Hebrews, which we are still in. As of now I have my copy of ‘For Love of the Bible’ loaned out to a brother who works with college students. He has told me what a blessing it has been to him and the class. ... You are a great blessing. All glory to our God, and our lovely Jesus Christ.”
“I appreciate your stedfast stand in highlighting contemporary issues of concern and how you promote godliness and truth to counteract them. The declaration of sound doctrine and biblical church polity is a help and resource to many. I have found it of a great help here in South Australia. As we are a widespread independent group of churches, it is good to have solid ministries that can provide useful materials to highlight current events and trends that impact on church life. Having resources to help teach others, including some fleeing from false teachings, is particularly of use.”
“Way of Life Literature has helped me a lot here in New Zealand, and I used the books and reports in the Fundamental Baptist Digital Library in preparing my sermons and Bible Study materials. In fact my message about Suffering during our Church Anniversary was taken from the Way of Life Encyclopedia. The End Times Apostasy Database is a wealth of information which I can always use when I need more ‘supplies and ammo’ as a servant of the Lord.”
“Your Way of Life materials have been a great blessing to me and the church that I pastor. Thank God for men like you that preach and teach the truth. I trust that the Lord will continue to bless you in your work for the Lord.”
“Way of Life is a great help and of great need in this apostate time in which we carry The Gospel message. I have read several of your books and read your weekly e-mail articles every time they arrive. Whether or not anyone will admit it or not, it seems to me that it would be VERY logical for an outcry to be broadcast against error and compromise from Bible believers in this day of perilous times, but as we see in Scripture it was always THE FEW that held on to THE TRUTH and the many that slid down the slopes. May God bless your MUCH needed ministry and may MANY open their eyes to the chastening they receive of The LORD through the truth about the times in this ministry. Thank you!”
“Way of Life has been a tremendous help to the church I pastor here in Idaho and to me personally. We are currently using your 52 week discipleship course. I really appreciate the work you did on the book of Proverbs. I used it to teach our adult Sunday School class. All of your materials that I have used to date, including the Way of Life Encyclopedia and other Bible study materials, have been a tremendous help. Thank you for your faithfulness and your unwavering stand on solid biblical doctrine.”
“Your ministry has helped me in several ways. First, you provide valuable study material that is excellent in quality. Second, you address subjects that I have thought about and formed opinions on, but your publications often help me put my thoughts into words that are more eloquent (nevertheless just as unpopular). Your ministry does not tear down. ... Any time something new is to be built the old has to be removed, this is a principle found in creation itself.”
“Your teachings have been of great benefit to my ministry. Your consistent doctrinal-biblical views are both sound and insightful. I've learned much from you.”
“Where do I begin to explain how you have helped our church here in Pennsylvania! The first item from Way of Life that I use is the Encyclopedia of the Bible. There is a wealth of information in that alone to help in many ways. The Encyclopedia is clear and helpful to believers at most any level of maturity. As one uses the Encyclopedia as a help while they study the Bible many questions can be answered or clarified. I find these to be great gifts! Next, there is ‘The History of the English Bible’ video series, which is excellent! This has helped our local church. I am replacing the textbooks in our evening school of the Bible with the Advanced Bible Study Series. I have seen growth in our church because of using the book about how to study the Bible in our classes. I can't wait to see how God will work as we use more of this study series. We must follow the Bible's command to try and restore those who err, but if they want to cause division with their compromise, they need to be marked. This is not tearing down, this is building up. Too many are going in the ways of the world, the ways of Cain and the gainsaying of Core. Mouths need to be stopped. (They need to read Titus.) The only way to do this is by using the Bible as Way of Life does. I thank you. Brother Cloud, for standing fast and may I encourage you to keep on being used by GOD!”
“Your ministry has helped me as a pastor. I do not necessarily agree with all your stands but am very appreciative of being able to keep up to date with many of the things happening and encourage you to keep going. The criticism you receive is par for the course in the work you do.”
