Men vs. Women’s Physiological Differences
April 14, 2016
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061

According to Scripture, both Adam and Eve were made in God’s image, but they were made for different roles in this life. The first woman was made after the man to be his wife and “help meet.” She was designed by the Creator to bear children, and her physical and emotional makeup is distinctively different than the man’s.

The differences between men and women have been obvious to mankind throughout history, but rabid unisex campaigners today are doing their best to belittle them. A couple of years ago the ultra-liberal and very politically correct
Huffington Post gleefully reported that “the whole ‘men are from Mars, women are from Venus’ trope is false” (“Men’s and Women’s Differences Aren’t Actually Distinct, Confirms Study,” Huffington Post, Feb. 6, 2013).

Such nonsense is refuted by the fact that men and women can rarely compete head-to-head in athletics at the elite level.

“As a group, women do not run, jump or swim as fast as men. Women are also more prone to certain types of athletic injuries than men. ... The mean difference has been about 10 percent between men and women for all events. The mean gap is 10.7 percent for running, 8.9 percent for swimming and 17.5 percent for jumping” (“How Do Men and Women Differ Athletically?

Women are smaller in stature than men. “The average 18-year-old man is 70.2 inches tall and weighs 144.8 pounds, whereas the average woman of the same age is 64.4 inches tall and weighs 126.6 pounds” (“Physiological Differences Between the Sexes,”, U.S. Army physical training regulations).

Women have significantly less crushing strength in their hands than men. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee found that on average, adult males between the ages of 20 and 24 generate 121 pounds of “crushing” grip strength in their right hands, and women in that same age group had 70.4 pounds of grip strength in their right hands (
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation).

Women have about 10% more body fat than men. “Men accumulate fat primarily in the back, chest, and abdomen; women gain fat in the buttocks, arms, and thighs. Also, because the center of gravity is lower in women than in men, women must overcome more resistance in activities that require movement of the lower body” (“Physiological Differences Between the Sexes,”

Women’s hearts are about about 25% smaller than men’s. “Thus, the man’s heart can pump more blood with each beat. ... Thus, for any given work rate, the faster heart rate means that most women will become fatigued sooner than men” (“Physiological Differences Between the Sexes,”, U.S. Army).

Women have about 30% less lung capacity than men. “This gives men still another advantage in the processing of oxygen and in doing aerobic work such as running” (“Physiological Differences Between the Sexes,”, U.S. Army).

Women have less oxygen-carrying capacity than men. The woman’s blood contains 20% fewer blood cells. “Since red cells supply oxygen to the body, she tires more easily and is more prone to faint. Her constitutional viability is therefore strictly a long-range matter. When the working day in British factories, under wartime conditions, was increased from ten to twelve hours, accidents among women increased 150 percent; the rate of accidents among men did not increase significantly” (Physical Differences,”

Women have about 50% less upper body strength than men and about 30% less lower body strength (“Men vs. Women,” This is because of a smaller ratio of muscle mass to body weight. “This explains why female speed records in running and swimming are consistently 10 percent slower than men's” (“Physiological Differences,” “A woman who is the same size as her male counterpart is generally only 80 percent as strong” (“Physiological Differences Between the Sexes,”, U.S. Army).

Women have less bone mass than men, having shorter and smaller bones. This provides a significant mechanical advantage for the man. “The increased articular surface and larger structure of male bones provide them with a greater leverage and a wider frame on which to support muscle. Similarly, the ligaments of female athletes are generally more lax and fragile than those of their male counterparts. This gives male athletes an advantage in sports that involve throwing, kicking and hitting, and explains the higher incidence of musculoskeletal injuries among female athletes” (

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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.

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