Free eBOOK - Softcover book available.

The Bible's Proof
A look at eight of the evidences that the Bible is what it claims to be, the infallible Word of God to man. The chapter titles are as follows:
- The Bible’s Unique Construction
- The Character of the Bible’s Authors
- Fulfilled Prophecy
- The Bible’s Factualness and Accuracy
- The Bible’s Candor
- The Bible’s Indestructibility
- The Bible’s Universal Appeal
- The Bible’s Doctrine of Salvation.
- The Bible’s Unique Construction
- The Character of the Bible’s Authors
- Fulfilled Prophecy
- The Bible’s Factualness and Accuracy
- The Bible’s Candor
- The Bible’s Indestructibility
- The Bible’s Universal Appeal
- The Bible’s Doctrine of Salvation.
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