Bible College
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Literature
Publisher of Bible Study Materials
Way of Life Bible College

From Bro. Clouds Mailbox - November 2014
November 2014
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
From time to time, I publish some of the goodies from my mailbox, since many people have told me that they enjoy reading these things.


I'm not Baptist. I am Mennonite and have just been elected to the pastorate and in much need of guidance and direction from those who stand on the authority of God's Word, unashamedly and uncompromisingly! Though I do not agree with all of you stands, I want to thank you for being a faithful ‘watchman on the wall.’ ... I get angry with you sometimes and vow not to read any more David Cloud material. Yet, it is a love for truth that always causes me to order more material. For I know, though I may not always agree with you, (and those disagreements maybe because I'm Mennonite and you are Baptist) you demand truth in your own work and in the work of God’s people. All this to say this, it is my prayer that you will continue in the work our God has given you. If voices like you fall silent, young ministers like myself will be in even greater danger. We need the direction that you and people like you give. Blessings.”

“I am writing about your article ‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter.’ Keep going, my brother. There are many churches and preachers standing with you and fighting against the tool of Contemporary music that Satan is using to destroy the effectiveness of churches and Pastors that once stood for something but are now by small steps going away from the truth of God's Word. I, for one, will not recommend Lancaster to any of my young people that are seeking to go to Christian college. Thank you, brother Cloud, for your stand!!!”

“I just read ‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter.’ Very well done. Keep up the good work!’

“Amen brother Cloud in regard to ‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter.’ Thank you for your stand. Just like Lancaster is building a wrong bridge with the wrong people, you are doing the opposite. You are helping brethren strengthen their stand and drive their stakes deeper into the ground. You are warning the brethren not to cross the bad bridge because they will spiritually crash if they do. I finished watching for the first time your video ‘The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music.’ I must say you did a superb job! The best video I have seen on the subject, hard hitting, right to the point, proof.”

“As always, you have responded to a critic in a most respectful but direct way [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. I appreciate your love for the truth and for God’s people. ‘Faithful are the wounds of a friend...’”

“I appreciate your response to this individual [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. It seems like a broken and skipping record doesn’t it? You can almost pull out the talking points line by line that someone is going to make for the justification of CCM or defending someone who does. ‘You don’t care about souls!’ seems to be their clarion call. Keep up the good work and research for Christ.”

“It's uncanny how they all say pretty much the same thing [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. Like the talking points the political parties use. Maybe it's because they all have the same mind, and I don't mean the mind of Christ.”

“Thank you for that prayerfully thought out response [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. Keep standing strong in the Lord. You ministry is a great help here in Canada. May God continue to richly bless you.”

“Your effort to scripturally and factually ‘hold the fort’ has got to be such a help and blessing to faithful pastors who are resisting those who want to bring CCM into the assembly [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. Each Sunday and Wednesday I am so thankful for the hymns of old, selected by our pastor and sung by the congregation.”

“Brother Cloud, this was a wonderful Biblical response [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. May the Lord continue to bless you.”

“I thank God for your stand and pray you will continue to speak on the issues that face our Lord's Churches today. Churches are falling one by one to the liberal agenda that you are trying to warn them about. The poor blind man that commented on the contemporary music issue has let the drums affect his hearing too [‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter’]. God's blessing.”

“Thank you again for standing in the gap and not being afraid to challenge wrong thinking and doing it very eloquently (Ezekiel 22:30).”

“Thank you for being the trumpet of the truth!”

“Thank you for your ministry. Your two free videos on music have really helped to understand the issue [‘The Transformational Power of Contemporary Worship Music’ and ‘The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Praise Music’.] I recommend them to everybody I talk to about music. These videos have also helped a family in our church struggling with the same issue.”

“In response to the article ‘Reply to a Lancaster Supporter,’ I just wanted to let you know how much this pastor commends you for your stand for the truth. Keep standing and stay on the firing line.”

“I ordered your  book Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity. You have done a wonderful work in creating such a wonderful volume. I have also been reading many of your articles that you have made available on your website. I would like to thank you for doing so, as I am aware of how much time and effort is required to provide such a wealth of edifying information. I cannot find the proper words to express my gratitude for your writings, so I offer the only words that I can compose at this time: Thank you, brother, from the bottom of my heart.”

