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Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Friday Church News Notes - Sept. 20
MUSHY, DANGEROUS EVANGELICALISM TODAY: PRESTON SPRINKLE AND THE UPSIDE DOWN KINGDOM STUDY BIBLE (Friday Church News Notes, September 20, 2024,, 866-295-4143) The Upside Down Kingdom Study Bible NIV was published this month by Zondervan. Preston Sprinkle, general editor, is influential among Southern Baptists and evangelicals in general. Sprinkle is the founder of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, Theology in the Raw podcasts, and Exiles in Babylon conferences. Sprinkle has taught at Cedarville University which was GARBC from 1953-2006, at which time it moved into the Southern Baptist orb. (Sprinkle taught there in its SBC incarnation.) Cedarville’s history illustrates the downgrade of the General Association of Regular Baptists from fundamental Baptist in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s to.. see full report
Reference Bibles - Sept. 19
A reference Bible refers to a Bible that contains various studies and helps in addition to the Bible text, and it is an important tool for the serious Bible student. Following are some facts and tips on their use.
The most basic reference Bible commonly has the following features:
1. Cross references
2. Chapter headings and dates
3. A brief concordance and/or dictionary
 Usually the concordance in a study Bible is not very helpful because it is so limited, but the cross references are invaluable.
Beyond that, a more complete reference Bible contains many..
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A Treasure Chest of Little Known Hymns - Sept. 18
The following is one chapter of Transforming Congregational Singing in the 21st Century, -
 The following lesser known hymns are intended to be a sampler for individuals, homes, and churches in the effort to expand their hymn repertoire. These are some of the hymns I have found during the research for Transforming Congregational Singing for the 21st Century.
 We have included links to music scores, so that copies can be printed. As far as we know, all of these hymns are in the public domain.
 A church can expand its repertoire of hymns by purchasing binders for each pew and adding the pages of newly discovered hymns.
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Friday Church News Notes - Sept. 13
CHURCH MEMBER PUZZLED OVER LACK OF SPECIAL PRAYER FOR THE NATION (Friday Church News Notes, September 13, 2024,,, 866-295-4143) - In former times, churches in America, both Protestant and Baptist, had days of fasting and prayer for the nation. The first president, backed by Congress, called for national days of fasting and prayer, and the churches rose to the occasion, not with feasting and playing, but with true confession, repentance, and earnest prayer. God answered with the Second Great Awakening. Many of the founding fathers attributed earnest prayer as a major factor in the fledgling nation’s military success over Britain, the world’s mightiest power at the time, and success in forming an effectual national government from the ever-bickering.. see full report
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(Painted Portrait)
Rousseau: A Chief Father of Modern Society - Sept. 12
The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (pronounced zhon-zak Rúso) (1712-1778) is one of the most influential of the modern humanistic philosophers. At a young age, he rejected the Reformed faith of his grandfather, who was a Calvinist preacher (Kevin Swanson, Apostate: The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West). He rejected the authority of the Bible as God’s Word and exalted human reason in its place, which is the fundamental error of all humanistic philosophy.
''He believed that man is basically good and nature is innocent. He exclaimed, “Man is born free” and “Let us return to nature!”
I''ntending to be his own god, he called for complete freedom from restraint. He rejected commitment and responsibility. Renouncing marriage, he had five children with a mistress and gave all of them up to orphanages. “Rousseau and his followers
... saw the restraints of civilization as.. see full report
Evangelicalism’s Picket Fence Separation - Sept. 11
“Evangelicalism” is that part of Christianity that holds to the necessity of personal salvation, a belief in the Bible as God’s inspired Word and sole authority, conservative Bible doctrine, Christian living according to the Bible, and the proclamation of the gospel. The term “evangelical” is from the Greek evangelion, which is translated “gospel” in the Bible. In America, one-third of adults who identify as Christians identify as evangelical (, July 14, 2021). Evangelicalism is the Christianity of Southern Baptists, most of the mega-churches, and the myriad of evangelical parachurch organizations such as Cru (formerly Campus Crusade), Youth For Christ, Youth With A Mission, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Answers in Genesis, The Gospel Coalition, Samaritan Ministries, World Vision, Navigators, Moody, LifeWay, and Zondervan Publishers. It is the Christianity of Liberty University, Moody Bible Institute.. see full report
The Ever-Present Danger of Neo-Orthodoxy - Sept. 10
Neo-orthodoxy, which was invented in the 20th century, should be called neo-liberalism because it is not orthodox or doctrinally sound. Neo-orthodoxy is no friend of the truth. It is just only subtle and deceptive and less forthright in its unbelief than the old liberalism.
