866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org

Like Peter Ruckman, Riplinger has probably done more damage to the cause of the KJV than good. She has defied the Bible she claims to uphold by teaching men (1 Timothy 2:12), and, to make matters worse, she has smeared and belittled her opponents in a manner that is not befitting anyone with a Christian testimony.
Now she has now been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be a liar.
She has maintained for years that she has only been married once, but in fact she was married three times.
Unlike Riplinger, Dr. D.A. Waite is widely known as a legitimate biblical scholar and even-tempered man who is honest and forthright. He has a good Christian testimony.
He has been very kind to Gail Riplinger and has done her many favors. She returned those kindnesses with dishonesty and double-dealing. If this is how she treats her friends, how much could she possibly be trusted in anything?
With his permission, we are reprinting Dr. Waite’s testimony regarding Riplinger.
The following testimony about Gail Riplinger, author of The New Age Bible Version, is from Dr. D.A. Waite, director of Bible for Today, 900 Park Ave., Collingswood, NJ 08108, BFT@BibleForToday.org:
Here is a chronological accounting of our experiences with Gail Riplinger.
1. Sometime in 2007 - Mrs. Waite and I were informed by uncertified documents sent to us that Gail Riplinger had had three husbands and two divorces.
2. October 24, 2007 - Mrs. Waite and I phoned Gail Riplinger to find out her explanation of these certified documents. Since we thought we were friends of hers. We thought she would tell us the truth. When Mrs. Waite asked her pointedly, if she had only had Mike Riplinger as her one and only husband and her one and only "marriage," she said, "Yes." Mrs. Waite asked if Gail had ever had any other husband. She said, "No." She denied strongly that she had ever had any other "marriages" but the present one with Mike Riplinger.
3, January 10-11, 2008 - At the Princeton King James Bible Conference, during a question and answer period, I was asked about the allegation that Gail Riplinger had been married three times and divorced twice. I said I had heard that also, then I gave my questioner Gail Riplinger's answer to me to the effect that she had had only one "marriage." Since Gail told Mrs. Waite and me this and since I thought we were friends and I thought she would never lie to us, I believed her. Because of my answer, one publication accused me of being part of a cover-up of Mrs. Riplinger’s marriages and divorces. Nothing could be further from the truth. I simply repeated what I was told by Mrs. Riplinger.
4. June 2008 - Because of continuing information and doubts about Gail Riplinger's marriages and divorces, I requested and received certified copies of Gail Riplinger's three marriages and two divorces to be to be certain that they were genuine. I found them to be genuine and unquestionably true documentation. On June 26, 2008, June 30, 2008, and July 1, 2008, CERTIFIED COPIES of Gail Riplinger's three marriage licenses and two divorces were dated by Ohio officials and mailed to me. Among other things, here are what these CERTIFIED COPIES reveal:
(1) Terry Edward Latessa married Gail Anne Ludwig (now Riplinger). The marriage license was dated June 2, 1969 in Trumbull County, Ohio. The marriage was certified on June 7, 1969.
(2) Franklin Alex Kaleda married Gail Anne Ludwig (Latessa now Riplinger). The marriage license was dated November 1, 1976 in Portage County, Ohio. The marriage was certified on November 5, 1976. Gail Riplinger's first divorce was from Terry Edward Latessa on February 12, 1975.
(3) Michael Domnick Riplinger married Gail Anne Ludwig (Latessa Kaleda). The record shows that Gail had been "previously married" two times. The marriage license was dated September 4, 1984 in Summit County, Ohio. The marriage was certified on October 27, 1984. Gail Riplinger's second divorce was from Frank Alexander Kaleda on August 6, 1984.
5. January 2009 - We received two pictures of Gail Anne Ludwig (Latessa) Kaleda and Franklin Alex Kaleda. Rev. Richard Gordon who performed the marriage, was also in the picture. It appears that he had just solemnized the marriage and the groom was about to kiss the bride at her second marriage.
6. July 9-14, 2009 - Mrs. Waite wrote a 9-page letter with 12-pages of enclosures (a total of 21 pages in all) to Gail Riplinger in which she confronted her about her lies to her and me in our telephone call of October 24, 2007. The letter was sent by UPS to her address in Ararat, Virginia. A copy of the letter was also sent to her E-mail address so she could receive it and reply (if she wanted to) prior to the Dean Burgon Society's (DBS) Women's Meeting Wednesday, July 22, 2009. [Copies of this letter and enclosures are available in either of two ways: (1) by giving us your E-mail address so we can send you a PDF without charge; or (2) by sending a self-addressed envelope with 3 stamps on it.]
7. July 22, 2009 - Having heard nothing from Gail Riplinger by way of apology, correction, or some kind of excuse for her lies, Mrs. Waite gave a report on this situation to the DBS Women, and distributed to here letter and attachments to the ladies present.