“I have been receiving your daily newsletter from quite some time. I wanted to personally thank you for your willingness to ‘hold the line’ doctrinally among our brethren. I find it very refreshing that you are not a respecter of persons. I know this comes at a very high price. No doubt you are very misunderstood by some. But you are practicing N.T. Christianity in calling our fellow brethren away from the lines of doctrinal compromise and in some cases complete doctrinal error. Thank you and please continue. Your efforts are not in vain. You may never know just how many men that your articles cause to think or even reconsider their position, but I would venture to say it would be many.”

“I remain ever so thankful for the ministry and the tons of free material available (especially the preaching). I credit the messages dealing with repentance for the ‘wake-up call’ that I needed to be saved!”

“I have written before and am very thankful for you and others who are exposing what is going on. ... Our younger pastor is one who leads singing with liveliness but to the old hymns. We appreciate him. We are older but thankfully he is from the old ways and keeps up on things and allows us to share with him things he hasn't heard or seen yet. ... Keep the good fight!”

“I just purchased the Way of Life Encyclopedia and the book ‘Portrait of Christ.’  The information is  incredible. Tremendous Bible study aid! I thank the Lord Jesus for your passion and hard work in putting these things together.”
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you for telling some of your testimony in this article. Praise God for the change that He makes in lives. Thank you for continuing to stand firm on God's Word, good music, and separation.”

“This is just spot on [‘The Beatles and Contemporary Christian Music’]! I too was heavily involved in rock as a drummer and turned from every aspect of it after I got saved. I warn people all the time about CCM.”

“I would like to thank you for today’s email [‘The Beatles and Contemporary Christian Music’]. It reinforces my conviction about the CCM movement in my church. Our pastor was promoting a a concert here in our town with Matt Maher and even trying to get the church to buy tickets as a group. I had seen the name in your CCM Music Directory on your website, so I went online and searched and found he is a Catholic rocker. After the Sunday service I asked my pastor if he know that Matt Maher is a Catholic rocker. He said he didn't but was going to the concert anyway and would check it out. This past Sunday the music played was by Mercy Me, Chris Tomlin, and even a song by Matt Maher. ... I too was heavily influenced by the Elvis and Beatles music as well as much more in the 50's and 60's as a teen. Thanks for your site and your materials. I have learned a lot from your ebooks, email news letter,
O Timothy magazine, and some of the other material I have ordered. I was a Southern Baptist, left that denomination and joined a Missionary and Alliance Church and now am looking for another IFB church here.”

“Brother David has been a real source of help to me in understanding the apostasy that grows worse day by day and his courses have helped strengthen me in the right way to live my life and the right way to lead the ‘little flock’ that God has entrusted me to lead.”

“You have been a tremendous blessing in my life, and to the world--lost and saved.  God used you and your ministry to bring me to Biblical repentance and salvation almost 14 years ago. I cannot thank you enough for your humble, steadfast, and loving faithfulness to God and your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your ministry is still the most Biblically solid I have ever known, and it always keeps me encouraged and steadfast in my Christian walk.”

“You have been a huge blessing through your preaching and literature on the Bible and  teaching on issues facing churches and Christians and videos on CCM. Your ministry of warning of dangers for Bible believers is very necessary and we praise the Lord for how He has used  you.”

“I have many of your books and they are such a blessing! Also, your Friday news letter is so interesting and helpful. I thank God that He allowed me to hear about your ministry.  The local churches are falling so fast around us.”

“I have followed brother Cloud for over 20 years. He has helped my knowledge more than anyone I can name. I thank the Lord for him.”

“It was only in the last seven years that I have got back to ‘my first love’ and God has used your writings and teachings to help me to get back on track with Him. After I was saved I attended a Pentecostal church for many years. I am sure that is in part of the reason I was immature in the Lord for quite a while. I have been involved with an Independent Baptist church in ... now for over a year, and it is such a refreshing spiritually to be working and growing in the Lord again. ... Those who truly teach the truth of the word of God, and have the courage to warn us of the apostasy and error in the church are so few in these evil days.”