“Your ministry has greatly blessed both myself and our church here in Wisconsin. When it comes to giving clear concise instruction on the Word of God, the Way of Life website is superior to all others in the material provided. For those who actually care to stay true to the Lord and His Word, your warning ministry is invaluable, providing insight into the pitfalls and wickedness of so many trends, fads and ‘new things’ infiltrating churches unawares. Reproving and rebuking are seldom viewed as positive by those that the rebuke or reproving applies to, but if the counsel is accepted in a spirit of humility, those previously reproved/rebuked will be grateful, not only now, but at the Judgment Seat of Christ. I sense that the undue criticism that you are experiencing is partially due to the fact that all True Believers will experience persecution, but also that you are continually a ‘thorn in the Devil's side’ as you thwart his plans to corrupt more churches through his wily and deceitful ways, as they heed your counsel and reject the things of Satan in favor of staying true to their Savior.”
“I am a Pastor in Florida, long time fighter for sound doctrine and false teachers, and you and Way of Life have been a great blessing in every way. Just reading you daily e-mails and news from Friday newsletter has been an asset to my ministry.”
“Way of Life has been a tremendous blessing to me, and as I am a pastor, that has overflowed to my congregation and has been a real blessing to them. I have used much of your materials not only in the church I pastor, but also in the Bible Colleges I have taught in. By the way, I have never received any backlash from any of your materials that I have used in teaching or preaching. Thank you for the stand you take. Our prayers are with you. Keep on keeping on.”
“The Way of Life books and materials have helped us tremendously in the Lord's work here in this corner of Africa. In fact, I am using your book ‘How to Study the Bible’ right now as I try to teach others to teach and preach. If I could manage the shipping, I would put a Way of Life Bible Encyclopedia in the hands of every disciple here. A thousand ‘thank yous’ for your labor, ministry and materials!”
“Brother Cloud, Way of Life Literature has definitely been a blessing and a help to me in the Lord's ministry; the Bible Encyclopedia is one of my favorite study tools. If the Devil is opposing you that means that you are not walking with him. We already have a plethora of ear tickling preachers and apostates in this country.”
“Coming out from the Baptist Union, it has been great to have a source of separatist type literature and warning info to encourage awareness of the wide-spread compromise of the day. Bro Cloud is to be commended and encouraged. It can get lonely out here in Separation Land. Count me as one of those who supports, appreciates and joins with his efforts. And may Christ be the only one uplifted and all the glory be God's!”
“Way of Life has helped our church by challenging us to test everything by the Holy Scriptures. Many critics accuse Bro. Cloud of seeking a following for himself. I disagree. From my first contact with him to the present he has consistently pointed me back to the Bible. I wrote to him many years ago to ask about the connection between textual criticism and higher criticism. He replied with a short word of advice to buy several Way of Life books that would answer my questions. The books pointed me to the Scriptures, not to the intellectual elites in textual criticism, and made it possible for me to lead the church I pastor away from compromise into a separated stand for truth. Recently, his writings and DVD's have helped me to guide our church away from the worldly CCM music being adopted by Paul Chappell and others. Many pastors, missionaries, and churches here in Australia need to view the DVD you made, ‘The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music.’”
“I have found your Bible studies to be refreshingly sound and helpful to my pulpit ministry. Your finger is on the pulse of contemporary culture. You help us to approach today's issues from a Biblical worldview. Your materials are a help to develop discernment in me, and then through me to the Lord's flock in NSW. Thank you!”
“Although I have not pastored for the past ten years I have been helped in my Missionary ministry of helping struggling churches and their pastors. I have been better able to aid those pastors and their churches by being informed about the emerging church and other apostate issues that the devil is using to discourage good men and their churches. Many good men are tempted to give up and quit because they don't have the numbers that many others are gathering through their entertainment oriented programs and by compromising with this Laodicean Church age. Thank you for standing for truth in this day when so few are. ‘Beware when all men speak well of you.’”
