Strict Search
Returns entered word only, ie: no other forms of the word (plurals, etc). For a general word search Click Here.
Important Notes:
- Use double quotes for phrase matching, ie: "local church"
- Hitting "Submit" returns results for whatever the "Category" selector is set to.
- After a category search you will need to set Category to "All" for your next search.
Additional Help & Tips
- This page is doing a "strict search" and will find only the exact word you entered. Go HERE to get variations of your base word and get more results.
- Do not use one or two character words. They are not indexed for searches.
- Do not use one or two characters in phrase searches such as: "J. Vernon McGee"
- Keep it simple. Search "McGee" and if too many results then "Vernon McGee"
- We are happy to help you find things. Use the email link below.
- Help (comments are welcomed):