 Neo-orthodoxy is known as “crisis” or “dialectical” theology in Europe.
Some of the fathers and influencers of neo-orthodoxy are Karl Barth (1886-1968), Emil Brunner (1889-1965), Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), and Reinhold Niebuhr (1893-1971).
Neo-orthodoxy generally accepts many heresies of the old liberalism such as these: The Bible contains historical and scientific errors; the Genesis account of the creation and fall is not literal; Moses did not write the Pentateuch but it was written hundreds of years later during the.. see full report
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Rare stone seal with an Assyrian genie and paleo-Hebrew writing. Courtesy Elyahu Yanai, City of David
Friday Church News Notes - Sept. 6
ANCIENT SEAL DISCOVERED IN JERUSALEM SUPPORTS BIBLICAL RECORD (Friday Church News Notes, September 6, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - Last week, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced the discovery of an ancient black stone seal at the City of David National park archaeological site south of the Temple Mount. The seal features the image of a pagan Assyrian “genie” plus the name “LeYeho’ezer ben Hosh’ayahu” (Yeho’ezer son of Hosh’ayhu) inscribed in Hebrew. It has been dated to the 8th century BC, which is the very time that the Assyrians were on a rampage throughout Israel. In 732 Tiglath-pileser destroyed large portions of northern Israel (2 Ki. 15:29) and entered Judah in about 728 (2 Ch. 28:20). In 721 Sargon II captured Samaria and deported.. see full report
Alice Bailey and the United Nations - Sept. 5
The following is excerpted from The New Age Tower of Babel, a free eBook from --
Alice Ann Bailey (born Alice LaTrobe Bateman) (1880-1949) was a New Age prophetess who claimed to channel teachings from her “spirit guide.”
 She grew up in a wealthy Anglican home, but was miserable and tried to commit suicide three times before she was 15. Allegedly, it was at this age that she first met her spirit master, “a tall man, dressed in European clothes and wearing a turban,” on June 30, 1895. Later she identified him as the “Master” Koot Hoomi that Madame Blavatsky allegedly communicated with.
 She was a Sunday School teacher and did missionary work in India with the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA). There she married her first husband who became an Episcopalian priest, but she eventually divorced him and rejected Christianity, saying of herself that “a rabid, orthodox Christian worker [became] a well-known
.. see full report
Transforming Congregational Singing
Hymns - Jewels From Frances Havergal - Sept. 4
 The following is excerpted from Transforming Congregational Singing in the 21st Century, -
Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879) was another prolific hymn writer of the revivalist era.
 Her father, William, was an Anglican pastor and hymn writer and her brother an Anglican priest. “She grew up in a literary and musical environment that encouraged her as a Christian singer and hymn writer.” She could read at age 3 and began reading and memorizing the Bible at age 4. At age 7 she began writing poems. At age 15, she was converted. She said, “I committed my soul to the Saviour, and earth and heaven seemed brighter from that moment.” Educated in England and Germany, she was skillful in
.. see full report
Trilobite Eye, Credit: David Cloud
The Trilobite’s Defiance of the Theory of Evolution - Sept. 3
“And he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead” (1 Ch. 29:28).
 David was 70 when he died (2 Sa. 5:4).
 Though David had to suffer the consequences of his sin, as God warned in 2 Sa. 12:10-12 and as we have described in the studies on 2 Samuel, he continued to enjoy fellowship with God and continued to experience God’s blessings. God did not remove His mercy, as David celebrated in his psalms. “Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me” (Ps. 66:20). “For as the
.. see full report

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