“The Lord made me to find your ministry and I have been receiving lots of blessings through it for years now. Especially we teach from your materials at conferences as well to Hungarian brethren who come from different denominational backgrounds and cannot find a solution in the end-time apostate church-amalgam. So we try to help them to be separate from evil and worldly ways, especially ecumenism, contemplative mysticism, contemporary worship music, so-called movie-mission outreach etc., to be prepared and follow the right path, the narrow way according to the Bible.”

“During the past 10+ years, you have played an integral part in helping our family to study and understand the Scriptures and to develop Biblical discernment. The Lord has used you greatly in our lives!”

“David Cloud's God-given ministry has been a tremendous blessing to me and my family. I believe he truly does not know the impact his ministry has been to the many God fearing Christians, who are greatly edified, and the many seeds he had planted throughout the world. ... With the apostasy worsening all around us, he has been one the few Watchmen proclaiming the truth and preaching the whole counsel of God.”

“As a pastor, I have so much appreciated your ministry for the many years. I have been blessed by your materials and stand for the truth, among Bible-believing Baptists in particular.”

“Not many warriors left in our world of apostasy, and to be sure Bro. Cloud has held the banner high to ward off the enemy's relentless attacks against our Savior!”

“Here in Cambodia we reference your materials many times over as it's very helpful for our young Christians in this Buddhist culture. In such a dark world, there is an overwhelming need for clarity in doctrine and for preachers to stand without compromise. We praise God for your literature and hope to see more published in the future.”

“I have learned so much through your writing and I like the organized, systematized way in which you present things that make it easy to analyze.”

“Bro. Cloud’s ministry is so important in these last days. He definitely speaks the truth in love and we appreciate it.”

“I am thankful for how the Lord has used you to be a light against compromise.  I had the privilege of hearing you in person last September in Nashua, NH. Many years ago I was delivered from the errors of New Evangelicalism and yet many of the churches I know including mine that once warned against no longer provide a ministry of warning. You provide a ministry of discernment and warning that is needed.  As you have said in one of your articles, you are not my pastor, but I really appreciate how you fill this need when warnings are no longer given.”

“Bro. Cloud has been a great help to me in my spiritual life and I hope he will continue to be in years to come. I have never met him and yet he has done me nothing but good.”

“The Lord knows we need men like Bro. Cloud doing the good work he has been doing through out this world. Brother Cloud has been a blessing to me for over twenty years and I pray he will continue to be for years to come. He has taken the time to respond to me several times over the years. I love him and his ministry and admire his courage.”

“I have your ministry, from the many hours of preaching and teaching to the treasure trove of books and articles, to thank for leading me down the avenue of faith and repentance on August 1, 2008! Thank you so much for staying faithful all these years; for standing in the gap and sounding loud the warning that the hour's late. ... You've encouraged us to stand. You've consistently pointed us back to the basics, back to a love for the Lord that leads to an overwhelming love for His Book and for His people; a desire to live holy and love wholly the lost for whom He bled and died. ... Your stance on music has meant much to me these past few years. I can't tell you how encouraging it is to know that I'm not crazy, or alone, in concern for the family and church of the next generation. Music led me astray for well over a decade as I played bars, clubs, and concert halls. As churches embrace more and more the world's music and its philosophies, I cannot help but wonder if this is how an old drunk feels after being gloriously saved and warning others of what lies ahead, only to hear time and time again his brothers and sisters exclaim that ‘it's really OK in moderation’ or ‘it's all in how you choose to use or abuse it.’ My wife and I are set to begin your discipleship book, in conjunction with Sowing & Reaping. With each book and article I read, or sermon I hear, I'm reminded of a time when you described writing to Brother Bruce Lackey about your desire that he write more books and do all he could to get more of his teaching and preaching out and in the hands of the people. I'm sooooo thankful that you have done exactly that. May God bless you Brother Cloud. You've meant so much to me.”

“I praise the Lord for what a stalwart of God’s truth Bro. Cloud is. As a Bible believer in the land Down Under, I really appreciate this man of God & his fearless stand over many years. He has been a blessing to me & to my Sunday School class as I have shared his material. I know that when I read something that Bro. Cloud has written I can always be confident that he has put in the upmost care so that it lines up with God’s Holy Word.”

“Your ministry has been invaluable to my family.”

