Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Course download consists of:
 - Syllabus - Review Questions
 - Tests
- Answer Keys - Grading Sheet
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The Satanic Attack on Sacred Music
by David W. Cloud,
May 2022, 264 pgs
Formats: Softcover, eBook
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This course consists of a book and a video series with about 17 hours of teaching, packed with photos, graphics, audio and video clips. One previewer commented, “The series is broad and deep with serious factual analysis according to properly interpreted Scripture.”

The course can be used for self study, church classes, home schooling, preacher training, etc.

If you register and enroll in the course we'll provide a Syllabus, Review Questions, Tests, Answer Keys, and Score Sheet as a pdf download.

The syllabus and test questions refer to the current edition of the book and the syllabus also provides guidance and course of study to keep the student on track.

We deal with the following:

• Emotions and the Music Issue
• The Spiritual Environment of the Music Issue: The Church and the Home
• Bible Principles of Music
• Music’s Role in the Great Changes among Fundamental Baptists
• Contemporary Music as a Bridge to Dangerous Waters
• Bob Jones, Majesty Music, New Reformed Calvinism, and the Gettys
• The Language of Music Styles
• Lancaster’s Role in the Downgrade of Fundamental Baptist Churches
• A Plea to Southern Gospel Music Fans
• Congregational Singing and the CCM Issue
• The Music Issue in a Nutshell.

See the Full Description below...

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  • Complete Course consists of textbook and free course documents (download above). It's our passion to provide serious materials to help grow serious bible students. A syllabus is provided as a guide but please adapt things to best fit your needs.
  • General information about courses is available HERE.
Book: Softcover, May 2022 edition, 264 pages, 5.5x8.5 in.
eBook: PDF file
(Identical to book in page size and page layout.)
Softcover Book
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PDF eBook
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Full Description:

This large course consists of a book and a video series with about 17 hours of teaching, packed with photos, graphics, audio and video clips. One previewer commented, “The series is broad and deep with serious factual analysis according to properly interpreted Scripture.”

We deal with the following:
• Emotions and the Music Issue
• The Spiritual Environment of the Music Issue: The Church and the Home
• Bible Principles of Music
• Music’s Role in the Great Changes among Fundamental Baptists
• Contemporary Music as a Bridge to Dangerous Waters
• Bob Jones, Majesty Music, New Reformed Calvinism, and the Gettys
• The Language of Music Styles
• Lancaster’s Role in the Downgrade of Fundamental Baptist Churches
• A Plea to Southern Gospel Music Fans
• Congregational Singing and the CCM Issue
• The Music Issue in a Nutshell.

We study the Bible’s most important teachings on the issue of music. We look at the amazing changes that are happening among fundamental Baptists and the role of contemporary music in these changes.

We learn about the following dangers represented by Contemporary Christian Music: the Pentecostal/charismatic movement, the ecumenical movement, theological liberalism, New Evangelicalism, the Emerging Church, modern Bible versions, contemplative prayer, cultural liberalism, the encyclopedic view of the Bible, the New Reformed Calvinism, the Jesus People movement, theistic evolution, homosexual Christianity, the downgrade in hell, secular rock, Matt Maher the Roman Catholic apostle of unity, Hillsong, Rick Warren,
The Shack, C.S. Lewis, and Chuck Swindoll’s heretical doctrine of grace. We show that these things are not “out there” somewhere; they are a very near danger to the churches.

We consider the soft style of Christian music vs. the more militant style. We learn how to discern the elements of the worldly sound in contemporary music.

We learn how to discern soft rock.

We learn how chords are used in contemporary music to create an unresolving sound and “feel.”

We examine why contemporary music always transforms churches.

We show that conservative evangelicals are not safe partners. We document how that the Southern Baptist Convention is more corrupt than ever.

We examine the great changes in Southern Gospel today.

We consider why we should be concerned about “little” changes in music.

We show that trying to deal with the music issue alone won’t work well; it won’t save the church from apostasy. Unless we have spiritual churches and spiritual homes, the battle is already lost.

And we look at the role of good congregational singing in protecting a church from CCM.

The course includes a PDF book that contains the entire text of the videos plus much more material. One section of the book contains a detailed study of every major passage in the Bible on the subject of music.