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Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Steven Anderson’s Children Expose Him - Oct. 22
In 2024, four of Steven Anderson’s oldest children spoke out publicly about the cultic abuse in the pastor’s home.
 When I first learned of Anderson’s second oldest son’s testimony of his father’s abuse in the home, I decided to leave it alone and not add it to the Anderson report (“What About Steven Anderson?”), because it was only one young man’s word against that of his father. But since then, that testimony has been confirmed by three other children. Further, I have since realized that many people have probably been drawn to Anderson because of what appeared to be his good Christian home.
 I feel very sorry for the Anderson family. I have no ill feeling whatsoever against them. I only wish that Steven did not claim to be independent Baptist and that..
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Sarah Buteux

Sarah Buteux

Friday Church News Notes - Oct. 18
JONATHAN EDWARDS’ CHURCH THEN AND NOW (Friday Church News Notes, October 18, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was a key figure in the First Great Awakening in America. The revival in the northeastern part of the United States started in his church in Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1734. He preached the new birth and held to the infallible inspiration of Scripture. He believed in a God who is both holy and compassionate, a Judge and a Saviour. He preached salvation through faith in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. Edwards’ famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God warned people to flee God’s wrath.. see full report

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”
  - Pr 20:1

The rapid change in attitude toward drinking among “Bible believing” Christians is a major sign of the times.
 Baptist pastor Charles Spurgeon said, “Next to the preaching of the Gospel, the most necessary thing to be done in England is to induce our people to become abstainers” (1882), and, “Those beer shops are the curse of this country--no good ever can come of them, and the evil they do no tongue can tell ... the beer shops are a pest ... the sooner their licenses are taken away, the better” (1884).
 When the 18th Amendment, which “prohibited the manufacture, sale..
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Transitioning Churches Away From the King James Bible - Oct. 16
The Translation Transition” is an interview with Bryan Samms by Luke Clayton at the Church Advance YouTube channel.
 Shallow Baptist churches that are uneducated in the Bible and in the fundamental issues of the day are ripe for the devil’s picking, and they are falling away from the truth on every hand.
 Bryan Samms is pastor of River City Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida, which under his leadership (beginning in 2016) transitioned from a conservative fundamental Baptist Church to a contemporary evangelical church. According to his own testimony, after he took the pastorate, he came to a “conviction” that modern versions such as the New King James Version, the New American Standard Version, and the English Standard Version, are to be preferred above the King James Version. He subsequently transitioned..
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Evangelicals Praise Heretic Karl Barth - Oct. 15
Karl Barth (1886-1968) was a thorough-going heretic, yet he has wielded great influence among “evangelicals.”
 The December 11, 1995, issue of Christianity Today contained a review of Karl Barth’s Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology: Its Genesis and Development 1909-1936, by Bruce McCormack, Oxford University Press, 1995. The review was by Roger Olson of Bethel College. Note the praise heaped on heretic Barth by this publication which professes to believe the Bible:
 “When chroniclers of twentieth-century theology look back one hundred years hence, there is little doubt that one name will overshadow all others as THE GIANT OF THIS CENTURY’S THEOLOGIANS--KARL BARTH. Thinkers of Barth’s stature provide a framework within which countless others carry out their own work, and thus a change in the paradigm governing interpretation of a Barth or a Hegel or an Edwards or a Thomas Aquinas has consequences that ultimately extend far beyond the inner circle of scholarly ..
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Photo credit: David W. Cloud
Friday Church News Notes - Oct. 11
CATHOLIC COLLEGE OPERATES ON OLD D.L. MOODY PROPERTY (Friday Church News Notes, October 11, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - The vast majority of old fundamentalist churches and institutions have become evangelical over the past 50 years, and many of them have morphed from fundamentalism to evangelicalism to liberalism and Catholicism. This is the fruit of the new evangelicalism with its renunciation of separatism and its tendency to erase “boundaries.” Consider Trinitarian Congregational Church of East Northfield.. see full report
Book: What Every Christian Should Know About Rock Music
Rock - The Music of False Christs
Oct. 10
The following is excerpted from What Every Christian Should Know About Rock Music, which is available as a free eBook from -
The fourth thing every Christian should know about rock music is that it is the music of false christs and antichrists.
''Even when rockers talk positively about Christ, it is not the Christ of the Bible.
 The Bible warns about false christs. Even in the first century, the churches were in danger of being seduced by false christs and antichrists.
 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds..
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F.F. Bruce - Oct. 8
The following is excerpted from The Modern Bible Version Hall of Shame,
Frederick Fyvie (F.F.) Bruce (1910-1991) was an influential textual scholar and Bible commentator. Associated with InterVarsity Fellowship (IVF), Bruce led the way for British “evangelicals” to assume positions of recognized scholarship when he was appointed to the Rylands Chair of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis in the University of Manchester in 1959.
 Though Bruce continued to sign the IVF doctrinal statement, which held “the Divine inspiration and infallibility of Holy Scripture, as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct,” he did not believe it.
 In his autobiography Bruce testified: “Occasionally, when I have expounded the meaning of some biblical passage in a particular way, I have been asked, ‘But how does that square with inspiration?’ But inspiration is not a concept of which I have a clear understanding before I come to the study of the text, so that I know in advance what limits are..
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Friday Church News Notes - Oct. 4
GETTYS LEAD WORSHIP AT LAUSANNE 4 (Friday Church News Notes, October 4, 2024,,, 866-295-4143) - Keith and Kristyn Getty led worship and conducted seminars at Lausanne IV, the ecumenical Congress on World Evangelization in Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 22-28. The Gettys are one of the most influential contemporary worship artists, and they are bridges to the one-world church because of their ecumenical philosophy and lack of true biblical boundaries. Together with Stuart Townend, who is charismatic in his doctrine and practice, they operate Getty Townend Music (GTM), which in the last several years has become increasingly popular with Bob Jones University, Majesty Music, the Wilds, and others. Over 5,000 people from 200 countries participated in Lausanne IV from a multiplicity of.. see full report
Malcolm Muggeridge - Oct. 1
Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990) was an English journalist, author, and “satirist.”
 Attracted to communism in his youth, he spend a few years in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, which turned him into an anti-communist.
 In his 1969 book
Jesus Rediscovered, Muggeridge brazenly rejected Christ’s virgin birth, deity, miracles, prophecies, and bodily resurrection. He theorized that some “body-snatcher” stole Jesus’ body. Following are some excerpts:
 “To imagine this deity having a son in any particular sense, and this son to have been born of a virgin, and to have lived on earth for thirty years or so as a man; then to have died and to have risen from the dead is, as far as I am concerned, beyond credibility" (
Jesus Rediscovered, Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1969, p. 95).
 "Christ's mother, Mary, conceived him out of wedlock but believed, when an inner voice, or angel, told her that her pregnancy was divinely ordained"..
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Friday Church News Notes -
Sept. 27
FIRST BAPTIST HAMMOND MISSIONARY WINS NEARLY 12,000 IN SUMMER EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN (Friday Church News Notes, September 27, 2024,, 866-295-4143) Recently a friend sent me the prayer letter of the Darrell Ratcliff Family serving in Mexico out of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana (of the late Jack Hyles fame). I don’t know Darrell, but I would imagine he is a likable man with a nice Christian family. But his evangelism methodology is unscriptural, terrible, horrible, wretched, damaging to the cause of Christ, and harmful to the souls of men. The poor fellow has been brainwashed with a man-made Quick Prayerism program and he is using it on steroids, leaving a multitude of empty professions in his wake. Here is a quote from his recent prayer letter: “This summer, God gave me the privilege of... see full report

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