“I am grateful for the shepherd's heart Bro. Cloud has, and for the encouragement and admonition he expresses to the Lord's sheep. He has been an instrument of the Lord in clarifying many weighty issues of our day.”

“Brother Cloud performs a valuable service that is not provided by others. His courage and commitment to Truth always make an impact.”

“You are greatly beloved in this circle of fellowship. Thank God for your tireless labors in the Lord. I treasure all your writings and especially the brief times we have been able to meet and fellowship face to face.”

“For many years I have benefited from your ministry and stand with you in the ‘Faith Once Delivered.’ The material I purchased from you and information on your web site has been a great benefit in my own ministry.

“I have benefited from Brother Cloud’s ministry for over 20 years, and I am sure that his warnings have kept me from many dangerous things over the years. I know that many Christians have no use for discernment ministries. I am not one of them, but have thanked God for what he has done through brother Cloud many times. I especially appreciate that, while upholding careful study of the scripture, his writings have never encouraged mere intellectualism, but rather simple faith in what the Word of God has stated.”

“What a help it is to have such a watchman in this time of spiritual chaos. The teaching on dress has caused me to change some things, the CCM information was helpful indepth teaching, and I threw out the JM Talbot music I had liked (never liked much else CCM). The teaching on the New Evangelicalism and its effect was new to me and sooo enlightening regarding why Christianity today is the way it is! I have finally found a good Bible preaching church to attend, and the pastor will quote from your newsletter, which is how I learned of you.”

“You are one of the few warners of falseness in these last days. We need you on the job!!!”

“I have learned so much through your writing and like the organized, systematized way in which you present things that make it easy to analyze.”

“Your ministry means more to me than words can express. You are needed so much in this troubled world.”

“Your ministry is invaluable to the local church.”

“For the Lord’s work here on the mission field, we reference your materials many times over as it's very helpful for our young Christians. In such a dark world, there is an overwhelming need for clarity in doctrine and for preachers to stand without compromise. We praise God for your literature and hope to see more published in the future.”

“For years we have used, and continue to use now, your books and resources both personally and in our Sunday School and Discipleship Classes. Your godly, productive effort has been an enormous benefit to us and we expect it will continue to be so for years in the future (barring the Lord's return).”

“Thank you for all of your labors in warning God's people about the many errors and dangers that are out there in the world from CCM to apostate teachers, Your work has been (and continues to be) a great blessing in our lives.”

“I want you to know how much your ministry and efforts bless our church.”

“You have had a huge part in getting me and my family on the right track as far as doctrine is concerned. I remembering watching a video that you had made on southern gospel music and thought you were crazy but know I can see it ever so clearly. Music is an addiction and for me it was one of the hardest things to let go, even harder than alcohol. We have since had to make a career change and move to a fundamental Baptist church in ... and there we are happily serving our Lord and Savior.”

“So much of where I am today in my Christian walk is because of the Lord's leading in your ministries.”

“Your website ministry has been such a great blessing for me and my ministry. It corrects me a lot especially in my understanding and my point of view on things. Even though l came from a Pentecostal church, l can see that what you say is true and we've changed a lot.”

“Thank you for your clear teaching on contemporary Christian music. I have never been in a fundamentalist church but was involved in the charismatic movement. I concur with you that the contemporary music of the church is very much like the music of the world. I have been deep into music on both sides of the fence. This music entices, mesmerizes and gives spiritual experiences. It is like the fairytale of Lorelei, the siren of the Rhine. You make a link between contemporary Christian music and the end-time apostasy. In this context, I think of the music that was used by king Nebuchadnezzar to lead people into worship of the golden image (Daniel 3). Thanks to your message I am now on my way to cleanse myself and my family of this seduction.”


“Came across your web post of all the ‘Pentecostal Scandals’ that you posted. Not saying they are or were right or wrong but Word says to love one another as I loved you. Stop it. Just stop it. You sound like you don’t really know the love of God . Maybe you know Him in your head but your heart sure doesn't sound like it knows Him from the way you write. So please just stop it.”

“The only place to find total, complete and full unconditional love is in the Catholic Church.”

“Where in the bible does it say you have the right to judge us? I believe only God has that right.  ... It does not sound like you are a shining example of how God wants us to be. ... Your attitude is sad and I will pray at our Cowboy Church for you to see the wrong in what you are saying about other churches. Get out of your box and come and see what a real cowboy is all about.”

