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Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Friday Church News Notes - July 26
U.S. SECRET SERVICE SHOT THROUGH AND THROUGH WITH DEI WOKE NONSENSE (Friday Church News Notes, July 26, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - Former U.S. President Donald Trump narrowly escaped assassination and a committed husband and father was murdered on July 13 because of the inaptitude of today’s Secret Service. By any reckoning, for the Secret Service to allow someone with a rifle to access the roof of a building a mere 130 yards from the man they were tasked with protecting and to allow him to fire multiple times before ending his career, is inaptitude of the highest order. World class. It turns out that the person in charge of the venerable Secret Service is a woman whose previous job was head of security at PepsiCo, which somehow qualified her to lead.. see full report
“We need to get beyond the emotionalism of this movement and consider what the Bible itself teaches..”
True Christian Unity - July 25
The cry for Christian unity is heard on every hand today, from Catholics and Protestants, modernists and evangelicals, emergents and even some fundamentalists.
 We need to get beyond the emotionalism of this movement and consider what the Bible itself teaches about unity.
JOHN 17:21 -- “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”
 The modern ecumenical movement has taken John 17:21 as one of its theme verses, claiming that the unity for which Christ prayed is an ecumenical unity of professing Christians that disregards biblical
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My Journey From Contemplative to the KJV - July 24
  The following is published by permission of the author, Marybeth Lane:
I became a Christian when I was a teenager through a para-church organization, and I always had a love for God’s word. I was adopted into a family that attended the local Methodist church sporadically. My grandmother gave me a Bible when I was in second grade. I treasured my time alone in God’s word, and that craving to know the scriptures grew throughout my life. The primary version that I used during my formative years was the NIV ‘84, which I assumed was sound. When I was in college, I started to lead Bible studies for high school girls. I truly loved teaching God’s word. It wasn’t until I was married that I began to develop an interest in other versions of the Bible. In my thirties, I was leading several groups of women and teenagers. The main question that I kept hearing from these women had to do with which version.. see full report
We Must Have Division - July 23
One of the preachers attending the Northside Baptist Church conference this month in Adelaide, Australia, where I preached 22 times on “Understanding Bible Prophecy,” recounted how he met me for the first time twenty something years ago when I was teaching a mini-course at Sydney Baptist Bible College. At that time, he asked what my goal was, and I shocked him by replying, “My goal is to bring division.”
 What I meant was that I want to help divide the sound from the unsound. I was talking about biblical separation. I was not talking about carnal division. I was talking about biblical division.
 That is my goal today more passionately than ever, because I know so much more about the deep compromise that is permeating Ind. Baptists and the compromise grows larger and deeper with each passing decade. If ever there was a time for sound
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Friday Church News Notes - July 19
TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Friday Church News Notes, July 19, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - Donald Trump survived an attempt on his life on July 13 at a political rally in western Pennsylvania. The well-aimed deadly head shot only pierced Trump’s ear when he moved his head at the very moment that the bullet reached him. I wept in gratitude for Trump’s survival. We have often prayed for his safety and for his salvation. An attempt on Trump’s life was almost inevitable in light of the hatred that has permeated large parts of American society, driven by the lies and false narratives that have been shouted from social media housetops. I can love Trump and want the best for him, and I can appreciate his warrior spirit, even while recognizing the truth of.. see full report
The 2024 Republican National Convention as Seen Through God’s Word - July 18
The 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, July 15-18, which anointed Donald Trump as their nominee for the upcoming presidential election, was a bit of a glimpse into the old America. It exuded an unhesitating stance for personal liberty, national security, border security, etc. It was good to see a smiling Donald Trump after a near assassination. He is a manly man; he is a leader; and that is sorely lacking in America today. He stands for what he believes. He can’t be pushed around. No wonder so many are enthusiastic about him in spite of grave moral concerns. He is getting old, but he isn’t.. see full report
Transforming Congregational Singing
From “Singing to Yourselves” to “Sing Along”? - July 18
  For more on this subject see Transforming Congregational Singing in the 21st Century, --
Since the turn of the 20th century, there has been a major transition in most Bible-believing churches from the “teaching one another” pattern of congregational singing found in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 to the “sing along” pattern.
