Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Understanding Bible Prophecy
by David W. Cloud
Nov. 2024 edition, 516 pgs
Formats: Softcover, eBook
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This book is a thorough and practical course that enables the student to understand an enjoy Bible prophecy. It deals with the interpretation of prophecy, dispensationalism, the covenants, the kingdom of God, the nations in prophecy, and Messianic prophecy.

A large section is devoted to
"a prophetic overview of the future," detailing the Bible's prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled.

Covered is the ministry of the prophets, the prophets from Adam to Malachi, the division of the writing prophets, the divine inspiration of the prophets, how God spoke to the prophets, the repetition of the prophets, the school of the prophets, the chronological order of the prophets, and the prophetic writings as legal documents.

Chapters include: Introduction, The Interpretation of Prophecy, The Covenants, Daniel 2 The Times of the Gentiles, Daniel 9 The Seventy Weeks, Messianic Prophecy, Great Prophetic Events of the Future, Great Prophecies for the current time, The prophetic Element of the Psalms, Restoration of Literal Interpretation of Prophecy, When Was the Pre-Tribulation Rapture First Taught?
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Softcover Book
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