“Your ministry has helped our church here in Alabama. As the church secretary, I pass the Friday Church News and other articles, commentary, and information from your website on to my Pastor. He has appreciated these documents and has used some of the Friday Church News articles in his preaching. The knowledge, wisdom, reproof, admonition, and insight have been a blessing and we make it a point to post particular articles and news on our church board for members to read.”
“Way of Life has been an enormous help to my ministry. Apart from the fact that I can find solid, Biblical information on so many subjects that greatly help in my own research, it has been a real blessing to have the regular input from Friday Church News, O Timothy magazine, and the numerous articles that come out in between. It is lonely here. You have been here and know we are somewhat isolated. However, even in a crowd of other IFB pastors, or on many so-called IFB pastors' lists, it is hard to find many these days who are truly separatist in practice, following not just Romans 12:1, but also Romans 12:2. For the folks at our church, to whom I supply a print-out of Friday Church news every week, and some of the other articles as well, it is a very welcome support to help them realize that I am not the only one sounding the alarm about liberalism and the very real dangers of CCM. I praise God for anything that helps these folks to stay on the right track. I will admit that I do not always agree with you. But what you are doing is very much needed, and those who read your warnings should humbly and prayerfully examine them. Too often, it seems to me, YOU are the wounded one they keep talking about when they talk about IFB guys shooting the wounded. Don't let them get to you. It is to God you will one day answer, not to men, including IFB pastors!”
“Without hesitation I recommend Brother David Cloud and Way of Life Ministries. As an old Army soldier of twenty-two years of service, I know what it is like to be so focused on getting to the objective that subtle dangers on the flanks become oblivious. The outcome of the battle may change when it is too late to take action. The Lord Jesus Christ gave His church a mission: The Great Commission. He also warned us of the dangers His churches will face while carrying out His command. In this time of ever-increasing apostasy, independent, fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist churches must diligently watch their flanks! Brother Cloud was the guest preacher at our ‘Issues Facing the Church’ conference here in Oregon. Many subtle dangers that could (and do) impede the evangelistic efforts of our church, as well as the spiritual growth of our members, were exposed: the danger of ecumenism; the danger of contemporary ‘Christian’ music; the dangers in so-called Christian bookstores; the danger of easy-believism/quick-prayerism; and many more. These are evil threats that could negatively affect our zeal for Christ tomorrow if we don't positively take action against them today. Godly men and godly ministries, prepared and willing to watch the flanks of the Lord's churches, are desperately needed today! I believe that Brother Cloud has been called for such a time as this and urge pastors to take advantage of this ministry.”
“I certainly appreciate your ministry and I have found your printed material to be quite useful to me as a pastor. Your continually updated information on the emerging church and the apostasy of ecumenical unity at the expense of sound doctrine only makes me more determined to battle the wiles of the Devil and charge hell with a squirt gun. Unfortunately today there are plenty of so-called IFB churches willing to compromise and abandon the Old Paths. Your willingness to stand on the watchtower and expose fraud and apostasy in the ministry will always be attacked by the liberals, modernists, and humanists.”
“I’ve had some communication with a Baptist pastor from England who has a church in my town in Hungary. He is very ecumenical. I looked up some links on your website and sent them to him explain my position. I just want to say thank you for putting that material together. It only took me about 15 minutes to respond (tactfully) to him with accompanying links to your articles. It was an easy response for me, but I know it took you hours or days to write these articles. Thank you again very much.”
“Brother Cloud has been a blessing to the church here in Michigan. His position to not criticize the King James Bible, but to preach it and find the answers to those passages which may seem difficult, has been refreshing. His clear stand for psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, in a day when the rock beat, country/western, and southern gospel music have engulfed many churches, is greatly appreciated. His clear warnings about the Charismatic movement are so needed in this day, when people are going after 'signs' and 'wonders' instead of going after Bible doctrine and hiding it in their hearts. Our prayer is that God would continue to help Brother Cloud get out the truth in a day of great compromise.”