 Consider a description of this phenomenon:
 “In the twentieth century congregational singing underwent yet another paradigm shift, to what we might call the ‘sing-along’ model, which led congregants to forget that they were supposed to be addressing one another. When this model was practiced in earlier centuries it was usually considered an aberration—a regrettable straying from a genuinely congregational idiom by a cultivated and professional ‘leadership’ trying to control the song. Choirs and organs introduced in eighteenth-century England and nineteenth-century America with the purpose of leading congregational singing, if not restrained by a clear sense of that purpose, sometimes transformed psalmody and hymnody into something more choral or instrumental than congregational. Such developments tempted musicians and congregants.. see full report
Making the Bible the Book of Life - July 16
  The following is excerpted from Keeping the Kids in the Social Media Age, 2023 edition -
A major part of Keeping the Kids is to aim to make the Bible the Book of their lives.
 The Bible is the infallible, divinely inspired Scripture (2 Ti. 3:16). It is the living, powerful Word of God (Heb. 4:12). It is the mind of Christ (1 Co. 2:16). It is able to make you wise unto salvation (2 Ti. 3:15). It is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among the saints (Ac. 20:32). It is a lamp to your feet (Ps. 119:105). It is a light that shineth in a dark place (2 Pe. 1:19). It is how the young man can cleanse his way (Ps. 119:9). It is able to make your way prosperous so thou shalt have good success (Jos. 1:8). It is able to grow you (1 Pe. 2:2). It is able to
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Friday Church News - Special Advance Report - July 15
  The following is an advance copy of a report that will appear in "Friday Church News" later this week. The subject matter is timely so we publish it here today.

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Friday Church News Notes, July 19, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - Donald Trump survived an attempt on his life on July 13 at a political rally in western Pennsylvania. The well-aimed deadly head shot only pierced Trump’s ear when he moved his head at the very moment that the bullet reached him. I wept in gratitude for Trump’s survival. We have often prayed for his safety and for his salvation. An attempt on Trump’s life was almost inevitable in light of the hatred that has permeated large parts of American society, driven by the lies and false narratives that have been shouted from social media housetops. I can love Trump and want the best for him, and I can appreciate his warrior spirit, even while recognizing the truth of everything we said about him in last week’s Friday News. We pray that this event will result in the toning down of some of the dangerous left-wing demonization. It seems to have had that effect temporarily to some extent. By God’s mercy, America escaped an event that would have had massive and terrible consequences. -end-
Church Praying and Fasting on Fridays for America - July 15
I received the following notice on July 11 from Lighthouse Baptist Church, Payette, Idaho, pastored by Steve Hensley.
 “Our church is going to have every Friday between now and the election as a day of corporate fasting and prayer for our Country and a special prayer meeting each Friday evening at 7:00. Pastor is going to try and get other churches he knows to do the same. American Believers are almost uniformly willing to assert that they are Patriots. That they would die for their Country. I believe that they mean it. But if we really love our Country and want it to survive with the kind of freedom to preach and teach as we’ve had for generations, then we should be willing to spend the time and sacrifice to fast and pray for it
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Friday Church News Notes - July 12
TRUMP’S NEGATIVE INFLUENCE ON AN ALREADY WICKED NATION (Friday Church News Notes, July 12, 2024,,, 866-295-4143) - When it comes to politics and every other issue of life, God’s people must exercise a biblical mindset, not a “conservative” mindset. I refuse to be influenced by, or to follow the example of, or be a party with, unsaved “conservatives” who idolatrously live by man’s thinking rather than God’s (Psalm 1:1-3). They know society’s problems, but they don’t know the spiritual fundamentals, and their weapons are carnal rather than spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Those who address symptoms rather than fundamentals aren’t wise and are not ultimately successful. Consider former President Donald Trump. He can’t Make America Great Again, because he doesn’t know what made America great in the first place, and second, he doesn’t have the power to do what would be necessary to Make America Great.. see full report
Hymns - Jewels From John Wilbur Chapman - July 11
The following is excerpted from Transforming Congregational Singing for the 21st Century, -
John Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918) was a Presbyterian pastor, evangelist, and hymn writer.
