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Bible College Information
Course Information
Mastering the English Bible
Course Books - Textbooks
Course materials are available for these titles. Course materials consist of the textbook plus Syllabus, Review Questions, Tests, Answer Keys, and Scoresheet. The textbook is available in our store (coil bound book and/or eBook), while the questions, tests, and such (pdf files) are a free download. Some courses have videos and PowerPoints.
Courses can be used for: private study, Sunday Schools, Bible Institutes & Colleges, Home Schooling, Jails and Prisons, Discipling, Review for Bible College graduates, Expository Preaching.
Course Syllabus, Review Questions, Tests, and Answer Keys are available for each course/book. Look for the green "Download Course" button on each book/course description page by clicking the book covers below.
Newest to Oldest: Newest First Oldest First
Book: Acts, Mastering Series
Mastering the English Bible
Book: 21 Steps to a Stronger Church
21 Steps to a Stronger Church
Book: Acts, Mastering Series
Mastering Series
Book: Bible Prophecy as Light
Bible Prophecy as Light on the 21st Century
Book: Bible Separation: It's Doctrine and Practice
Bible Separation: It's Doctrine and Practice
Book: Bible Times & Ancient Kingdoms
Bible Times & Ancient Kingdoms
Book: Bird's-Eye View of the Bible
Bird's-eye View of the Bible
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The Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth
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The Doctrine Which
Ye Have Learned
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The Effectual Bible Student
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Effectual Prayer in Perilous Times
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An Evangelistic Church for the 21st Century
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Feed the Flock
Expository Preaching
Book: The Gospels, Mastering Series
Galatians to Thessalonians
Mastering Series
Book: Acts, Mastering Series
The General Epistles
Mastering Series
Book: The Gospels, Mastering Series
The Gospels
Mastering Series
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Highlights in Church History
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History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and..
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History of the Churches From a Baptist Perspective
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Holiness: Pitfalls, Struggles & Victory
New 2024 edition
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Introduction to Bible Geography
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Jews in
Fighter Jets
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Keeping the Kids in the Social Media Age Updated Nov. 2023
Book: Job & Psalms- Mastering Series
Job & Psalms
Mastering Series
Book: Acts, Mastering Series
Mastering the English Bible
Complete Set
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New Evangelicalism: It's History, Characteristics..
Book: Old Testament History, Mastering Series
Old Testament History
Genesis to Silent Years
Mastering Series
Book: Old Testament History, Mastering Series
The Pastoral Epistles
Mastering Series
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The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement: Its History and Error
Book: Old Testament History, Mastering Series
Prophetic Books
Mastering Series
Book: Old Testament History, Mastering Series
Proverbs to Song of Solomon
Mastering Series
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Repentance & Soul Winning
Book: Job & Psalms- Mastering Series
Mastering Series
Book: Job & Psalms- Mastering Series
Romans to Corinthians
Mastering Series
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The Satanic Attack on Sacred Music
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Transforming Congregational Singing for the 21st Century
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Understanding the Bible for Yourself
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An Unshakeable Faith: A Christian Apologetics Course
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Why We Hold to the
King James Bible
Updated Dec. 2023
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Woman and Her Service to God
Newest to Oldest: Newest First Oldest First
Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College