Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
Free eBOOK
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The Treacherous Waters of Evangelicalism
An extensively-documented examination warning about the ancient and end-time heresies that have permeated the Southern Baptist Convention. These include modern textual criticism and the modern Bible versions, process salvation, ecumenism and affiliation withe Rome, Masonic paganism, cultural liberalism, rock & roll, salvation apart from faith in Christ, “Christian” homosexuality, the downgrade of Bible inspiration, the downgrade of hell, theistic evolution, contemplative mysticism, charismaticism, positive thinking and self-esteemism, denial of the substitutionary atonement, even New Age philosophy and false gods and goddesses. The book concludes with two frightful examples of Southern Baptists who have spiritually shipwrecked in the treacherous waters.
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