“I want to tell you how great a blessing your ministry is to me and my family as missionaries in Greenland. ... I started reading your things six months ago or so and they have really helped me. I had heard a little mentioned of you in Bible college but not much else until I came across an article on your site. Since then I have been getting the emails that you send out and have read most of the free eBooks you offer. I am currently reading through the book ‘Sowing & Reaping,‘ which I purchased I told my wife that I wish I would have had a course like this in Bible college. It has helped me so much! I have seen a lot of changes in churches in America. I see pastors that I used to respect endorsing things and quoting from people that is so shameful. It seems likes being outside of America and away from other independent Baptist churches has opened our eyes somewhat to the craziness that is going on in them. I try to show friends in America through about these things (wrong music, wrong associations, adapting wrong music, evangelicalism, ecumenicalism, etc) but they just don't seem to see it. Thank you for helping me to see things to watch for in churches that are running after ‘progressivism,’ ‘being relevant,’ and being ‘culturally liberal’ or ‘culturally acceptable.’ We are praying more for churches and pastors in America to stay strong and now go the wrong route in things. Thank you for all the work you put into your articles, emails, and books. May the Lord continue to bless you!”
“For several years your ministry has been an encouragement to me and to our churches. I remember when I first started reading your material and how much it encouraged my heart. I greatly appreciate your stand on Biblical separation and the Bible text issue among many others. Generally, as I read your material I find myself saying, ‘Make sense to me.’ ... When I want to study a subject my first place to go is the web site of Way of Life. We have had many people purchase and give as gifts the Way of Life Encyclopedia. We are about to place another order for books. The material has been a help to visitors. ... I have found that your material is helpful to those who really wish to learn and will stop and think about what the Bible is really saying. I know you have been a great encouragement to us personally with your well researched articles, books and CD's and you always make me think when I read your articles and material. I greatly appreciate that. Our church is glad to support you as a missionary in Nepal. Your ministry sheds great light on serious subjects and has been a help to many sorting out where they stand on the issues of the day. While I am greatly concerned about the Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches, I am glad for your help to them.” (Pastor Terry Coomer, Hope Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas).
“I have used Way of Life Materials at our church here in Virginia for several years now and have personally witnessed how the Lord has used them in the lives of our people. The Friday Church News Notes, which we make available to our people on Sunday mornings, are sought out by our people and disappear very quickly. We also make available many of the articles from your site. The DVD's and articles concerning music were a great help in giving our church direction in this area. I am currently using ‘An Unshakeable Faith’ apologetics course for our Wednesday night meetings. I have personally witnessed growth and maturity in the lives of our people as a result of this course and they come to church excited for the next lesson. Way of Life has been an invaluable source of help for our church and for this preacher personally. Brother Cloud was guest speaker at our 2004 Bible Conference. What a blessing it was! Solid Bible preaching and highly factual presentations on issues affecting our Fundamental Baptist Churches that has resulted in on-going life changes for many at our church. I highly recommend this man of God.” (Pastor Todd Brown, Victory Baptist Church, Warsaw, Virginia)
“You have been such a blessing to me. Of the materials I do read, I always make it a priority to read O Timothy. Yours is a desperately needed ministry in these days of apostasy. I thank the Lord for raising you up as a voice to warn a wayward church in a wicked age. Your personality and the gift God has given you to be so prolific in your writing have uniquely fitted you for this ministry. I would urge you to continue to play the man until God calls you home.” (Pastor Graham West, Tamworth Bible Baptist Church, Australia)
“Brother Cloud, you were recently at our church for a Bible conference. Your materials have blessed my heart, and doubtless will help our folk to remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ. Most of the material you brought sold throughout the conference. ... I must say, all your materials are a valuable resource for the local churches. You have a standing invitation to come back and preach at any time! Several families personally thanked me for bringing you here for such an enlightening conference.” (Pastor Allen Payne, First Baptist Church of Peaceful Valley, Colorado Springs)
