Bible College
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Bible College

From Bro. Clouds Mailbox Sept, 2010
September 21, 2010
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
From time to time, I publish some of the goodies from my interesting mailbox, and many people have told me that they enjoy reading these things. Following are some items from the last couple of months:


May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and your family as you remain true to His Word found only in the Authorized Version. You are blessing to me and keep me informed on the heretics that abound in these last days.”

“I just want to say thanks for the stand you take on many biblical issues like KJV, salvation, MUSIC, biblical separation, etc. Thanks for the O Timothy magazine. Although you say you get negative emails daily I know there are many that stand by you and support you including myself. Your work is appreciated here in Northern Canada. One thing I often think of is that these people do not like your preaching because lots of people have been taught the false gospel and now when somebody preaches something totally opposite (the truth) it hurts because now they need to change there ways which is not easy. I was one of these people and I thank God for faithful bold men like yourself that stand for the truth, we need more men like this we need more truth. Keep up the good work and to God be the glory.”

“Thank you for your labour in the word and the publishing ministry.  You have been a TREMENDOUS influence and help to me in my preaching/teaching ministry and even in shaping my understanding of repentance in gospel preaching, as well as other areas.”

“Thank you for sending this column today. I always wait for it impatiently. So many people out there read you, people you don't know, and are uplifted and given light by your writings.”

“I'm thankful for your ministry and all the materials especially the encyclopedia I use it all the time! I can trust it too! Thank you.”

“I don't agree with everything the IF Baptists preach but I do like this weekly newsletter [Friday News Notes]. It's the only news I get. PDF version is the way to read it. ‘Climate Change...’ was especially eye-opening.”

“Your ministry is a blessing to me and like the stand you take on the many hard issues of the day. It's the narrow road on want to be on and thanks for the many warnings to keep me on that road. Sing praise. I look forward to our Lord's return. Keep up giving truth without compromise. May the Lord bless you and watch over you.”

“I just listened to your Church History Vol. 4. Very informative. I've heard different aspects of that history, but you brought it all together. Thank You!”

“Thank you for your ministry! While you say your articles are not devotional and they usually are not, some are extremely encouraging just as the one about doubting salvation from today.”

“The Lord impressed upon my heart to write a brief note of thanks to you for your stand against ‘Quick Prayerism’ for your preaching of repentance as being necessary for salvation, and also for pointing out that ‘asking Jesus into your heart’ is not a Biblical phrase that we ought to be using. Although I love being an Independent, Fundamental Baptist, it grieves me to see the unscriptural, man-centered philosophies that are invading our churches, our methods, and our soul-winning programs. Recently in the IFB church I am a member of an evangelist preached about the necessity of the new birth. While much of the message was excellent and scriptural, he still neglected repentance; he didn't even hint at it. What was even more grievous was the invitation, when he led people in a sinner's prayer, then had them come forward to get assurance of salvation from a personal worker. Many came forward and were declared saved. Much of the church is still rejoicing over this. I wonder why some people don't even consider the fact that we have not seen one of these people come back to visit since, not one has been baptized, and not one has entered into the discipleship program. This is such a big issue today, and I thank you for standing up and proclaiming the truth. May God help us to get back to New Testament evangelism.”

“I have been attending a Reformed Baptist church. They are great people--the pastor is a zealous man who leads without being the tough guy--his zeal is great. The men are all survivors, and they have large families of obedient kids. The problem is the worship is regulated of course, and the Holy Spirit seems to be standing in the back of the room. The creed, Baptist of 1689 I believe, is read, sections of it, every Sunday and discussed. If I had a creed, I would wrap it in brown paper and send it to the British Museum to put in the basement with the mummies from Egypt. They have no position on Eschatology because everyone has a different plan. So, there is no blessed hope in the preaching or table talk. This has forced me to confront the thing again. I went and read your article on
The Calvinist Debate, and you put it all into the most exceptional perspective. You dealt with all the things that trouble me with Calvinism.”

“It gave me great enjoyment to read your simple, clear response to the lady's letter about doubting salvation (FBIS News Service 13/5/10). I am a pastor, and I delight to teach the Bible as simply and clearly as God will enable me. Your letter will be a reference point for me when similar questions arise in future, not as a 'Bible replacement', you will understand, but as a guide to laying out the argument clearly. May God reward your good work.”

“I had no idea there was so much stuff in this library [Fundamental Baptist Digital Library]! Thank you.”

“Just a quick note to thank you for your recent article - ‘FRIENDS CAN’T CRITICIZE FRIENDS.’ I appreciate your ministry and I appreciate you. Keep up the good work for the cause of Christ!”

“Thank you and God bless you for getting this type of information out. It is critical in today’s church. Most churches get caught up in this type music without even realizing it, as it creeps in. Again, you are doing a great service and your work and efforts are appreciated.”

“Thank God for your preaching and ministry. It is informative and thought provoking. Most importantly God has used it to strengthen my relationship with Christ.”

“Thank you for Way of Life, your publishing and warning ministry. I used the website to locate the independent baptist church that I am attending now. I also purchased your ebook Advanced Bible Studies, and I regularly check your website for a biblical perspective and facts about current issues in the world. The information and wisdom that you provide is vital to help those of us without the resources to research the truth of these matters and help us to live wisely in this day and age.”

