Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College

Jews in Fighter Jets

PowerPoint/Keynote Download Page

Stacks Image 19859
2676 slides in 16 presentations

This title is a major enlargement of Israel: Past, Present, and Future, which was published in 2010. Jews in Fighter Jews covers the past 2,500 years of the history of the most important and amazing nation on earth, the only nation directly created by God and called by God “my people,” the nation to whom “were committed the oracles of God” and “of whom, as concerning the flesh Christ came” (Romans 3:2; 9:5). The author has been studying Israel for nearly 45 years and has visited Israel multiple times, traveling from the Red Sea to Mt. Hermon. When I visit Israel, I feel as if the whole place is vibrating, as it were, in the anticipation of the fulfillment of prophecy. The stage is set!

These Powerpoints and/or Keynotes are a companion to the book. They are free for anyone to download, but they are designed to accompany the books, not replace them. The books are necessary both for students and teachers.

By offering the PowerPoints for free, we have reduced the price of the books to make them more affordable. The sale of the books is the only way that Way of Life is recompensed for the great labor and expense that goes into the publication of the materials. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars in research books, travel, equipment, tour guides, site fees, licensing of artwork, etc., to produce each of our major titles and the accompanying PowerPoint sets.

Here's the PowerPoint and Keynote Downloads

Powerpoint Presentations
for Windows Users

Slide sets 1-16 (one zip file)

Keynote Presentations
for Apple Users (Mac, iPad)

Slide sets 1-16 (one zip file)

Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College