Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Course download consists of:
 - Syllabus - Review Questions
 - Tests
- Answer Keys - Grading Sheet
Course Download
An Unshakeable Faith: A Christian Apologetics Course
by David W. Cloud,
4th Edition, 2024, 297 pgs (new 2 col format)
Formats: Softcover, eBook
Fourth edition, 2024. See below for information.

The course is built upon nearly 40 years of serious Bible study and apologetics writing. Research was done in the author’s 6,000-volume library plus in major museums and other locations in America, England, Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East. 

The professional PowerPoint presentations consisting of 3,579 slides deal with archaeology, evolution/creation science, and the prophecies pertaining to Israel’s history.  These fascinating photos and video clips were taken at great expense in museums and research sites in roughly 15 countries. 

The majority of the photos in the PowerPoint slides were taken on location with a Nikon D700 prosumer digital Single Lens Reflect (SLR) camera. 
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3,500+ Slide Set
PowerPoint - Keynote
The material is extensive, and the teacher can decide whether to use all of it or to select only some portion of it for his particular class and situation. 

After each section there are review questions and summaries as teaching aids and to help the students focus on the most important points. Selections can be made from the review questions for sectional and final tests. 

There is also a summary of the entire course, which emphasizes the major points that the students should master so well that they can use them effectively in apologetic and evangelistic situations.  

There is a major section “Soul Winning and Apologetics.”

The course can be used for private study as well as in a classroom setting and it has been reviewed by pastors, youth pastors, and scientists. 

This new edition has been completely updated. It has fewer pages than the previous edition due to its new two column format. Review questions were also removed from the textbook. Review questions are now found in the free download of the course material with is due to be completed by mid July 2024.

See details and endorsements below..
Course Download
  • Complete Course consists of textbook and free course documents (download above). It's our passion to provide serious materials to help grow serious bible students. A syllabus is provided as a guide but please adapt things to best fit your needs.
  • General information about courses is available HERE.
Book: Softcover book, 8.5x11 in
PDF format
PowerPoints: Free (
Sample Pages
Softcover Book
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PDF eBook
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