“Thank you again so very much for all you do. Our Lord and Savior uses your ministry mightily. Never tire of doing what is right. It is difficult to say the least to keep taking the hits from both sides. Keep on keepin' on! Thanks, Brother!”

“You are certainly right about the churches which take a stand against compromise becoming fewer.  Some of the best friends I've had throughout my 30 years  of preaching are making subtle changes in their method of ministry that makes it harder for us to fellowship together.  Many are dropping dress standards, cutting out Sunday night church services, refusing to discipline unrepentant members who live openly sinful lives, and allowing compromised preachers and musicians on their platforms.  Many of them think I am too harsh in my stand on music, ecclesiastical and personal separation, though I try very hard to be kind and gracious.  You and I would not agree on some Bible passages, but I appreciate your willingness to call on men of God to stand firm in a day of mounting compromise.”

“As a 20 year old I greatly appreciate the daily emails from Bro. Cloud that keep me in check with the world's condition and the Bible.”

“I am blessed by your publications as pertaining to my growth as a Christian.  It is hard to find sound, fundamental Bible literature today so again 'thank you’ for your much needed ministry in the Laodician church age in which we live.”

“I've just started up an adult and youth choir. You're messages on ‘Christian’ music have been an eye opener.  Thank-you!  I have copied these messages and shared them with the choir members.  Thank-you for your stand on separation from the world.”

“PLEASE continue your awesome work for the LORD--keep us AWAKE and VIGILANT so that false doctrine is exposed and kept OUT of our churches. So few are doing what you are doing and I want you to know how MUCH APPRECIATED your ministry is.”

“Thank you for all the e-mails you send out every week. We are greatly blessed by each one. Only in eternity in Heaven will we see in what a great way God has used you and your family and Way of Life Ministries all around the whole world. Way of Life Ministries has helped us to get more grounded to live the Christian life and especially in living a life of separation unto God and separated from worldliness.”

“I find Way of Life immensely helpful. The paper on Roman Catholicism (which DVD we ordered and received), 7th Day Adventism, and numerous other articles have displayed EXTENSIVE research and compilations. I have saved these and found them very appropriate for fulfilling the mandate to be able to give an ‘apology’ to every man who asks a reason for the hope that is within us.”

“Thank the Lord for your ministry. It has been a blessing to me during many years of my Christian life. Your articles gave understanding of issues like ‘christian’ rock, version issue, new evangelicalism, ecumenism etc. I’ve also translated some of your articles and put them on this googlesite. It is called Kristuksen sotilas meaning soldier of Christ. Just recently I translated your article about the Shack and send it to googlesite and my friends also, informing them of this issue. Recently they have translated that book in Finnish also.”

“Your advanced Bible study series on Revelation is so very helpful. I am teaching from this book to two ladies, but I'm the one who's learning the most. Thank you for your faithfulness in making available excellent Biblical studies. I ordered this same book for my son and he taught it to his small group class. God bless you as you help so many.”

“You have been a tremendous help to my ministry. I am a pastor in Arkansas and have been greatly blessed by your material! My only complaint is that you do not have more commentaries in the advanced study series. I am praying the Lord will give you strength to write more. I have given away many of these and copies of the encyclopedia to other pastors, friends, and my children. Yours are the absolute best! Keep on!!!!!!!”

“I just wanted to write a short note. Yes, Way of Life Literature
HAS helped me out. It is because of your writings and research that I left the Pentecostal movement for good in 2004. I was going through a major shaking in my life, the Lord was really forcing me to really examine why it is that I was a Pentecostal. I had to really closely look at the reasons why I was a Pentecostal. In doing this, and by reading your writings, I came to realize that I was in the wrong place. One thing I have learned in the last few years is that you cannot whitewash and gloss over history; and the Pentecostal movement has sought to do just that. Mr. Cloud, your writings strip off that whitewash and the gloss and allow everyone to see the quite true, bizarre history of the Pentecostal movement in America. I personally thank God for you every time I read your site. The Fundamentalist Baptist movement needs about 50 more of you and not less.”

“Some time ago I requested that you pray for my wife & I about the book ‘Dressing For The LORD.’  She was totally against everything in it up to that point. Well, our God still does miracles today. She responded to the Holy Spirit's conviction and now she just wants to wear skirts & dresses all the time. PRAISE THE LORD!!! SHE DEFINITELY LOOKS SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!.”

“I just wanted to give you a big thank you for your preaching and writing ministry.  I've taught in woman's ministry for many years and graduated from a Reformed Seminary. Sadly, I had to unlearn much of what I learned there. Your sermons were a part of that--praise God! As the years go on, there are fewer and fewer sound pastors and teachers on the radio, sermon audio and in print. Your ministry continually brings truth, and has both encouraged and exhorted me over the years. Our family has many of your books. I believe I have listened to all 75 available sermons and I have many of your sermons on my mp3 players that I listen to regularly. I've been saved for over 20 years and for more than 10 years I have tried to read and study the Bible daily, yet your ministry still 'feeds' me. Looking forward to your next sermons as you post them. Thank you for being a light in a dark place and being faithful to the call God has on your life.”