 He grew up in a Christian home, but his mother died when he was 13. At age 17, Chapman made a public confession of faith in Christ at a Methodist afternoon Sunday School, but he continued to struggle with doubts about his salvation until he attended a D.L Moody crusade in Chicago three years later. Moody himself helped him to find assurance through Christ’s promise in John 5:24, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into.. see full report
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Friday Church News Notes - July 5
THE PRIDE FLAG A SYMBOL OF AUTHORITARIANISM (Friday Church News Notes, July 5, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “The Pride Flag,” PJMedia, June 13, 2024: “Obviously, to the LGBTQ community, the pride flag--regardless of its iteration--is a symbol of diversity, unity, and pride. Yet, every June, we learn what the flag’s true colors are. Whatever the flag purported to represent in the past, it now represents a movement that has become entrenched in intolerance, coercion, and oppression. Throughout the year, but especially during the month of June, various institutions display the pride flag to not only virtue signal their support of the LGBTQ community but also declare their loyalty to leftist social values. This display, especially when mandated or.. see full report
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The Resurrection Body - July 2
  The following is excerpted from the Way of Life Commentary Series, The Corinthian Epistles, -
The bodily resurrection is a teaching that is unique to the Christian faith. While Islam has an ill-defined doctrine of resurrection, most pagan religions do not believe in it. Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, Animists, Wiccans, and many others believe in reincarnation or the transmigration of the soul.
 1 Corinthians 15 is the clearest teaching in the Bible on the nature of the bodily resurrection and is therefore one of the most amazing and precious.. see full report
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Friday Church News Notes - June 28
ROCK & ROLL’S BILLION DOLLAR DEAL (Friday Church News Notes, June 28, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - The music catalog of the rock band Queen has been purchased by Sony Music for US $1.2 billion, exhibiting the immense influence of music in the global pop culture. It isn’t just music or entertainment; it is a philosophy of live as you please. It is global rebellion against God and His Christ. It is Psalm 2. It is the people vainly imagining that they can break God’s bands asunder and cast away His cords, referring to His holy laws. That Queen’s music is of such immense financial value is.. see full report
“There is no mystery about this matter, because God has spoken.”
Evangelicals Questioning Hell - June 27
Those who call themselves “evangelical” (a term that has become almost meaningless) are increasingly questioning and modifying the biblical doctrine of an eternal, fiery hell,. A fundamental element in the neo-evangelicalism founded in the 1950s by men such as Harold Ockenga and Billy Graham was the “repudiation of separatism.” This was actually a repudiation of Bible Christianity, which demands separation (e.g., Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Ephesians 5:11; Colossians 2:8; 2 Timothy 2:16-18; 3:5; 2 John 1:8-11). It is no surprise that evangelicalism has been infiltrated with heresies of every sort and weakened.. see full report
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Christian Rock and Atheism - June 26
Atheism is on the march in the field of Christian rock and contemporary worship.
 In 2007,
George Perdikis, co-founder of the Christian rock band Newsboys, said he had “renounced Christianity once and for all and declared myself an atheist” (“Co-founder of Newsboys,”, Jan. 22, 2015). Perdikis said, “I always felt uncomfortable with the strict rules imposed by Christianity. All I wanted to do was create and play rock and roll.” Four years earlier, his marriage had “dissolved,” and he turned to “human psychology.” He was also influenced by the writings of Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, and other evolutionary atheists. He concluded by saying, “The truth is--from someone who.. see full report
Restoring the Literal Interpretation of Prophecy - June 25
 The following is excerpted from The History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and Fundamental Baptists, --
 The literal, imminent return of Jesus Christ was the heart and soul of the fundamentalist movement of the turn of the 20th century (last part of the 1800s and first part of the 1900s).
 The right understanding of prophecy produced spiritual revival.
 Prior to this, most churches and denominations in England and America (including Northern and Southern Baptists) preached amillennialism or post-millennialism. There was no expectation of an imminent return of Christ.
