A Bible Education at Your Fingertips
January 23, 2018
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
I am convinced that the equivalent of a Bible School education is the starting point for the child of God to begin to study the Bible effectually and to know and do God’s will. I am not talking preachers here. I’m talking about every Christian.

Hebrews 5:12-14 says every believer is to become skillful in God’s Word, so skillful that he can be a teacher. To obtain this skill requires many things: one must learn the principles of Bible interpretation, Bible geography, Bible culture, Old Testament history, the law of Moses, the priesthood, the sacrifices, the tabernacle, the covenants, the life of Christ, Acts and New Testament history, Bible theology, defense of the faith (apologetics, cults, false teachings), Bible prophecy, and other things.

Toward this end we publish a Bible School curriculum called the
Advanced Bible Studies Series, and we don’t believe that you will find better quality, more life-changing, more practical Bible courses from any other source. There are currently 21 volumes totaling nearly 7,000 pages (averaging 315 pages per book). Three of the courses (Four Gospels, History of the Churches, and Old Testament History and Geography) are accompanied by 50 PowerPoint presentations containing nearly 6,000 slides. Many of the photos and video clips were taken on location and in world-class museums by the author. The courses can be used in many settings, including private study, preaching, Sunday School, Bible institutes, and home schooling. Memory verses and review questions are included with each course. Over the last few years, many of the courses have been taken to a much higher standard.

Testimonies about the Advanced Bible Studies Series

“The books are extremely helpful for any Christian, no matter where they are spiritually; the practical application is extremely helpful and edifying.”

“Other than John Phillips, the Advanced Bible Studies Series course on Romans was the best commentary I have read yet on that book. In fact, it may be better.”

“I want to send a ‘Thank you’ that is long overdue. I ordered the Advanced Bible Study series, and am finding it to be a tremendous help in my walk with the Lord.”

A missionary recently gave the following report about his church: “One of the first converts, a lady, has gone through the 20 book Advanced Bible Studies Series three times and answered all the questions each time. The whole church is also working their way through the series and currently has 40 people handing in the lessons for grading every week.” He attributes the spiritual strength and maturity of the believers to the study materials they work on weekly.

“As my children graduate from high school (I have seven children) I purchase a complete set of ‘The Advanced Bible Study Series’ and an ‘Encyclopedia of the Bible and Christianity’ for them as graduation gifts. I do so because it is clear to me that there simply does not exist sounder, more useful and Biblically accurate materials anywhere in the world. I would note that I have a library of several thousand books.”


ABSS - ACTS. ISBN 1-58318-083-4. The course covers one of the most important and exciting books in the Bible. It gives the Bible student an understanding of early church history and deals with important doctrines and practices such as the resurrection and second coming of Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, repentance, inspiration, preaching, prophecy, baptism, church membership, the Lord’s supper, Christian charity, apostles, deacons, missionaries, pastors, bishops, ordination, church offerings, the nature of the church, prayer, holiness, martyrdom, and evangelism. The course refutes false doctrines that are prevalent today and clears up many controversial issues, such as Pentecostal tongues, healing, the difference between the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit, the woman’s role in the ministry, baptismal regeneration, election, sign miracles, repentance, and modern church growth practices. The book of Acts is a church planting manual. The October 2014 edition is significantly enlarged and is accompanied by a CD containing 55 professional Bible maps. 246 pages, $19.95.


ABSS - THE BIBLE VERSION ISSUE: A COURSE ON BIBLE TEXTS AND VERSIONS AND A DEFENSE OF THE KING JAMES BIBLE. In this course we examine five reasons for holding to the KJV: (1) because of the doctrine of divine preservation, (2) because of the heretical theories of textual criticism supporting the Modern Greek Text, (3) because the modern texts and versions are a product of end-time apostasy, (4) because the King James Bible’s doctrine is superior, and (5) because its heritage is unmatched. The course concludes with an exciting study on the history of the English Bible from Wycliffe to the KJV. 415 pages. $19.95

ABSS - DANIEL. ISBN 978-1-58318-230-7. The course covers this important book chapter by chapter. It is impossible to understand Bible prophecy correctly with a good understanding of Daniel, particularly the prophecy of the image in chapter 2 and the prophecy of the 70 Weeks in chapter 9. 104 pages. $7.95

ABSS - DEFENSE OF THE FAITH. ISBN 1-58318-080-X. This course deals with Roman Catholicism. Mormonism, Seventh-day Adventism, Jehovah’s Witness, the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, and New Evangelicalism. 456 pages. $19.95