“We thank the Lord for your ministry. It encourages me that you are willing to be a ‘watchman’, not only for those that oppose the Word of God from without but also for those straying from the Word of God from within our churches. The watchman needs to stand on guard and identify the enemy. The Devil attacks not only from without the camp but also from within the camp. Thank you for being that ‘watchman’ for us! God bless you & your ministry” (Pastor Mario Schiavone, Metropolitan Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia)
“Our 2010 Fall ‘Keeping the Kids’ Conference with David Cloud combined the dynamics of a Family Life Conference, Revival Meeting and practical Bible Conference all in one. The response by the body, young and old, was with keen interest in attending the nine preaching sessions in four days. On a subject so close to human hearts, Dr. Cloud's scriptural, sincere and Spirit-led counsel enhanced with real life, gripping illustrations, raised the awareness and sense of urgency among us to the challenge and commitment of directing our youth to walk in truth and become a faithful generation. I was particularly convicted by the powerful, realistic sessions on the parent's responsibility and role in keeping the kids and the local church’s role and responsibility in the same. Those two messages alone, should be heard by all Bible-believing families who care about the destiny of their teens. We are humbled that God allowed us to host such a conference, which, beyond question, left us in the exciting wake of much needed on-going evaluation, hope, reconsecration and revival.” (Pastor David Smith, Community Baptist Church, Quakertown, Pennsylvania)
“In these days of doctrinal impurity and associational compromise, it is a blessing to have an individual that stays on the cutting edge of the issues. David Cloud’s writing is concise, accurate and biblical. We here at Pembina Valley Baptist Church have been blessed by his scriptural analysis of the issues and his gracious spirit in and out of the pulpit. To a busy pastor, he is a great help in assisting our congregation to ‘earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.’ I highly recommend not only his writing, but his conference ministry.” (Pastor Mike Sullivant, Pembina Valley Baptist Church, Winkler, Manitoba)
“I believe this was one of the best series of special services that we have ever had. Our people were blessed by Bro. Cloud’s solid preaching of the Word of God. I have heard of some decisions that were made. We had visitors in every service. Since I found out about Bro. Cloud’s ministry several years ago, I have had tremendous respect for his writing abilities. After having some time to fellowship with him personally, I have this same respect for him as a person. It is beyond me how a brother or sister in Christ could look at him as a Pharisee or a legalist. (I am called this as well.) I know this reflects the apostasy of today. I am thankful for his humble and meek spirit and the many other ways in which his life reflects the Lord Jesus Christ. True fundamentalism is blessed to have a man like this in our midst.” (Pastor Richard Black, Friendship Baptist Church, Newville, Pennsylvania)
"In a world that acknowledges very few absolutes and in the 'spiritual' climate of the relaxed churches, preachers and people, it is hard to find a man of God who will come in and rightly divide the word of truth. I want men who will come into this church and reinforce what I preach and teach! David Cloud has done just that, and it is always beneficial to have a man of God come into my pulpit who will preach 'thus saith the Lord' and encourage holy living. I spent the better part of three weeks with Brother Cloud, about sixteen hours a day traveling in Europe and I believe that he is a trustworthy man of God. I believe your church would benefit from having this brother, and when Brother Cloud comes, he brings a wealth of helpful material with him that I encourage my people to stock up on until the next time he comes. No Christian should be without his Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible or better yet the Fundamental Baptist CD-Rom Library." (Pastor David L. Brown, First Baptist Church, Oak Creek, Wisconsin)