 Describing the situation in England in the first half of the 19th century, historian D.W. Bebbington says, “The belief that Christ would come again in person was an innovation in the Evangelical world of the
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Friday Church News Notes - June 21
A NEW FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST MAGAZINE THAT FAILS THE SPURGEON AND PAUL TEST (Friday Church News Notes, June 21, 2024,,, 866-295-4143) - Recently I was informed of a new fundamental Baptist publication, and after perusing the first issue, the following are my thoughts: There are some excellent articles here on pastoring, the family, evangelism, and missions. But this is going to be a weak magazine overall. In an hour when large numbers of independent Baptist churches are wishy-washy evangelicals at best, biblically ignorant to a frightful degree, grossly uneducated.. see full report
Hymns - James Deck - June 20
The Plymouth Brethren and similar Brethren churches arose in the 19th century and had a major role the revival of the literal interpretation of prophecy.
 They published many hymnals, the first being as
Hymns for the Poor of the Flock (1840). Other Brethren hymnals were A Christian Hymnbook (1847), A Little Flock Hymn Book (1856), The Wellington Hymn Book (1857), and The Brethren Hymnal (1901).
 An archive of Brethren hymnals can be found at this site -
 James George Deck
(1802-1884), a Plymouth Brethren elder in England and New Zealand, was a major hymn writer. His ancestors included the terribly persecuted Protestant Huguenots. He was well educated, literate in French, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. After serving as a British officer in India for several.. see full report
“For the redeemed of the Lord, there is always good news in holy Scripture.”
God’s Promises to the Redeemed- June 19
For the redeemed of the Lord, there is always good news in holy Scripture. Following is a small collection of God’s “exceeding great and precious promises” (2 Peter. 1:4).
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath.. see full report
David Cloud the Pope of Fundamentalism- June 18
An individual wrote recently from Australia, “I had a post tribber the other day tell me that ‘David Cloud thinks he’s the pope.’ I said, ‘Well, he’d be the first pope to have all his doctrine right.’”
 I have heard this charge many times and have ignored it, but it is time to give an answer.
It is a slanderous, unscriptural charge
 The Lord is my witness that I have zero desire or intention to rule over any pastor.
 David Cloud is born again by God’s free grace and loves the Lord Jesus Christ, submits to Him as the Head of all things, owns Him as Lord of lords and King of kings. David Cloud knows that he is nothing but a wicked sinner saved by God’s lovely grace through Christ’s vicarious, substitutionary atonement. That is
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Friday Church News Notes - June 14
JERUSALEM AND TEL AVIV HOMOSEXUAL PRIDE FESTIVALS DEDICATED TO HAMAS HOSTAGES (Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - The annual Gay Pride festivals in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv this year were combined with statements of solidarity with the Hamas hostages. The event in Jerusalem was on May 30 and in Tel Aviv on June 6. The Jerusalem “Pride and Tolerance March” teamed up with the Hostages and Missing Families Forum under the banner “Born to Be Free.” The slogan “called for the release of the 132 Israeli hostages held by Hamas, as well as for the safer life for the LGBTQ community.” Tel Aviv’s Pride and Hope Assembly.. see full report
Quick Prayerism Summarized- June 13
We must continue to warn about the unscriptural method of evangelism that has permeated Baptist churches since the 1970s. A pastor recently told me (April 2024) that he thinks Jack Hyles’ influence is largely gone. I am convinced that he is naive. Quick Prayerism is taught in most soul winning training programs. The Sword of the Lord has taught Quick Prayerism since the 1960s and they still publish books by Hyles and others that promote that mythology. (As of May 2024, Hyles’ Let’s Go Soulwinning is still available at the Sword online bookstore.) I regularly hear from people who are in churches that promote Quick Prayerism. Even pastors who don’t think they practice Quick Prayerism, unknowingly practice some form of it because of their training.
 Everyone should be aware of this so they can guard against
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Can Someone Be Saved After One Sermon?- June 12
Recently I received the following email from a preacher. I have edited it a bit but have retained the substance.
 Hi Preacher Cloud,
 I love your FBIS news service and articles and my dad subscribed to you since the beginning. Later I subscribed in 2003 and really enjoy it. I am 43 years old and been at ministry since 2003 under my dad. [Our church is in] a tourist area and so people come and go at times. I have a lot of your books and courses and encyclopedia. 