ABSS - FIRST CORINTHIANS. ISBN 1-58318-102-4. An in-depth study of Paul’s first Epistle to Corinth, one of the most important and practical books of the New Testament. This unique epistle contains the most complete biblical teaching in the New Testament on the following important subjects: Disunity in the church (1 Cor. 1-2), the divine inspiration of Scripture (1 Cor. 2:6-13), the judgment seat of Christ (1 Cor. 3), church discipline (1 Cor. 5), Marriage and Divorce (1 Cor. 7), the believer’s relationship with idols (1 Cor. 7, 10), the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11), spiritual gifts in general and tongues speaking in particular (1 Cor. 12-14), Christian love (1 Cor. 13), and the bodily resurrection (1 Cor. 15). 1 Corinthians should be viewed as a missionary manual in that it deals with a wide variety of doctrines and practices that arise in the context of church planting. 350 pages. $19.95

ABSS - FOUR GOSPELS. ISBN 1-58318-082-6. New edition for August 2016. This course begins with the period between the Testaments, covers the book of Matthew in detail, then deals with some of the unique aspects of Mark, Luke, and John. The 2016 edition is a major enlargement and refinement of the course. The material has been greatly enlarged and completely revised throughout. Enlarged and major new studies include the Sermon on the Mount, Christ’s teaching in John 13-17, and the evidence for Christ’s resurrection. The review questions have been much expanded. The old maps have been replaced with improved ones. We have licensed Manna Bible Maps plus selected ones from other sources, including some of our own. The 2016 edition of The Four Gospels is accompanied by 28 PowerPoint presentations containing 1,500 slides with professional photos, graphics, and video clips. These deal with Bible culture (e.g., camel, fig tree, fishing, lamps, millstone, olive press, phylactery, pomegranate, pottery, scrolls, seals, synagogue, ancient tombs), Bible lands and geography, and Bible history. There are presentations on Christ's ministry on the Sea of Galilee, Christ's Passion Week, The Journey from Jerusalem to Jericho, Herod's Temple and the Roman Era, and Israel's geography. Included is a CD with the maps and PowerPoints used in the course. 299 pages. $22.95

ABSS - GENESIS. ISBN 1-58318-086-9. This is a life-changing study of one of the world’s most amazing books. A knowledge of Genesis is foundational for a proper world view. It is also foundational for understanding the Bible. The course also deals with the geography and customs of Genesis and the location of each event is noted on one of the course’s six maps. 345 pages. $19.95

ABSS - GIVE ATTENDANCE TO DOCTRINE. ISBN 1-58318-090-7. This course deals with the Bible, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Man, Sin, Death, Salvation, Resurrection, Satan, Demons, Angels, Hell, and Heaven. The studies are practical and answer questions such as the following: How can we know that the Bible is the infallible Word of God? Can we be sure that Adam and Eve were real people? Was the flood of Noah’s day worldwide? How do we know that Jesus Christ is God? Why do some verses seem to say that Jesus is less than God the Father? Did Jesus make alcoholic wine or have long hair? Can the teaching of evolution be reconciled with the Bible? Does the Bible teach “soul sleep”? Can the Christian attain sinless perfection? Why does James say that faith plus works are necessary for salvation? What is the meaning of Bible words such as propitiation, repentance, redemption, justification, hope, mystery, impute, glory? Did Jesus die for all sinners or only for a select few? What does Romans 9:13 mean when it says that God hated Esau? Does eternal security mean that a Christian can live any way he pleases? What will the resurrection body be like? How can the Christian defeat Satan? What is Heaven like? Are the wicked annihilated in hell? 262 pages. $14.95

ABSS - HEBREWS. ISBN 1-58318-090-7. This commentary and Bible course covers one of the most important and amazing books in the New Testament. Though there are unquestioningly many “things hard to be understood” in Hebrews, God has given us the key to unlock the problems. The proper interpretation of Hebrews depends upon understanding its two-fold theme: (1) Hebrews is a warning to Jews who had professed faith in Jesus to continue in that faith and thereby show that they were genuinely saved. (2) Toward this end Christ is shown to be superior to all things that unsaved Jews put their faith in. In Hebrews “we see Jesus” (Heb. 2:9) in a special way, particularly his high priesthood. The book opens the veil and invites us to gaze upon the throne in the holy of holies more clearly than any other N.T. book. In Hebrews we have a divinely-given interpretation of the Old Testament Tabernacle and Priesthood. Hebrews is also a very practical book. Scattered throughout are instructions on sanctification, backsliding, apostasy, Bible study, prayer, faith, chastisement, the ministry of exhortation, church attendance, church leadership, hospitality, and worship. 307 pages. $19.95