8. July 24, 2009 - Upon arriving home from the Dean Burgon Society (DBS) meetings in Chicago, Illinois, we found an E-mail letter (dated July 21, 2009) from Gail Riplinger's daughter, Bryn. Knowing that there was no more denying about Gail's three marriages and two divorces, Bryn finally admitted that there were two other "marriages" but that they were "on paper only." In other words, Bryn (and her mother as well) was redefining the official Ohio State (and other States) what "marriage" is. Her letter (as the facts determine) contained many more lies in attempting to explain away her mother's lie about her three marriages and two divorces. Gail Riplinger has never replied to Mrs. Waite's letter.
9. Further Information. Many more details about this situation can be found in the following materials: (1) Mrs. Waite's 21-page letter to Gail Riplinger of October 24, 2009. (2) Mrs. Waite's BFTUPDATE of August, 2009; (3) Mrs. Waite's BFTUPDATE of September, October, November, 2009, and (4) further documents either from Mrs. Waite, or from me.
It is sad to us to have what we considered a "friend" to turn from the TRUTH to LIES to such an extent that we have had to separate from her and publicly expose her "unfruitful works of darkness" (Ephesians 5:11) as the Bible commands us.
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
Bible For Today
December 21, 2009 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article)
On November 24, 2009, we published a report from Dr. Donald Waite, founder of Bible For Today, about the lies that were told to him and his wife by Gail Riplinger, author of New Age Bible Versions. (The report is entitled “Gail Riplinger’s Lies to Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Waite.”)
In 2007, the Waites received uncertified reports that Riplinger had been divorced twice and married thrice. On October 24 of that year, they called her to inquire about the matter, and Mrs. Riplinger expressly told them that she had been married only once, to her current husband Mike Riplinger. Wanting to be certain that she wasn’t misunderstood and wanting to be absolutely sure of the matter, Mrs. Waite posed the question in a variety of ways, but Gail strongly denied that she had ever had any other marriages. As a result, Dr. Waite defended her at the Princeton King James Bible Conference in January 2008. When someone inquired at a question-answer session if Riplinger was divorced, Waite said that he had confirmed directly from her that this was not true. In June 2008, the Waites, having decided to pursue the matter further, obtained certified copies of Gail Riplinger’s three marriage licenses and two divorce papers.
Gail was married to Terry Latessa in June 1969, and that marriage ended in divorce five and a half years later, in February 1975. In November 1976, Gail married Franklin Kaleda. That marriage ended in divorce eight years later, in August 1984. Less than two months after her second divorce, Gail married Michael Riplinger.
In July 2009, Mrs. Waite wrote to Gail Riplinger to confront her with the evidence and to challenge her about the lies. As of this writing, five months have passed, and the Waites have not received a personal reply or apology from Riplinger.
They did receive an e-mail, though, from Bryn Riplinger Shutt, Gail Riplinger’s daughter. This was sent on July 21, 2009. She claims that Gail’s first two marriages were not “consummated” and that at least one of her former husbands was a homosexual. Shutt says, “These men’s physical anomaly or homosexuality, neither of which she had anticipated, deferred anything but a strained friendship, wrought with their cruelty.” Shutt also says that Riplinger’s first husband “abandoned her almost from the start to pursue his homosexual lifestyle.”
This “explanation,” which has been published in various places, only increases the problem.
First, even if Riplinger’s first two marriages ended because of an “anomaly,” they were still marriages and the divorces were real divorces, so Gail Riplinger was lying to the Waites no matter how you cut it. There is a legal process for annulling a marriage, but Gail did not pursue such a course on the basis of a “physical anomaly” in either case.
Second, as we have seen, the first marriage lasted over five years and the second marriage lasted eight years. That is a long time for a woman to stay with men who have “anomalies”! These were not marriages that lasted a few weeks or months.
Third, in the divorce filings, there was no mention of “homosexuality” or “no consummation” or an “anomaly.”
Fourth, the Waite’s investigation into the matter uncovered the fact that Gail lived with her second husband in a trailer near Kent State University; they attended church and Bible studies together there and bought a house together four years into the marriage. They also started a corporation called Truth and Life. Both signed the legal papers.
In the September-November 2009 edition of their paper, BFT Update, the Waites published the following observation:
“Apparently Riplinger has a severe problem in getting her facts correct, and one must wonder whether to believe anything she says, particularly with what appears to be her massive ‘conspiracy theory’ denigrating any and all resources that deal with the original language texts, lexicons, and study materials.”
The Waites also say, “It is sad to us to have what we considered a ‘friend’ to turn from the TRUTH to LIES to such an extent that we have had to separate from her and publicly expose her ‘unfruitful works of darkness’ (Ephesians 5:11) as the Bible commands us.”
More details about this situation can be found in the following materials from Bible For Today -- BFT UPDATE of August 2009 and BFT UPDATE of September-November, 2009. Bible For Today’s contact information is 900 Park Ave., Collingswood, NJ 08108, BFT@BibleForToday.org, 856-854-4747.
copyright 2013, Way of Life Literature
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