“You obviously know nothing about cowboy church. If you did, you would not have stuck your foot, or boot, in your mouth. You are so off base on your comments and life is short and I am busy doing God's real work to reveal the truth to you.”

“David Cloud preaches a false gospel. It is the doctrine that unregenerate sinners must surrender their lives to Christ in obedience in order to be saved. This goes hand in hand with the ‘repent of your sins’ heresy, where people are told to turn over a new leaf in order to be saved.” [Note from Brother Cloud: I don’t teach that sinners have to surrender their lives to Christ in obedience to be saved or that they have to “turn over a new leaf in order to be saved,” but this man obviously doesn’t have the capacity to understand the plain teaching that I have given in books and articles on this subject, so I will not waste my time trying to turn him from his delusions. He is probably a follower of the heretic Jack Hyles, who foolishly believed that “repentance is an enemy of soul winning.”]

“Wow, you guys are idiots.”

“I came across your website and had a read through a lot of your reasons why you don't like CCM, you gave a lot of scriptures as a reason but I believe that some of those were actually taken out of context. ... I feel so sorry for you. You must lead a very miserable life with all your religious reasons as to why you do things. Even Jesus had more fun that you.”

“This is the greatest load of antichrist nonsense [referring to an article on the Millennium], denying those precious word of the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘It is finished.’”

“Long story short, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman has changed my life and there's no better Bible teacher alive. ... Also, I'm sick and tired of hearing about Dr. Ruckman's divorces. This self-righteousness is ridiculous.  ... You're a victim like Eve was in Genesis 3, Satan using Greek and Hebrew scholarship to seduce you into questioning what God said.  I will pray for you before I hit the send button on this email.”

“Wow! Will you guys ever be surprised when you get to heaven! Methinks it will not be just the midget body of Christ you envision but the giant Body of Christ made up of many members, not all of whom share a similar theology but who can declare ‘Jesus is Lord!’” [This e-mail was sent in respose to Bro. Cloud’s report about Bill Gaither.]

“Protestants are very ignorant to what Jesus Christ's Catholic Church teaches. Everything that Jesus Christ's Catholic Church does can be backed up by the Holy Bible,it is after all our book. Most Protestants, honestly, are not as well educated in their faith as Catholics. This is simply the truth. Their churches are small and not uniform like our churches. They strongly support reading and interpreting the bible for themselves, which can lead to many heresies when they have been given no historical background or education on what they are reading, who wrote it, who it was written for, why it was written, etc. So they have no way to know how to interpret it. Did you know, that MANY protestants don't even know about the protestant reformation, and that they all came from the catholic church?”

“You should call your blog fundamental bible believing knuckleheads! It is one thing to take issue with Brennan Manning, but when you are against Dietrich Bonhoeffer, well have a nice day!”

“When I saw where you were bashing the ministry of William Branham, a mighty prophet in our day, and his ministry it made me so sad and disappointed. ... I think you are on very dangerous ground coming against God's anointed. ... Ask the Lord to give you a revelation of this man and his ministry.”

“I just read an article written by your ministry regarding Jack Hayford. In it, you describe him as delusional and evil. You also denounce the entire catholic faith. ... Perhaps Mr. Hayford is misguided, but as is clearly revealed by your hate message, so are you. In reading this article, I kept seeing images in my mind of a child's playground fight: simple plain petty bickering, albeit one-sided. Perhaps you should read the bible you claim to preach. God is a God of love, not hatred. ... I am disappointed in your Godless discourse. May He heal your wounded soul.” [Note from Bro. Cloud: I described Hayford neither as delusional nor as evil. I described him as a false teacher.]


“[I am sending information] that reveals a lot of hitherto ‘secret’ information about the network of Asherim that covers the city of London, England. ... Having decoded their Babylonian symbols over the past six months and organized my findings in a thematic way ... the city of London has Asherim arranged in patterns to form asterisms of the constellations Orion, Canis Major and Lyra, that the elite worship the gods of ancient Egypt, notably Horus, that all of the church steeples are ‘in orbit’ around an obelisk, that London is covered by a huge ‘Solar Barque’ in honor of the gods of Egypt...”