ABSS - A HISTORY OF THE CHURCHES FROM A BAPTIST PERSPECTIVE. ISBN 1-58318-079-6. This enlightening course on church history begins with the apostolic churches and ends with the early 1800s. We show that sound churches have existed side-by-side with apostate ones through the centuries. The chapters are as follows: The Apostolic Churches, The Budding of Apostasy AD 100-700, The Rule of the Roman Catholic Church 700-1500, The Byzantine Empire and Greek Orthodoxy, Islam, The Waldenses, The Catholic Inquisition, The Bible in the Middle Ages, John Wycliffe and the Lollards, The Protestant Reformation, The Catholic Counter-Reformation, The Bibles of the Reformation, The Anabaptists, and Awakenings and Missions 1700-1800. The November 2016 edition is much enlarged, completely revised, and is accompanied by 11 PowerPoint presentations with more than 1,100 slides and video clips, plus new maps and a new PDF book The Bible and Western Society. Two volumes totaling 757 pages $29.95

ABSS - HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE. ISBN 1-58318-077-X. This practical course on Bible study deals with requirements for effective Bible study, how to have an effective daily Bible study time, how to mark the Bible, and how to interpret the Bible. The last section deals with Bible difficulties. Fifth edition enlarged 2014, 221 pages. $14.95

ABSS - JAMES. ISBN 978-1-58318-114-0. This commentary and Bible course deals with one of the most overlooked but practical books in the New Testament. The teaching of James is needed today as never before. It deals with such things as patience in trials, spiritual immaturity, true faith vs. nominal, the power and necessity of God’s Word, the evil of worldliness, the necessity of taming the tongue, and the imminent return of Christ. 154 pages. $9.95

ABSS - JOB. ISBN 978-1-58318-107-2. This powerful book has three great themes: The sovereignty of God, the age-old battle between God and Satan, and the age-old question of why the godly suffer and why God seems to hide his face in times of trouble. Job teaches the saints to praise the Lord and trust Him in the direst circumstances. This study not only contains lessons about God’s sovereignty and the suffering of the saints, but also on Satan, friendship, philosophy, science, prosperity and want, and many other things. We look at 10 scientifically-accurate statements made in this ancient book. 103 pages. $7.95

ABSS - THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH. ISBN 1-58318-063-X. This practical study begins with the doctrine of the church. The next chapters deal with church leaders, church ordinances, church discipline, and church services. We answer such questions as these: Are there apostles today? Why does God have high standards for pastors? Are deacons rulers? Can a woman be a deacon? What is ordination? Who can partake of the Lord’s Supper? Should a church have a modern worship service? What is required for a church to be a proper New Testament assembly? What are the goals of church discipline? 114 pages. $7.95

ABSS - OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. ISBN 1-58318-081-8. New edition 2014. This course gives an extensive survey of Old Testament history as well as the geography of the Bible. It is accompanied by a CD containing 55 professional Bible maps and illustrations of the tabernacle and Herod’s Temple. The 2014 edition of Old Testament History & Geography is much enlarged and improved. It is keyed with Bible Times & Ancient Kingdoms, which is a separate package consisting of a book and a DVD with 21 PowerPoint presentations featuring more than 3,300 slides. The presentations are packed with high quality color photos, drawings, historic recreations, and video clips gathered from the author’s extensive research and travels. 419 pages. $29.95

ABSS - THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. ISBN 1-58318-085-0. This course covers the epistles of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. It is especially effective for training pastors and church leaders, but it is also an important and practical course for church members in general. It deals with qualifications for pastors and deacons, the danger of false teaching, Bible prophecy, end-time apostasy, doctrine, discipleship, Christian living, law and grace, and many other topics. 305 pages. $19.95

ABSS - PROVERBS. ISBN 978-1-58318-109-6. The theme of this powerful book is finding wisdom through the fear of God. It is one of the most practical books in the Bible. Youth is the best time to learn wisdom, and this is where Proverbs begins, but it is also a book for saints of all ages. The course contains four major sections: (1) an introduction to Proverbs, (2) a verse-by-verse study of Proverbs 1-9 and Proverbs 31, (3) studies of the major themes of Proverbs 10-30 (Anger, Child Discipline, Counsel, the Fool, Friendship, the Poor, Pride, the Sluggard, the Talebearer, the Tongue, and Wine), (4) and studies of many of the important individual proverbs. 308 pages. $19.95