"Our church has had Bro. Cloud on two separate occasions and both times have been a blessing. The first time we were meeting in a tent in October and one of the nights was a cold, blustery, rainy night with the wind howling through and the tent shaking like a leaf. But Bro. Cloud did not let that disturb him. He kept on preaching and he preached a great message. The next time we had Bro. Cloud we were indoors. He did an excellent Power Point message in Sunday School on the evils of rock music. Our members found it very interesting and informative. During the morning service he preached a good Gospel message and a lady came forward to get saved. One of the best things about Bro. Cloud's ministry is his literature and video tapes. He always comes loaded up with books, pamphlets, and videos on a variety of important subjects: the Bible issue, ecumenicalism, music, the charismatic movement, Romanism, etc. It is a blessing to see church members reading good Christian books and getting help from these informative materials. Our church has been helped and strengthened by his ministry. He is not only a good preacher and author, but a friendly Christian gentleman. We are looking forward to having him back for our church anniversary.” (Pastor James Barker, Bible Baptist Church, Elmont, New York)
"I would like to use this opportunity to thank Bro. Cloud for his visit with our church and for being the main speaker at our missions conference. We had one of the best conferences that I have ever seen. In the middle of having so many of my men deployed to the war in Iraq, we still had an increase in faith promise giving. More importantly, many were excited about the preaching of the Word. We were blessed with so much information to help us in our walk in the separated life of a Christian. We received so much practical information about what we know is right and necessary in our lives. May God richly bless you in your work in Nepal and other Baptist churches around the world." (Pastor Phil Clark, West Coast Baptist Church, Vista, California)
“We at Mid-Coast Baptist Church have been privileged to hold two sets of meetings with Brother Cloud. The first meeting we had him preach all three of our Sunday services. He preached ‘Why We Hold to the King James Bible’ in the morning and then preached on ‘The Christian and His Music’ in the evening service. The second time we conducted a four day ‘Church History Conference.’ As the pastor it is my testimony that God greatly used Brother Cloud to edify us concerning the Word of God, the matter of holiness as it relates to our music, and a proper Biblical and historical understanding of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ through His New Testament churches. The messages were clear, convincing, and concise. It is obvious from his preaching that Brother Cloud studies to show himself ‘approved unto God.’ His lifestyle and public ministry bear witness to the fact that he is a man of conviction, courage, and consistency. It is with joy that I can testify that Brother Cloud did not say one thing to hinder the work here, but his entire ministry among us was one of helpfulness and humility. God has used him to aid in strengthening and stablishing this church. I pray that he will be a blessing to many more of the Lord’s churches in these days of apostasy and compromise. Pastor friend, I would encourage you to use this man of God. You will be blessed by his ministry and your church will be helped!” (Pastor Bobby Mitchell, Mid-Coast Baptist Church, Brunswick, Maine)
“In these last times it is important for a Pastor to carefully and prayerfully consider who he has speak to his church. Speakers bring with them not only their experiences and education but also their affiliations and alliances. It is no small matter to find a faithful man today who can skillfully use God's Word to shine light on today’s godless society. Brother David Cloud is a man who has not changed his course to suit the times -- not in the 25 years I have known him and known of his ministry. He is a staunch Biblicist. A staunch teacher of Biblical separation. And a man who evidences the fruit of the Spirit. His messages are not necessarily popular, but they are vitally important. Our church was blessed to have Brother Cloud speak. His messages were powerfully used by the Lord to convict people of how they could more loyally serve and love the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Cloud is a valuable asset to independent Baptist churches. He goes places and learns things that most of us do not have time to do, and then he reports and teaches and warns about them.” (Pastor Jon Modene, Maumee Valley Baptist Church, Ohio).
“David Cloud spoke for our Bible College Graduation meetings in 2009. I would like to commend his ministry to you. We had record attendance in all of our meetings, and he preached with clarity, power and much Bible content. Brother Cloud’s ministry is needed in our churches. He is a watchman concerning truth. I thank God for a man of God who is willing to look out beyond our walls & note the trends of error being propagated. I am thankful that he is also bold enough to look within our own ranks and sound the warning of subtle and bold shifts from truth. Apostasy is taking place within Christendom and within our Bible-believing Baptist churches. The trumpet of truth needs to be sounded lest we stand before the Lord with blood-stained hands (Ezekiel 33:6).” (Pastor Mario Schiavone, Metropolitan Baptist Church, Sydney, Australia)
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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.
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