 I am taking a really good class right now on the art of pastoring with ------. I am enjoying the classes and --------- makes the important case that we need to be filled with the Spirit in order to do any kind of ministry. ... I side with D.L. Moody and ------ when they say that when we preach with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit and his filling on our lives by yielding to him daily, we can see amazing things happen in people lives.
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“All of this is a matter of the heart.”
Modest Attire Disappearing From the Churches- June 11
In the book Dressing for the Lord we examine many passages of Scripture that deal with the Christian’s dress.

Following is a summary of these biblical principles.
 1. The woman’s clothing is to be modest (1 Timothy 2:9-10).
 2. The Christian’s clothing is to be sexually distinctive (Ge. 1:27; De. 22:5; 1 Co. 11:14-15).
 3. The Christian’s clothing is to be identified with holiness and godliness and not to be identified with anything that is evil (1 Th. 5:22; Eph. 5:11).
 4. The Christian’s clothing is to be characterized by separation from the world (Ro. 12:2; 2 Co. 6:14-17; Tit. 2:12-13; Jas. 4:4; 1 Jo. 2:15-16).
 5. The Christian’s clothing is to mark him or her as peculiar unto the Lord, as one who has been redeemed from all iniquity and who is zealous for good works (Tit. 2:14).
 6. The Christian’s clothing should
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Answered Prayer Project - June 10
  The following is a request from Linda Cloud, who is working on a book of answered prayers as she currently undergoes cancer treatment in the States. --
The Lord has laid a project on my heart through which I believe many can be blessed. I want to publish recent and current answers to prayer. Many believers have experienced answered prayers but not had an outlet to share these with others that they might see God’s power, love, and care in the lives of saints today. We are not looking for dramatized, exaggerated, charismatic answers that come in with a bang but do not hold true in time and experience. We are looking to see the hand of God in the lives of the righteous…..those who not only call Him Lord but who have surrendered their lives into His eternal hands. We want to encourage believing teens also to participate. We are interested in seemingly small answers to prayers as well as major answers, for we can all be blessed by both. Note also that sometimes the Lord's "no" turns out to be a wonderful answer to prayer as it is viewed from.. see full report
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Friday Church News Notes - June 7
DISPENSATIONAL INTERPRETATION OF PROPHECY DECLINING (Friday Church News Notes, June 7, 2024,, 866-295-4143) - According to the book Christian Zionism in the Twenty-First Century (2023, Bumin and Inbari), the dispensational view of prophecy is declining among evangelicals and with it the support of the state of Israel. “The number of young Evangelicals in the United States who support Israel and view it as crucial to the End Times is declining as they increasingly move toward amillennial and postmillennial eschatology, according to a recent study” (“Support for Israel, dispensationalism declines among younger Evangelicalsl.. see full report
Careful Child Evangelism - June 6
One of the greatest fields of evangelism is the Christian home. The church is to build strong homes to raise a godly seed (Mal. 2:15). One pastor said to me, “I used to believe the children are the future of our church, but now I believe the future is those we reach outside the church.” He changed his view because so many of the youth have gone astray.
 In truth, the future of a church should be both. The instruction for the home is given to the church (i.e., Ephesians 5-6; Colossians 3). Children can be saved when they are old enough to exercise biblical repentance and saving faith, but they are children and they must be dealt with in much wisdom.
 The church I grew up in probably didn’t have even one saved young person, though we all knew the right things to say. We prayed a sinner’s prayer and made a “profession of faith” and were baptized, but we didn’t know the Lord by life-changing
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Huxley: Darwin’s Bulldog - June 5
 The following is excerpted from Seeing the Non-Existent: Evolution’s Myths and Hoaxes, a free 640 page eBook available at
Thomas Huxley (1825-1895) was called “Darwin’s Bulldog” because he was the premier public defender of Darwinian evolution in Darwin’s day. Whereas Charles Darwin was reclusive and mild tempered, Huxley was combative and loved the limelight. “Never one to enter the public fray, Darwin needed a champion as Huxley needed a cause” (Adrian Desmond, Huxley, p. 260).
 Huxley’s biographer says he lived in a “fantasy world” as a child, “escaping into a secret realm of science” (Desmond,
Huxley, p. 6). His greatest influences were skeptics, such as Unitarians who were developing new forms of knowledge “based on natural causes rather than the.. see full report

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