ABSS - PSALMS. ISBN 978-1-58318-108-9. The amazing book of Psalms is a devotional book, a prayer book, a song book, a praise book, and a poetry book. (And the King James Bible captures the exquisite poetry of the Psalms in peerless English.) This course contains an extensive introduction to the Psalms and then looks at ten major themes (the blessing of the righteous, the importance of the Word of God, the judgment of the ungodly, the afflictions of the saints, prophecy, God as protector and help, praise and worship, righteousness, God as great and holy, and imprecations). Finally there are expository studies on many of the individual psalms, including Psalm 1, 2, 12, 19, 22, 23, 37, 51, 72, 73, 90, 103, 119, 127, and 139. 275 pages. $14.95

ABSS - REVELATION. ISBN 1-58318-105-9. Revelation’s chief purpose is to exalt Jesus Christ and to challenge New Testament saints to be ready for Christ’s imminent return. This course is practical, comprehensive, exhilarating, and life changing. The student will learn how to interpret this book in a literal fashion that brings out the meaning of the most obscure sections. Revelation 19-22 is simply breathtaking, with its description of the Bride’s wedding and eternal dwelling place, and we have attempted to bring out the glory of this passage to the believer’s heart. In the preparation of this course the author has had opportunity to glean from the pages of many old out-of-print pre-tribulational studies as well as visit the sites of the seven churches of Revelation in Turkey. For use as a commentary on Revelation, we believe this course will prove to be one of the most important ones in your library. 465 pages. $19.95

ABSS - ROMANS. ISBN 1-58318-084-2. This course covers the epistle of Romans, which is doubtless the most important doctrinal epistle. The book of Romans is first of all an orderly presentation of the gospel, answering the great question, “How can a man be righteous before God?” It covers the essential doctrines of salvation, sanctification, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Christian living, prophecy, and much more. We cover almost every verse in Romans and deal with all of the difficult passages. 172 pages. $9.95

ABSS - UNDERSTANDING BIBLE PROPHECY. ISBN 1-58318-078-8. This thorough and practical course enables the student to understand and enjoy Bible prophecy. It deals with the interpretation of prophecy, dispensationalism, the covenants, the kingdom of God, the nations in prophecy, and Messianic prophecy. Large sections are devoted to “Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today” and “Great Prophetic Events of the Future.” New edition, rewritten and enlarged, September 2012. 298 pages. $14.95


COIL BINDINGS allow the books to be opened flat and is $1 more than the standard perfect binding. This is not the flat plastic spiral binding, but is the tight coil binding that is much more durable.

LARGE PRINT EDITIONS are printed in 8.5 x 11-inch format and the type size is between 13-14 points, which is larger than that of a giant print Bible. These editions are $2 more than the standard editions.

Large print and coil binding editions are printed on demand and require extra time for delivery.


This library contains all 21 of the Advanced Bible Studies Series courses described above in PDF format, plus the test books and all of the PowerPoints and maps, on one CD. The courses, averaging 316 pages each and totaling more than 6,300 pages, are Acts (new edition 2014), Bible History and Geography (new edition 2016), The Bible Version Issue, Defense of the Faith, First Corinthians, The Four Gospels (new edition 2016), Genesis, Give Attendance to Doctrine, Hebrews, A History of the Churches from a Baptist Perspective (new edition 2016), How to Study the Bible (new edition 2014), James, Job, The New Testament Church, Pastoral Epistles, Proverbs, Psalms, Revelation, Romans, and Understanding Bible Prophecy. This format is perfect for Bible Institute and Sunday School or Home Schooling teachers or anyone else who might use this material in a classroom. They can also be used for personal study. Each course pdf file contains a fast search index, plus there is a global search feature that searches across all 21 books, returning results that take you straight to the “found” items. The ABSS Library works on Windows PCs and Macs running Adobe Reader, and we suggest using the latest version of the Reader. Since the pdf page size is 8.5x11, we recommend using this product on a computer or an eReader with a larger screen (such as an iPad.) Three of the courses (Four Gospels, History of the Churches, and Old Testament History and Geography) are accompanied by 50 PowerPoint presentations containing nearly 6,000 slides, all of which are included in the digital library. Many of the photos and video clips were taken on location and in world-class museums by the author. $149.95

Prices are subject to change without notice. Page counts may vary as a result of updates, layout changes, etc.

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Goal:Distributed by Way of Life Literature Inc., the Fundamental Baptist Information Service is an e-mail posting for Bible-believing Christians. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches.

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Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College