Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
For information on the use of this directory see these important notes.

PLEASE, BEFORE REQUESTING changes and updates to your listing:
If you have not done so in the last 12 months, please fill out our QUESTIONNAIRE. This is the primary method we use to maintain the accuracy and integrity of our directory. Also any church that has a change in leadership and does not fill out the questionnaire anew will be removed from the directory. We are living in a time of great change, and most of the changes in the churches are in the direction of compromise. Thank you, Bro. Cloud

Note to Pastors/Churches: If web links or email stops working they will be deleted without notice.

We invite users to let us know about invalid phone numbers and bad web/email addresses. Contact:

Important Notice: Churches listed here do not necessarily carry a “recommendation” by Bro. Cloud. To be listed, the pastor’s of these churches have filled out the Questionnaire with answers being satisfactory for inclusion AT THAT TIME. But things can change very quickly. Use this list wisely.

Note: "listed" or "updated" date on the end of a listing is when we last heard from the church. If there is no such date it has been years since we have heard from them or had any update. The church may have drastically changed since listed.


Beilingen - Eifel Baptist Church, 14 Kirchstrasse, Beilingen, Germany 54662, - 06562 2178, Pastor Herb Curriden,

- Grace Baptist Church; Alte Amberger Str. 43, 92655 Grafenwoehr, Germany; Tel. from the U.S.: (011-49) 9641-454 122 or (011-49) 160-9647 5554; [Pastor Chuck Sligh;]

Landstuhl - Rheinland Baptist Church, Bahnstrasse 124A, Landstuhl, Germany 66849., Tel. from USA:  011.49.6371.16148
[Pastor: Gib Wood]

Munich - Federal Republic of Germany, Bible Baptist Church, Balanstreet 324, phone: (089) 682-726 Pastor Wilhelm Falk

Schweinfurt- Liberty Baptist Church,221/2 Niederwerrner Str.,Schweinfurt Germany 97421. [Pastor Roy Smith]