Defense of the Faith
by David W. Cloud,
June 2005, 451 pgs
Formats: Softcover, Coil Binding, eBook
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This book deals with many of the heresies and false groups that challenge Bible-believing churches today.

The introductory section contains
an extensive survey of what the New Testament says about false teachers and a study on biblical separation. The next section is on the Roman Catholic Church. This is followed by a section on three of the major cults, Mormonism, Seventh-day Adventism, and Jehovah's Witness.

There is also an
extensive study on the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, its history and doctrine.

The final section covers
Modernism and New Evangelicalism.

Each study is comprehensive and thoroughly-researched.

Book: Softcover or Coil Binding, 451 pages, 7.0 x 8.5 in.
eBook: PDF format
(Identical to book in page size and page layout.)
Softcover Book
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