“Keep on persevering brother!!!  Your ministry has been a double blessing to me.”

“I just wanted to send you a note of encouragement in your ministry.  I am an elder in an independent New Testament local assembly in Scotland, UK.  You would probably say that we were 'plymouth brethren' but we don't own such a title or take such a name.  We're autonomous and answer to the Lord alone.  We meet on New Testament ground in the simplicity of the pattern revealed in the scripture and reject and repudiate the worldly influence and liberal theology embraced by churches today. With that background you'll understand that we won't see eye to eye on every matter; however I've been receiving your FBIS e-mails for many years now and can say I have hardly disagreed with anything.  In fact I've been saying amen repeatedly for many years.  What I appreciate most and wanted to email you about is the grace displayed in dealing with error.  There is a need to be firm but gracious in our correction of others.  Your last email on the 'No Greater Joy' ministries is a good example.  It is clear on the error of perfectionism and on the exaltation of the family above the local assembly (a most subtle but real error) but also points out many of the positive aspects of that particular ministry.  That kind of balance is often missing in the Christian community today.”

“I just wanted to let you know I really appreciate your website.  My husband and I went to Ambassador Baptist College.  Anyway, that is when we were first introduced to Way of Life. I have come to your site many, many times to find answers that are a little to time consuming for me to figure out.  I've given out your website to many others looking for information.  We have visited churches all of the USA based upon your 'star' system.  We really appreciate ALL the hard work that is put in to making this site what it is.”

“Thank you, Brother Cloud, this was an excellent article [“The Incarnational Doctrine”].  I am provoked to think and pray more about how we are to open our lives in a Godly way here on our mission field.”

“Thank you for your ministry and your diligent service to the Lord. You and your ministry have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me in the work that our Lord has given us to do here in Latin America.”

“You are soooo right about Beck. Also look at the Tea Party Movement. Its flag is the don't tread on me rattlesnake. 'Nough said.”


“You are going to blow the bottom out of hell when you get there. Your actions are no way to love the Lord. What are you so afraid of anyway?”

“I recently was informed about your article on ‘Emerging Independent Baptists.’ I have to tell you that I am both irritated and saddened by your decision to take Pastor Messer to task in this article. “

“I hope that you are wearing asbestos skivvies, because you will be swimming in the lake of fire.”

“I listen to Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, U2, Journey, Earth Wind and Fire, and others. I have read Harry Potter and watched Star Wars. I have trouble with a [sexual] addiction..... I LOVE JESUS!!!!! He accepts me and takes me in under his wing and says it is alright. When I am troubled, he comforts me. Jesus is in the car listening to Bon Jovi, one of my favorite hard rock artists. I am a ragamuffin and I think Jesus was too. On your website you bash the Christian movement of rock music. I cannot believe how blind you are. Do you know how many lives that music has touched???? THOUSANDS!!!!! It is because of people like you who are wrapped up in their own sin and guilt that bash other people and make them feel bad.”

“I find it interesting that you blast and condemn Calvinism (which I hold) and to the trappings that it still holds onto from Popery. You call it a heresy. Yet, if it was not for men like Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Melanchthon, Bunyan etc who fought the good fight of faith, you would not be here writing and saying these things about them. And the most flagrant hypocrisy is you hold to a Pre-Trib/Pre-Mil view of eschatology which is a Jesuit lie that has been sucked up like a sponge in not only the pitiful Evangelical American Church but also in so-called Fundamental Bible Churches. Yet you have the nerve to call men like Calvin a heretic. At least he was reforming the church to get rid of the trappings of Rome. You are holding on to it. Myself I will follow in the train of the Protestant Reformer who preached and rightly so, the AntiChrist is here now and sits in Rome not in some distant future.”

“I think I can report you for a hate crime for what you have written against the Seventh-day Adventists.”

“I read your information about pentecost. ... I have experienced first hand when I sought and received the holy spirit.  I can't agree that it is not real because I felt and new it was real.  Just because the languages could not be understood maybe it is an ancient one or the language of God. I wonder if you have experienced it?”

“Regarding your published comments about Brennen Manning and
The Ragamuffin Gospel:  you, sir, are a sadly-blinded bigot. Brennen is a forgiven Christian who has inspired many other Christians who were sunk in self-hatred and could not conceive that God loves them ‘just as they are without one plea’ to find salvation. How sad that you spew out your Pharisaical judgementalism...” [Note from Brother Cloud: Brennen Manning is a Roman Catholic who does not believe in eternal hell or the necessity of the new birth through repentance and faith in Christ’s blood atonement. Manning’s web site features his biography. What is glaringly absent is any scriptural testimony of salvation. There is no repentance, no rejection of false gospels, no Scriptural new birth, merely a “sealing” of that which allegedly began at his infant baptism. Manning went on to become a Franciscan priest and though he is no longer active he continues to attend and promote the blasphemous Catholic mass. When he is in his home in New Orleans he attends the morning daily mass at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church.]